This song pays tribute to the men and women of the US Armed Forces who defend the ideals of America even when the American people are divided in there ideals. |
CD: We're Americans (Soldier)
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey Sung By Ian Holmes II Music by Mark Stocker |
A musical tribute to soldiers lost in service to their country. |
CD: We' re Americans (Soldier)
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Produced By Carl S.Dorsey Sung By Paul Middleton |
A Contemporary Father's Day Song |
CD: CDO Music Group
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl Dorsey, Sung By Ian Holmes Music By Mark Stocker |
This song was written to celebrate the 100 episode of a local television station called "Lehigh Valley TEMPO". |
CD: None
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl Dorsey Music By Mark Stocker |
A Tribute To Space Shuttle Columbia's Crew |
CD: Columbia's Seven
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl Dorsey Music By James N. Bartley |
A musical tribute to soldiers lost in service to their country. |
CD: We' re Americans (Soldier)
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S.Dorsey |
Written as a song of tribute and memorial to all those who died as a result of the tragic Attack on America on September 11, 2001 |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Music By Ian Holmes and Mark Stocker, Vocals by Ian Holmes |
This song is a tribute to the Statue of Liberty written after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. It was written on Sept 12 as a song of comfort and defiance. |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Music By Mark Stocker, Vocals By Ian Holmes and Kin Conway |
This song is a tribute to the persevering American spirit written in response to September 11, 2001 |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Music By Ian Holmes and Mark Stocker Vocals By Ian Holmes and Kim Conway |
This song is a tribute to the American flag and the power it had to unify a nation in crisis after September 11, 2001 |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Music By mark stocker Vocals by ian Holmes |
This song is a September 11, 2001 widow's cry for just five more minutes to spend with their loved one before they went away. |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Muscic by Willie Rivera and Paul Middleton Vocals by Paul Middleton |
This song is a tribute to the rich diversity of America and the unity displayed in repsonse to Sept 11, 2001 |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Music By Mark Stocker, Vocals By Kim Conway and Ian Holmes |
This song is a tribute to the firefighters and police officers of New York who risked their lives to save those in the World Trade Center on Sept 11 2001 and all those in our community who come to our aide in times of crisis. |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Music By Mark Stocker, Vocals By Kim Conway and Ian Holmes |
This song is a tribute to the 2000+ towers that fell on September 11, 2001 in the Twin Towers. Each life was a tower of strength and hope in the lives of those left behind. |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Music By Steve Broadt Vocals By Carl S. Dorsey |
This song is a tribute to single mothers and single parents in general which bestows on them Nobel Prizes, Grammy's and Emmy's for all that they do. |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey, Vocals By Ian Holmes, Music by Paul Middleton |
This song is a tribute to single mothers and single parents in general which bestows on them Nobel Prizes, Grammy's and Emmy's for all that they do. |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey Vocals By Ian Holmes Music By Paul Middleton |
This song is a tribute to single mothers and single parents in general which bestows on them Nobel Prizes, Grammy's and Emmy's for all that they do. |
MP3.com CD: A Mother's Love! - buy it!
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey, Music and Vocals By Ian Holmes |
This song was written as a tribute to birthmothers who give their children a chance at life and give them up for adoption, particularly the birthmothers of my two children by way of adoption (Faith Amore and Samuel) |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written by Carl S. Dorsey Music and Sung By Ian Holmes |
This song was written as a tribute to birthmothers who give their children a chance at life and give them up for adoption, particularly the birthmothers of my two children by way of adoption (Faith Amore and Samuel) |
MP3.com CD: A Mother's Love! - buy it!
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung by Carl S. Dorsey Music By Ian Holmes |
This song was written as a tribute to birthmothers who give their children a chance at life and give them up for adoption, particularly the birthmothers of my two children by way of adoption (Faith Amore and Samuel) |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written by Carl S. Dorsey Music and Sung By Ian Holmes |
This song is a tribute to all the people and agencies that help to make parent's dreams for children and children's dreams for families come true. They include adoption, foster care, and other agencies and individuals. As the parent of two children by way of adoption, it is especially dedicated to Bethany Christian Services who were instrumental in bring Samuel and Faith Amore into our home. |
MP3.com CD: A Mother's Love! - buy it!
