One of Plow Monday's most popular songs, it appears on their first album, Blank, as well as their newest record, Second Glance Appeal. It's an absolute roller coaster ride of a song, grabbing you from the very fist downbeat, sending you through twists and turns of melody and rhythm, and ends by thrusting you into the heart of the most basic emotion of need. |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank, Second Glance Appeal
Credits: words by Jonathan English; music by Plow Monday |
Finally, the full studio version of Wishing Well, recorded during the DC sessions in Summer of 2001. Check out the awesome hand drumming! |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank
Here's the newest version of Blank, recorded during the DC sessions in the Summer of 2001. |
CD: Blank
A 6/8 time song that you can see in your mind as you hear the music. The opening track to their new CD, the song paints vivid images of old memories and broken hopes. |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank
The title track to Plow Monday's new album, this song is straight up College Rock: big hook, big guitars, and lyrics that everyone who's ever been in love can understand. |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank
Label: No Label
A catchy, 4/4 pop song with a chorus hook that will be stuck in your head, whether you like it or not! |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank
Label: No label
This song is just flat out addictive. A building, driving, rock song with a big chorus and catchy lyrics. But the real focus of this song is the guitar work; sonically, this is just a gem. |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank
A slower, haunting song that shows off the band's sensitive side. Musically dark but with a warm touch. |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank
A song that screams TURN IT UP from the opening note! Everyone in the car has to sing this chorus together! |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank
An all-acoustic tribute to the band's families. |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank
A slow song, with a country ballad feel. Its dramatic lyrical imagery has been known to make people cry. Also, the song features a stirring violin solo by guest musician Alan Lockett. |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank
An epic song which ties together the drama a four year relationship, from getting together, to losing each other, to watching her find someone else, and what it means to really love someone in the first place. |
MP3.com CD: Blank - buy it!
CD: Blank
This song was cut from Plow Monday's album, Blank. It seemed a little too poppy for the mood of the record. But it's still a great song about watching that girl from across a crowded room, making up excuses about not going over there... |
MP3.com CD: Plow Monday: Just the singles - buy it!
Another song that never quite got finished. It's still a little ragged, so it didn't go on the album. But it's a sweet song, filled with bright-eyed, 17 year-old innocence. Here's the un-mastered studio cut.Jenny if you ever stumble across this site, this is still your song... |
MP3.com CD: Plow Monday: Just the singles - buy it!
Christmas present for David and Jonathan's little sister, who's in her first year of college. We love you, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, Penny! |
MP3.com CD: Plow Monday: Just the singles - buy it!
Here's a song from back in the mid-90s when Plow Monday was brand new and their attitude was all about ROCKIN'! Looking back on it, some of these songs had a pretty cool groove... we just played them WAY too fast! |
CD: Head Full of Windows
Here's the song that the Austin Chronicle called catchy but "lyrically naive". Look, here's the deal... you're 19, you've been a Christian metal-head pastor's son your whole life, and then you got to the University of Texas at Austin and you start to figure out the world isn't what it seems... you have to express yourself somehow! This was the kinder, gentler Plow Monday, but you can see the bitterness about God already beginning to form! |
CD: Societal Jive
Somewhere, somehow, someday, this song needs to be re-recorded. This song has so many awesome elements, one of the best early Plow Monday tunes, but the recording really didn't do it justice. This song has got to be revived somehow by someone. What is the most amazing is that this song was written about nothing in particular back then, and the lyrics seem to fit today's headlines perfectly! |
CD: Societal Jive
Old, old Plow Monday tune from back in their experimental "don't 18-year-olds know everything" days. |
CD: Head Full of Windows
Another old, old Plow Monday tune centered around everyone's favorite Halucinogen and the injustice (that was in place at the time) of not allowing Native Americans to practice their religion using these drugs. |
CD: Head Full of Windows
WHOOHOO! Why did the Seattle sound have to die? We were so good at imitating it! I don't think anyone in the band actually wore flannel back then, but we mainly played metal clubs, and we snuck a bunch of drinks (cause we weren't 21... one of us wasn't even 18!) |
CD: Societal Jive
This is one of the first times in Plow Monday Olden Tymes that our desire to play riff-based rock/metal came together with a hint of a hook and melody line. This song wasn't half bad... but it wasn't all good either. |
CD: Societal Jive
Again, don't confuse this song with Plow Monday's most recent musical stylings. This song is all rock, all anger, even a little metal. It's a big riff, and it made our fingers bleed when we played it live. But still, it was a crowd favorite back in 1997! |
Oh GOD! This song is only on the site to appease the oldest, most hard-core fans. This song was written before Plow Monday was Plow Monday, when they were a group called Societal Jive. Pay no attention to the "hook", just try and focus on the fact that there was some really good musicianship being displayed here. (the group was a Christian metal band at this point)... |
CD: Societal Jive