I'm not talking waylon Jennings or Johnny Cash.
Christ comes Back, dressed in black to Jerusalem during the siege of Bethlehem. He knows the pain the people suffer in the conflict on both sides and prays for peace in the Holy Land. |
MP3.com CD: War and Peace - buy it! MP3.com CD: Bush Whacking - buy it!
It describes a cattle run that turn into stampede to war. It has a young cowboy who never been to War leading a nation to war. We are the cattle, Bush is the young cowhand. It reflects what is going on in America presently. |
MP3.com CD: Bush Whacking - buy it!
CD: Bushwhacking Mp3.com
Credits: Performed Produced and written by George J. Bleich |
This satire questions the timing of attack on Iraq and lethal weapons in the world. Saddam Mouse will remind you of Mickey Mouse Club |
MP3.com CD: Bush Whacking - buy it!
Credits: Written and perfprmed by Bleich |
Three White doves ",was started while painting in Assisi, Italy in the beautiful hills of Umbria where St. Francis lived in a cave. A song about peace written in a beautiful place of peace .
The song is about a true wonderful almost mystical experience there..
MP3.com CD: War and Peace - buy it!
Credits: Bleich singing his song and playing Yamaha PSR |
A warning, if we render violence to some one,we shall find it returned seven fold on us and in the future on our children. |
MP3.com CD: War and Peace - buy it!
A song for peaceful demonstrations. It uses the military command to turn away from war and those who would lead us into a war that we feel that there may be another alternative. |
MP3.com CD: Bush Whacking - buy it!
Credits: George J. Bleich singing and playing Yamaha PSR9000 His original Song |
George Bush while leading the U.S. to war is oblivious to the ecomomy and needs of Americans. |
MP3.com CD: Bush Whacking - buy it!
Credits: George Bleich (1 man band) yamaha PSR9000 |
A lighter peace song. Wishing I were the man in the moon . I’d move the world toward peace like I moved the tides. I’d beam a message of peace and love and tell the world to take it slow. |
MP3.com CD: Bush Whacking - buy it!
Credits: Produced,written and Performed by Bleich |
A song encouraging people to dream and than do it. |
MP3.com CD: War and Peace - buy it!
Scatter My Ashes at Sea, Have you ever thought of scattering your ashes at sea? Do you have friends or relatives who did just that . A Sailors Wish, ashes is about melding your ashes with the sea.
MP3.com CD: War and Peace - buy it!
Credits: Written, produced and performed by George J. Bleich |
" Drums of War" Drums of war ask questions The whys and why nots.Why and what will the consequences be. The saving grace of Democracy is more than our right to disagree! It is our American Responsibility
MP3.com CD: Bush Whacking - buy it!
CD: War , Peace and Politics in the New Millenium MP3 .COM
Credits: Written and performed by George J. Bleich |
A song celebrating the commonality of the offspring of Abraham. It focus is the desire of seeking peace in the world as an alternative to those choose violence. |
MP3.com CD: War and Peace - buy it!
Credits: George J. Bleich writing, playing, singing A yamaha PSR9000 |
Comparing love to the pyramids |
MP3.com CD: War and Peace - buy it!
Credits: Written By Evans annd Bleich Producedand Performed by Bleich berformrdGeorge |
“Family of Man” is to me what “This land is your land.” is to Woodie Gutherie. It is an athem to humanity’s family which we are all a part of. We’re just a family.
MP3.com CD: War and Peace - buy it!
Credits: Bleich singing playing his song on Yamaha PSR9000 |
Traveling across America, Exploring it Beauty, Cities and towns. Responding with love and pride, Feeling and loving freedom. |
Credits: produced written and performed by Bleich |
A love song for New York from America
The strength of New York and America is how we can come together as one in our hours of need. |
MP3.com CD: Bush Whacking - buy it!
Credits: Bleich singing, playing his song on Yamaha PSR9000 |
"9/11/2001" This patriotic song uses 9/11/2001 as a battle cry to rally the spirit of America for the long haul in our fight against terrorism. It reflects on the attack on the World Trade Center. It recalls the battle cries of past wars
MP3.com CD: Bush Whacking - buy it!
Credits: Bleich Singing and playing his song Yamaha PSR9000 |
Homage to the heroes of the USSCole,
My Father was missing in Action in The North Atlantic, WW2, The first part was written forHim ,Captain Harry Bleich, A verse for JFK, The rest for the Cole and the Navy, |
MP3.com CD: War and Peace - buy it!
Credits: produced ,written and performed By Bleich |
This deals with the holier than thou individuals, That we all run across in our lives. They have some redeeming graces but tolerance is not one of them. |
MP3.com CD: Bush Whacking - buy it!
Credits: Produced ,written and performed byBleich |
Use the constellation Orion as a memorial to heroes who accept the challenge of risk by their profession. |
MP3.com CD: War and Peace - buy it!
Credits: By George J, Bleich |