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music By Allen Brown Jr. |
This song is a tribute to foster parents, especially the foster parents of my two children (by way of adoption) who plant seeds of love into the live of children often not getting to see all of the fruit. |
MP3.com CD: A Mother's Love! - buy it!
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung by Carl S. Dorsey Music By Ian Holmes |
This song is a tribute to foster parents, especially the foster parents of my two children (by way of adoption) who plant seeds of love into the live of children often not getting to see all of the fruit. |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written by Carl S. Dorsey Music and Sung By Ian Holmes |
This song was written as a tribute to our first child lost in a miscarriage in the third month. We were to name her "Faith." We later adopted a little girl and named her Faith Amore. Anyone who lost a child in or near childbirth will feel this song. |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey Music and Sung By Ian Holmes |
This song was written as a tribute to our first child lost in a miscarriage in the third month. We were to name her "Faith." We later adopted a little girl and named her Faith Amore. Anyone who lost a child in or near childbirth will feel this song. |
MP3.com CD: A Mother's Love! - buy it!
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music By Ian Holmes |
This song was written as a tribute to our first child lost in a miscarriage in the third month. We were to name her "Faith." We later adopted a little girl and named her Faith Amore. Anyone who lost a child in or near childbirth will feel this song. |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey Music and Sung By Ian Holmes |
This song was written as a tribute to my two children Samuel and Faith Amore and their birthmothers who gave them a chance at life and my wife and I the chance to parent them. |
MP3.com CD: Choose Life - buy it! MP3.com CD: A Mother's Love! - buy it!
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl Dorsey Sung by Lea, Music By Mark Stocker |
This song is a tribute to my two children Samuel and Faith Amore and their birthmothers who gave them a chance at life and my wife and I a chance to parent them. |
MP3.com CD: Choose Life - buy it! MP3.com CD: A Mother's Love! - buy it!
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey Music and Vocals by Ian Holmes |
This song declares that the closest earthly thing to God's love for people is the way a mother loves her child. |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written by Carl S. Dorsey Music and Sung by Ian Holmes |
This song declares that the closest earthly thing to God's love for people is the way a mother loves her child. |
MP3.com CD: A Mother's Love! - buy it!
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music by Ian Holmes |
This song declares that the closest earthly thing to God's love for people is the way a mother loves her child. |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written by Carl S. Dorsey Music and Sung by Paul Middleton |
This song is a tribute to full-time mothers who are virtual "Wonder Women" with all the roles they play in a family, cook, cleaner, nurse, counselor...... |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey Music and Vocals by Paul Middleton |
This song is a tribute to full-time mothers who are virtual "Wonder Women" with all the roles they play in a family, cook, cleaner, nurse, counselor...... |
MP3.com CD: A Mother's Love! - buy it!
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music By Ian Holmes |
This song is a tribute to full-time mothers who are virtual "Wonder Women" with all the roles they play in a family, cook, cleaner, nurse, counselor...... |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey Music and Sung By Ian Holmes |
This song is a tribute to all children and the fact that God welcomes them with open arms. |
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl Dorsey Music By Ian Holmes |
This song is the performance track to the song "I Am A Child" and contains only instrumental music. It is a tribute to my two children, Samuel and Faith Amore and their birthmothers who gave them a chance at life and my wife and I the privilege of parenting them. |
MP3.com CD: Choose Life - buy it!
CD: Choose Life
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written by Carl S. Dorsey Music by Mark Stocker |
This song is the performance track for the song "Choose Life" and contains only instrumental music. "Choose Life" is a tribute to my two children, Samuel and Faith Amore, and their birthmothers who gave them a chance at life and my wife and I the privilege of parenting them. |
CD: Choose Life
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey Music By Ian Holmes |
This song is the performance track for the song "Choose Life" and contains only instrumental music. "Choose Life" is a tribute to my two children, Samuel and Faith Amore, and their birthmothers who gave them a chance at life and my wife and I the privilege of parenting them. |
MP3.com CD: Choose Life - buy it!
