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    "WISHES (Duet with Valerie Carter)"genre: Acoustic
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    Valerie Carter has been a member of James Taylor's band for years as well as a star in her own right. She has a heart of pure gold, and it was really an honor to have the privilege of singing with her. She has also sung with Linda Ronstadt, Randy Newman, Jackson, and many, many of my musical friends. The song is about wishing I wasn't wishing all these impossible things. CD: Awakening Sampler - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Awakening
    Credits: Valerie Carter: Lead, Harmony and Backing Vocal; J'Anna Jacoby: Violin; Erika Walczak: Violin; Ming Pak: Viola; Kevan Torfeh: Cello; Ida Bodin: Bowed Double-Bass; Brad Steed: String Arrangement; Stephen Paul: Guitar and Vocals, Chime. Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul, assisted by Scott Swink © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "THE AWAKENING"genre: Pop Vocals
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    Acoustic Rock to the max. The lyric and song sheet pretty much say it all. CD: Awakening Sampler - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Awakening
    Credits: Julie Field: Harmony, Backup, and Chorale Vocals, Rand Bishop: Harmony Vocals; Arno Lucas: Percussion; Scott Swink: Chorale Vocals; Henry Newmark: Drums; Stephen Paul: Lead, Harmony, Backup, and Chorale Vocals, 6 and 12-string Acoustic and Electric Guitars, 6-string Fretless Bass, Hammond B-3, Theremin, Synthesizers, String Arrangements, Magnatone Lap Slide Guitar, Percussion. Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul, assisted by Scott Swink © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "ONCE IN A LIFETIME"genre: Acoustic
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    Once in a lifetime you might find... you'll get the idea. CD: Force of Habit - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Nearer to the Sun   Label: Beachwood Recordings [33086-8777-2]
    Credits: Jennifer Meller: Backing and Harmony Vocals; Rand Bishop; Backing and Harmony Vocals; Michael Mugrage: Lead Electric Guitars; Arno Lucas: Percussion; Henry Newmark: Kat Drums; Stephen Paul: Lead, Backing and Harmony Vocals, Acoustic 12-String Guitar, Bass; Produced by: Rand Bishop and Stephen Paul; Engineered by: Stephen Paul; Assisted by Scott Swink; Mastered by: Arnie Acosta at A&M © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "ONLY A MATTER OF TIME"genre: AAA/Adult Alternative
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    A medssage to all those who would make their point through terror...
    CD: Unreleased   Label: Built On Dreams Recordings
    Credits: Rand Bishop: Backing Vocals; Henry Newmark: Drums; Stephen Paul: Lead and Harmony vocals, Electric Guitars, 6 string Fretless Bass; Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul; Assisted by Scott Swink; © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "SOMETHING WE CAN DO"genre: Acoustic
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    A journey back in time a half a millenium. A Fleetwood Mac-style kick intro flows into a Stills-like modal acoustic guitar,('68 35) and along with Arno Lucas's absolutely enchanting percussion virtuosity, a magical night under the stars is recreated. CD: Force of Habit - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Awakening   Label: Beachwood Recordings [33086-2737-2]
    Credits: Arno Lucas: Percussion; Henry Newmark: Drums; Stephen Paul: Vocals, Acoustic Guitars, P-Bass, Synthesizers, Bells, Tambourine. Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul, assisted by Scott Swink © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "BRAND NEW DAY"genre: Acoustic
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    Brand New Day is a song about hope. You know, like maybe it will look better in the morning. As Woody Allen used to say, "Love causes tension, sex relieves it..."(g). It's just myself, my guitar, and my friend Michael Mugrage playing some absolutely beautiful electric softly woven through. Of course, Arno Lucas is always gently moving his percussion throughout. Rand Bishop sings harmony and did a bit of rhythm programming.
