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    "Only A Broken Heart"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:moderate/Mood:upbeat CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Jin"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:slow/Mood:mellow CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Jenni And The Boys"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:moderate/Mood:upbeat CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Breath"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:slow/Mood:mellow CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Unbound"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:moderate/Mood:upbeat CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "That Rainy Day"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:slow/Mood:melancholy CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Sweet Li'l Belegana"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:fast/Mood:upbeat CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Canyon's Wedding"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:moderate/Mood:mellow CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Who's To Blame Me?"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:moderate/Mood:mellow CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Passion Flower"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:moderate/Mood:upbeat CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Moonlight In Musk"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo:slow/Mood:tranquil CD: RUINS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "The Baren Tree"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: moderate/Mood: upbeat CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music and lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Who'll Save Alice?"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: moderate/Mood: mellow CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music and lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Sunday Morning"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: slow/Mood: mellow CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music and lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Rite Of Passage"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: moderate/Mood: upbeat CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music and lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Apologies"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: moderate/Mood: upbeat CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music and lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "The Way You Make Me Feel"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: fast/Mood: upbeat CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music and lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Better Days"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: slow/Mood: mellow CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music and lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "On Eagles' Wings"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: slow/Mood: tranquil CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music and lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Field Full Of Clover"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: fast/Mood: upbeat CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music by Randall Taylor/lyrics by Ron Walkshorse and Randall Taylor
    "Baghdad Highway"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: fast/Mood: upbeat CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music and lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Long Way Around"genre: Folk Rock
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    Tempo: moderate/Mood: upbeat CD: BADLANDS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: music and lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Take me down"genre: Folk Rock
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    Expresses the bitter half of bitter/sweet duality. CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw" - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw"
    Credits: written by Randall Taylor
    "Moab"genre: Folk Rock
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    A song about self-awakening through self-denial. CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw" - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw"
    Credits: written by Randall Taylor
    "Nobody to lean on"genre: Folk Rock
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    A cool retro-sixtyish kind of groove CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw" - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw"
    Credits: written by Randall Taylor
    "Hold on"genre: Folk Rock
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    "Hold on" was written out of reflection and appreciation(and many tears). Nothing more should really be said. CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw" - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw"
    Credits: written by Randall Taylor
    "Race the moon"genre: Folk Rock
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    A rockish tune about the "American way"(debt,bills,consolidation)versus the "American dream." Living poor and dying poorer-its all there. Can you tell that it was written around "tax time?" We've lovingly dedicated this one to all of our friends at the I.R.S. CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw" - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw"
    Credits: written by Randall Taylor
    "Sex is a rough world"genre: Folk Rock
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    Journies into the raw psyche of sensuality. A soft, bluesy feel. Turn the lights down a little for this one CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw" - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw"
    Credits: written by Randall Taylor
    "Don't really know why"genre: Folk Rock
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    Grandmother always told me never to play with sharp objects. "Don't touch the flame or you'll get burned." Yeah, its kind of like that. CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw" - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw"
    Credits: written by Randall Taylor
    "Of willow and reed"genre: Folk Rock
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    A fun song about resilience against a basic 'down-home-taken-for-a-ride-down-the-river' world. Wanna take a ride down the river? CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw" - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw"
    Credits: written by Randall Taylor
    "Bless the nations"genre: Folk Rock
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    In 1973 the government forces of the United States including F.B.I.,National Guard,B.I.A.and Tribal Police invaded a sovereign nation and proceeded to take over the tiny community of Wounded Knee at Pine Ridge,South Dakota. What ensued was a desperate standoff. Outmatched and outnumbered the people stood to,once again,defend themselves against the abolishment of their rights and freedoms. This is our "honor song". CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw" - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw"
    Credits: Written by Randall Taylor
    "Love or none"genre: Folk Rock
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    Recognition for continuance and the pain involved in moving on is the theme here. Softly countryish, warm and soulfully relaxed. Enjoy! CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw" - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Lizzy Redshawl "Raw"
    Credits: written by Randall Taylor
    "Quanah"genre: Folk Rock
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    Indigenous Folk/Accoustic
    Credits: music & lyrics by Rico Cordova
    "Sun's Song"genre: Folk Rock
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    Credits: music by Rico Cordova & lyrics by Randall Taylor
    "Reflections"genre: Folk Rock
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    Credits: music by Rico Cordova
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