An upbeat rocker for all you haters, likers and fuckers out there. |
CD: Burning Man
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Music and Lyrics by Eric Brian Mayron |
Loyal to a fault and slave to the telephone entangle these lovers in a cross-town power struggle. |
CD: ek-fa
Label: J-Bird Records (www.jbirdrecords.com)
Credits: Music and Lyrics by Eric Brian Mayron |
brutal DLX pontificates on not-so-instant karma. |
CD: ek-fa
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Lyrics and Music by Eric Brian Mayron |
A groovy odd-time riff and undeniable chorus make this one a hit with the record guys. They have no idea what it's really about. |
CD: ek-fa
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Music and Lyrics by Eric Brian Mayron |
A swaggering ballad of next morning regret. |
CD: Burning Man
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Music and Lyrics by Eric Brian Mayron |
Post-teen apathy becomes a mass for shut-ins. This song was one around which brutal DLX was formed |
CD: Burning Man
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Music & Lyrics by Eric Brian Mayron |
An alternative country waltz around the source of all inspiration and about being in "the zone." |
CD: ek-fa
Label: J-Bird Records (www.jbirdrecords.com)
Credits: Music and Lyrics by Eric Brian Mayron |
An electric folk ballad on missed opportunities and rainy days gone by. |
CD: Burning Man
Label: J-Bird Records (www.jbirdrecords.com)
Credits: Lyrics and Music by Eric Brian Mayron |
A real pain ballad if ever there was one, this one really channels the P.J. Harvey within. |
CD: All Around You (Forthcoming)
Credits: by Eric Brian Mayron |
More in the brutal DLX meets Sextus (also on mp3.com) team up. This one includes Shana as our sing along-er. More surround fun for you Dolby ProLogic surround rig. |
CD: All Around You (Forthcoming)
Credits: by Eric Dover and Eric Brian Mayron |
Friends make the best lovers. This song is a tribute to "taking it to the next level." |
CD: All Around You (Forthcoming)
Label: J-Birdrecords
Credits: by Eric Brian Mayron & Eric Dover |
A phonetic riddle based on Mexican Spanish sets the stage for a Mexican biker to fall for a Japanese jet-set girl. He will win her heart with a strong message of love in Japanese, Spanish, and, their common language, English. Mixed in Dolby ProLogic Surround (LCRS). |
CD: All Around You (Forthcoming)
Credits: Lyrics and music by Eric Brian Mayron |
A total reworking (in progress) by our good buddy, Headshop (www.arthodge.com). Features DJ Swamp on tables and a new guitar solo by brutal himself. |
CD: All Around You (Forthcoming)
Label: none
Credits: Word and Music by Eric Brian Mayron |
FuturoProgressiveGrooveRock. Lyrics based on an ad-hoc hypothesis of the immense gravitational pull of a sun, the true function of planetary orbit, and the destiny of a co-dependent little blue ball. Features the world class turntablisms of DJ Swamp. |
CD: All Around You
Credits: Lyrics and Music by Eric Brian Mayron |
Universal realization of self-reprioritization. Beat boxes and bass synths with guitars for texture topped with a lush group vocal. An electronic folk rock song for the new millenium.
CD: All Around You (Forthcoming)
Credits: Lyrics and Music by Eric Brian Mayron |
A brutalDLX/Sextus teamup, this song is set in the evidence collection process of the mysterious death of the enigmatic Rolling Stones' visionary lead guitarist. |
CD: All Around You (Forthcoming)
Credits: Words and Music by Eric Dover and Eric Mayron |
Since the beginning of time, the one thing that has remained consistent is change. Wouldn't it be nice to park it for awhile? |
CD: Burning Man
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: by Eric Brian Mayron |
Punk Rock ditty about self-acceptance. The character in the song seeks acceptance through other kids, his boss at work, and the world through playing in a band. |
CD: ek-fa
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: by Eric Brian Mayron |
A punk rocky ride from Union Station to North Hollywood, one way, real fast. And our driver: Casey Jones... |
CD: All Around You (Forthcoming)
Credits: by Eric Brian Mayron |
Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo, London...
everywhere that is anywhere has the same problem: not enough space. "Crowded" is more than just a song, it's a lifestyle. |
CD: All Around You (Forthcoming)
Credits: by Eric Brian Mayron |
Turn Around is the very first recording by brutal DLX. It is about the power of positivity to triumph over negativity. |
CD: Burning Man
Label: J-bird Records
Credits: Music and Lyrics by Eric Brian Mayron |
TV and War go together like breakfast and orange juice. This is a punk rock tribute to tragedy, television and war in the middle east. |
CD: Burning Man
Label: J-Birdrecords
Credits: Lyrics and Music by Eric Brian Mayron |
This ode to the Pacific recalls the sounds of early southern Cali punk bands like X. It suggests that, one day, our world will be uninhabitable and we will live in bubbles, Under The Ocean. |
CD: Burning Man
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Lyrics and Music by Eric Brian Mayron |
A folk ballad. Mother earth reaches out for her children as they are slowly but surely slipping away. |
CD: Burning Man
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Lyrics and Music by Eric Brian Mayron |
A range of styles from folk to powerpop combine to create a finely woven silk describing the voice which calls us all to the road. |
CD: ef-fa
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Words and Music by Eric Brian Mayron |
A musical interlude from our second album. |
CD: ek-fa
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Music and Lyrics by Eric Brian Mayron |
The Conclusion is the closer on brutal DLX' first opus Burning Man. A tribute to Captain America, a fitting close. |
CD: Burning Man
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Music and Lyrics by Eric Brian Mayron |
The opening cut off ek-fa is a raw story of gun brandishing in Los Angeles. |
CD: ek-fa
Label: J-Bird Records
Credits: Music and Lyrics by Eric Mayron & Chris Koster |