    CD: Nearer to the Sun   Label: Beachwood Recordings [33086-8777-2]
    Credits: Rand Bishop: Harmony Vocals, Rhythm Programming; Michael Mugrage: Electric Guitar, Bass; Arno Lucas: Percussion; Stephen Paul: Lead and Harmony Vocals, Acoustic Guitar; Produced by Stephen Paul and Rand Bishop; Engineered by Stephen Paul; Assisted by Scott Swink; Mastered by Arnie Acosta at A&M; © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "FREEDOM MACHINE (solo acoustic)"genre: Acoustic
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    This is another song about my take on being in the military, and being an American. It's also about how everything we do affects everyone else. The song is firmly rooted in my folk background, a là Pete Seeger (who was produced by John Hammond Sr. my producer on Columbia), with a Dylan-esque content, and of course as in all my songs, a little piece of my dear friend Jackson always seems to peek out a bit(g). It's a pretty funky recording, but the only known tape so far, recorded during a rehearsal for a show to a small stereo cassette machine. Notes on remastering which apply to all recordings here, on the lyric page. CD: Force of Habit - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Unreleased
    Credits: Stephen Paul: Vocal, Guild Jumbo 12-string. © 1993 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "MY SWEET GUITAR (6 string instrumental)"genre: Acoustic
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    Just making intimate friends with my sweet 1968 Brazilian rosewood Martin. (Story on the lyric page.) CD: My Sweet Guitar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Unreleased   Label: Built On Dreams Records
    Credits: Stephen Paul: 6 string steel guitar; Engineered by Stephen Paul; © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "FLY AWAY (features DAVID LINDLEY)"genre: Pop Vocals
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    Solid acoustic/electric rock-and-roll. The cut features (Mr. Dave) David Lindley and his screaming National Lap Steel slide guitar. (You Jackson Browne fans will immediately recognize Lindley's signature sound made so famous on "Running On Empty" etc.). Fly Away is what I wanted to do when I suddenly realized how much work it would take to get off the Wheel. CD: Awakening Sampler - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Awakening
    Credits: David Lindley: Electric Lap Slide, Bass Mandolin (The Lindleymobile); Julie Field: Harmony and Backing Vocals, Arno Lucas: Percussion; Henry Newmark: Drums; Stephen Paul: Lead, Harmony and Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Hammond B3, P-Bass, Tambourine. Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul, assisted by Scott Swink © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "THERE'S ONLY YOU AND ME"genre: AAA/Adult Alternative
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    This is a vintage (unreleased as yet) cut. It's quite rock-oriented, and I love the spectacular guitar solo at the end by Michael Mugrage it's pretty magnificent. Dancing fingers! And Henry's Peter Gabriel-style tom line at the climax is also incredible. Small format 16! Lots of tech data on the Lyric Page. CD: Force of Habit - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Unreleased   Label: Built On Dreams Music
    Credits: Michael Mugrage: Electric Guitar, Wal Bass; Henry Newmark: Kat Drums; Stephen Paul: Lead and Harmony Vocals, Grand Piano, Keyboards; Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul; © 1992 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "STILL WATERS"genre: Acoustic
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    This is a solo instrumental piece I recorded late one night sitting on the edge of my bed. It was just one of those nights. Soft, melodic, magical wings enfolding me in the soft arms of the spring evening. If you listen very closely, you can actually hear the crickets chirping outside my open window! This piece reminds me of a haiku I wrote: A lonely flute/ Played at dusk on a high cliff/ Night settles softly/ Peace © 2000 Stephen Paul CD: My Sweet Guitar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Force of Habit   Label: Built On Dreams Music
    Credits: Stephen Paul: Acoustic 6-string guitar © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "SEND ME AN ANGEL"genre: Pop Vocals
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    I could really use one right now... couldn't we all... My tribute to Curt Boetcher, (Producer and singer, "Cherish" etc.) Gary Usher, (Producer of Sweetheart of the Rodeo and other Byrds records, co-writer "In My Room, 409") The Beatles, and Brian Wilson. Over 64 vocal tracks, and the entire cut finished in three days. And boy, was Scott pooped!! Couldn't keep up, poor boy! Hee hee.
    CD: The Awakening
    Credits: Arno Lucas: Percussion; Henry Newmark: Drums; Matthias Rykert: Violin; Laurie Lenehan:Violin; Darrin McCann: Viola; Adrienne Grossman: Cello; Stephen Paul: Lead, Harmony and Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitars,Stratocaster 12 and 6-string Electric Lead Guitars, Synthesizers, Percussion, P-Bass and 6-string Fretless Bass. Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul, Assisted by Scott Swink © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "ONE DAY (w/ PINK FLOYD'S SCOTT PAGE)"genre: AAA/Adult Alternative
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    This is actually sort of a gospel R&B kind of tune, kind of a tribute to the time I spent as an artist on Atlantic Records (thank you Ahmet,) watching artists like Aretha record, and to my love of Van Morrison's music. Scott Page performs an absolutely astounding saxophone solo which is not to be missed. And the church girls headed up by Lauren Wood did an incredible job. Everyone paints such a bleak view of the future... I wondered what it might be like if we finally stopped squabbling, and learned to live together. Some dreams just won't die. Get onboard and rock on.
