About the drugging of large swathes of children, for no better reason than that they're 'difficult'. Whatever happened to childcare and education? |
CD: I Protest
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: All - Charlotte Peters Rock |
About 96 Squadron's defence of Liverpool, during the Blitz (1941), from RAF Cranage, Byley, Cheshire. |
CD: 20th Century
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Charlotte Peters Rock (All) |
Protest song against the proposed endangering of lives and desecration of the Cheshire Countryside - to make profit for Scottish Power |
CD: I Protest
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Charlotte Peters Rock (All) |
Song about the Maldive Islands |
CD: Peaceful Breezes
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: All - Charlotte Peters Rock |
Winner of Poynton Folk Festival Songwriting Competition - 31.3.02.
Comments: Mike Silver - 31.3.02 "I really like that song". Jim Couza - 5.4.02 "What a wonderful song".
A celebration of mothers of large families, who 'just got on with it' feeding,rearing clothing and looking after their own families - and any other children who needed it. They're a breed which is rapidly dying out. |
CD: Twentieth Century
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song about the reaction of an involved individual, killed in the dreadful carnage on 11th September, 2001, at The World Trade Centre |
CD: I Protest
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, engineered and sung by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song voices an objection to the forced 'religion' and facelessness of Pashtun - and other - women. |
CD: I Protest
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: written engineered and sung by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song about the pull between accepting that Afghans are slaughtering each other - and other people - daily, yet Afghans, desperate for a better life are also refugees in great need of help |
CD: I Protest
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, engineered and sung by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song about Palestine desperation in their own country |
CD: I Protest
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Charlotte Peters Rock |
Protest song about the shambolic treatment of animals and humans by officials and politicians, in the Foot & Mouth outbreak |
CD: Foot & Mouth - Pie in the Sky
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: all credits Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song about letting life go to live |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Protest song about the way the people of Derry have been served - over centuries. Language plays a large part in suppression of rights. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
About putting life into perspective. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song about explorers in the High Arctic. based on The Franklin Expedition - and others. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded, engineered and Published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
About subsistence whaling, which has kept whole communities alive in the Northern waters for many thousands of years. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
In the early seventies a world zoo breeding programme crossed lion females with tiger males to produce tigons. Rangini was/is the sole survivor. She lives/lived in calcutta Zoo |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song about life between the wars, when clogs were often the main working footwear, the work was hard, but life was good. Traditional folk style. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung,recorded and engineered by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song about coping with poverty - via the pawn shop. Setting - 1930s |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded and engineered by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song about saving the wild places in the sea - especially those places which ar not warm not greatly visited. Protest. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Berlin cabaret style song - touching on the humerous |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte peters Rock |
Song about working towards what you really want - and siezing opportunities as they present. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song about the indomitability of the Jews. They are moving back into Berlin, as a better alternative to remaining in Russia. This influx has increased since the Wall came down. Of course they bring their musical traditions - which are much prized in Berlin. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written,sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
A song about a mother letting go. When all the family's men go to sea - and some never return - it must grieve mothers to know that could be the fate of their little sons |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
About Irish men going home through Holyhead on the ferry. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Song based on a true story. In May 1998, Wilfred Critchley set out, from Knott End near Blackpool, for the Isle of Man, to see his brother. He was in a converted canal boat. He had been brought back once by the coastguards, as his vessel was unseaworthy. He managed to get three quarters of he way across, (he was seen by another vessel), His body was washed up in Holyhead in early June, 1998. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, sung, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
A story in verse about the irish Sun God, Lugh. |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: An original cast on a trdaitional myth - by Charlotte Peters Rock |
Extrapolation, after meeting a young seagull, walking backwards in a high wind on Llandudno Promenade. (Wales) |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: Written, performed, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |
A story about the first story, the only story |
MP3.com CD: Flying Free - buy it!
CD: Flying Free
Label: Manatee Press
Credits: written, spoken, recorded, engineered and published by Charlotte Peters Rock |