CD: Choose Life
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written By Carl S. Dorsey Music By Ian Holmes |
This song declares that more that anything else, when my life is over I want to see God, my Creator. Knowing about Him is nice. Hearing Him is good. Feeling Him is GREAT! But seeing Him dwarfs knowing, feeling and hearing Him in comparison. It makes life worth the living. |
CD: Intimate With God
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music By Steve Broadt |
This songs declares that even in complete silence we can make statements to God and to one another. Here I share that my silence says "I love You to God." |
CD: Intimate With God
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music By JasonThompson |
This song declares that if God, Our Creator, is truly God of our lives then we must step down off of the throne of our lives to make room for Him to step on the throne of our lives. |
CD: Intimate With God
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music By Ian Holmes |
This song declares that the best of words man can conjure up can't come close to describing God and all that He is to me. |
CD: Intimate With God
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music by Ian Holmes |
This song challenges me and others to look at the situations they face in life not through mere natural eyes but also through the eyes of faith believing that things can change for the better. |
CD: Intimate With God
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music By Steve Marcks |
There was a book written by the title of "My Utmost For His Highest" and a musical collection patterned after it. I thought it strange that no one had taken time to write a song specifically with that as the title and theme is I did. Afterall, God, our Creator gave all that He had for us. Why shouldn't we give all that we have back to Him? |
CD: Intimate With God
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music by Jason Thompson |
This songs declares that there is an intimacy that exceeds the deepest of intimacy any man and woman can share with one another. That intimacy is with God, the very one who created us. Who else could know us and love us more? Whom should we know and love more? |
CD: Intimate With God
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music By Steve Marcks |
This song is a prayer for mercy and forgiveness from our Creator, God. He has high standards that I often fail to meet. This song was written in response to one of those times of failure. |
CD: Intimate With God
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music by Steve Marcks |
This song is a tribute to the people on United Flight 93 who fought their hijackers on September 11, 2001 and saved lives on the grong. |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CO Music Group
Credits: Music By Willie Rivera and Paul Middleton vocals By Carl S. Dorsey |
This song comforts the family, friends and loved ones who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001 letting them know that when hate tried to take them down, their love lifted them. |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Music By Steven Marcks Vocals By Carl Dorsey |
This song was written at the World Trade Center after Septemebr 11, 2001. At 1 A.M. I sat there too awestruck to cry. Seeing others freely weeping, I wrote "Borrowed Tears". |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Music By Jason Thompson Vocals By Carl S. Dorsey |
This song is a tribute to those lost on Sept 11 written from the perspective of their loved ones left behind. |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Muisc By Steven Marcks Vocals By Carl S. Dorsey |
This song was written to capsulize all of the themes that characterized how people reacted to September 11, 2001. In God We Trust, United We Stand, etc. |
MP3.com CD: We're Americans - buy it!
CD: We're Americans
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Muisc By James Bartley Vocals By Carl Dorsey |
This song was written as a reflection of the 2000 Presidential election that were drawn out into the holiday season. |
MP3.com CD: A Presidential Christmas! - buy it!
CD: A Presidential Christmas
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S.Dorsey |
This song describes what Gov. Bush must have felt like waiting for the concession call from Vive President Gore that never came. |
MP3.com CD: A Presidential Christmas! - buy it!
CD: A Presidential Christmas
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S.Dorsey |
With the election decision being carried into the holiday season, this song heralds the prominent call to "Recount" the ballots over and over again. |
MP3.com CD: A Presidential Christmas! - buy it!
CD: A Presidential Christmas
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S.Dorsey |
MP3.com CD: A Presidential Christmas! - buy it!
CD: A Presidential Christmas
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S.Dorsey |
This song reflects the public's discontent with the drawn out process by which a winner of the 2000 Presidential election was determined which went past Thanksgiving into the holiday season. |
MP3.com CD: A Presidential Christmas! - buy it!
CD: A Presidential Christmas
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S.Dorsey |
This song is a tribute to little children and God's great love for them. He welcomes them into his arms as reflections of His love. When adults would displace them, God, their Creator welcomes them. |
MP3.com CD: A Mother's Love! - buy it!
CD: A Mother's Love
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S. Dorsey Music By Ian Holmes |
This song is a call to all voters to come and share in the inauguration of our "finally-elected" President. |
MP3.com CD: A Presidential Christmas! - buy it!
CD: A Presidential Christmas
Label: CDO Music Group
Credits: Written and Sung By Carl S.Dorsey |