    CD: The Awakening
    Credits: Scott Page: Tenor Saxophone; Julie Field: Harmony Vocal; Lauren Wood, Lindsay Tomasic and Alex Hatanaka: Backing Vocals; Brad Steed: Grand Piano; Michael Mugrage: Electric Lead Guitar; Arno Lucas: Percussion; Henry Newmark: Drums; Stephen Paul: Lead, Harmony and Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, P-Bass, Hammond B3, Tambourine. Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul, Assisted by Scott Swink © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "TOMBSTONE"genre: Acoustic
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    Tombstone is a town in Arizona where... oops! Different song... This was written as a reflection on the analogy between relationships and Boot Hill. Uh, that is, lifetimes. Both relationships and lives have a span it seems, sometimes we may be glad when it's over and sometimes we may not. I guess this is about one of those times when I was not. Solid acoustic rock guitar work, a complex tapestry acting as the warp to the lyric's woof. A fabric woven of love and ghosts. CD: Force of Habit - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Nearer to the Sun   Label: Beachwood Recordings [33086-8777-2]
    Credits: Jennifer Meller: Backing Vocals; Rand Bishop: Backing and Harmony Vocals; Arno Lucas: Percussion; Henry Newmark: Kat Drums; Stephen Paul: Lead and Harmony Vocals, Wha Guitar, Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars; Produced by: Rand Bishop and Stephen Paul; Engineered by: Stephen Paul; Assisted by Scott Swink; Mastered by: Arnie Acosta at A&M; © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "Grey Day (12 string instrumental)"genre: Acoustic
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    Grey Day is another one of my crazy little guitar instrumentals, this time featuring Big Bertha, otherwise known as my Guild Jumbo 12 string. I was looking out the window, and it was one of those kind of overcast days, so I sat down with my giant 12 string and decided to brighten it up a bit. Just me and Bertha having some fun. CD: My Sweet Guitar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Force of Habit   Label: Built On Dreams Music
    Credits: Stephen Paul: Guild Jumbo 12 string; Engineered by: Stephen Paul; © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "BEST THINGS IN LIFE (with DAVID LINDLEY)"genre: Acoustic
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    This cut features Valerie Carter back with me on backing vocals, Julie Field singing harmony, and David Lindley adding a Mediterranean feel to a calypso mood with a spritely bazouki track. Though it was a long time ago I still remember with great fondness the lifestyle I lead without a penny in my pocket. If you have ever dreamed of a simpler life, and complete happiness within it, this is a song I'm sure you will enjoy. CD: Force of Habit - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Awakening
    Credits: David Lindley: Bazoukis; Valerie Carter: Backing Vocals; Julie Field: Harmony Vocal; Arno Lucas: Percussion; Stephen Paul: Lead, Harmony and Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitars, P-Bass, Accordion, Hammond B3. Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul, assisted by Scott Swink © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "IF TIME WERE TO BEND"genre: Love Songs
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    This is a song of starlight and desert moons, and wishing somehow I could turn back the clock. This is a ballad that Diana Ross wanted to do... but I ran away from Motown!(g) (Run run run run runaway...)
    CD: Nearer to the Sun   Label: Beachwood Recordings [33086-8777-2]
    Credits: Stephen Paul: Vocal, Electric Guitar; Produced by Stephen Paul and Rand Bishop; Engineered by Stephen Paul; Assisted by Scott Swink; © 1984 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "Hard to Control (12 string instrumental)"genre: Acoustic
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    Another of my Kottkeyesque 12-string virtuoso guitar instrumentals. I suppose you might be wondering why did I call this cut Hard to Control? Well, it was another one of those very late nights, I had my steaming hot jumbo Guild 12 string sizzling in my hands. Maneuvering a jumbo 12 through these kinds of hoops is kind of like driving a Mack truck at Daytona. After a few rounds I waxed philosophical... you'll see what I mean. CD: My Sweet Guitar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Force of Habit   Label: Built On Dreams Music
    Credits: Stephen Paul: Guild 12 string Acoustic; Engineered by Stephen Paul; © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "THE POWER TO CHOOSE"genre: New Country
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    This song is pure hobo zydeco. It features an incredible violin performance by J'Anna Jacoby in the style of Stephane Grapelli, a famous member of Django Reinhart's gypsy jazz band from the 1930s. Stephane Grapelli also played on Paul Simon's cut "Hobo Blues". It's about being whatever we want to be, if we believe we can be it. When we were done mixing, we dangled a speaker out of the window, cranked it up, and had people literally dancing in the streets. CD: Awakening Sampler - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Awakening
    Credits: Rand Bishop: Backing and Harmony Vocals; J'Anna Jacoby: Violin; Henry Newmark: Drums; Stephen Paul: Lead, Harmony and Backing Vocal, Acoustic and Electric Guitars, Mandolin, Accordion, 6-string Fretless Bass, Percussion. Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul, assisted by Scott Swink © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
    "FOREVER'S WINE (solo acoustic)"genre: Acoustic
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    Forever's Wine is a live acoustic performance recorded at the Vineland studio. (The same studio where "The Awakening" was recorded). It is simply me and my guitar. No-frills, just a touch of convolved hall. CD: Force of Habit - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Force of Habit   Label: Built On Dreams Music
    Credits: Stephen Paul: Vocal, Acoustic Guitar. Produced and Engineered by Stephen Paul, Assisted by Scott Swink. © 2000 Built On Dreams Music (BMI)
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