This grand Prelude was written to begin Klavierübung, Part III, but is more normally played with its companion Fugue, the "St. Anne." |
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Technically the end of the Klavierübung Part III, this magnificent fugue based on the on the first phrase of the familiar hymn tune "St. Anne" ("O God, Our Help in Ages Past") is more usually played with the corresponding Prelude in Eb Major. |
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Technically the end of the Klavierübung Part III, this magnificent fugue based on the on the first phrase of the familiar hymn tune "St. Anne" ("O God, Our Help in Ages Past") is more usually played with the corresponding Prelude in Eb Major. |
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Bach uses an 8 measure theme, unlike traditional 4-measure passacaglias of earlier composers, and works as much with the harmony as the melody, so this piece may be better thought of as a chaconne. His ingenious mind comes up with many marvelous variation. Just when you think he might have exhausted all possibilities, he piles another variation on, the most virtuosic of which is a series of triplets in the right and left hand against the theme in the pedal. The first four measures of the Passacaglia theme are then re-used as his fugue subject, which is introduced with an bouncy counter-subjec |
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
An vibrant, energy-filled tour de force which extends itself at the end through countless deceptive cadences. |
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A relatively little-known fugue, it is the companion the more often performed Toccata in F. This double fugue is enjoyable in its own right, however. The first subject is chromatic and I have preserved the ornaments throughout. The second subject enters on the Swell and is a jumpy little thing. When the first theme reenters in the alto, though, Bach surprises us by following it with a pedal entrance of the second theme.
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Stunningly virtuosic toccata showcasing balanced Swell and Great organs. [5 minutes and 43 seconds.] |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Companion piece to the Dorian Toccata, this magnificent fugue weaves a web so huge one can get caught in its strands. Brand new recording as of 3/24/2001. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Heroic chorded recitative passages alternating with exhilarating episodes. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
This is known as the "Wedge" because of the increasing intervals in the fugue subject, which look like a wedge on the manuscript paper. Its forward momentum, chromatic interludes and powerful counterpoint are thrilling. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Somewhat pensive prelude joined with, some say "Tragic" others say "Uplifting" Fugue. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A brisk Prelude followed by a breezy fugue. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A rollicking precursor to the great organ preludes and fugues of J.S. Bach, this piece consists of four contrasting sections, culminating in an exquisite fugue. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Virtually Baroque Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
This wonderful set of variations shows Buxtehude in a pensive mood. New pipe organ version as of December 21, 2000. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Virtually Baroque Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI recordist |
A brooding beginning on the Great principal gives way to a sparkling cadenza and a series of rapid echoing arpeggios echoed by the Swell (and an imaginary Positiv), then a driving buildup to the final cadence. The fugue starts with a charming subject that gets somewhat more stern as the fugue progresses. Another ripping cadenza and pedal point create a dazzling finish. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
If this piece sounds familiar, it is because the BBC uses it for their Masterpiece Theatre series. This arrangement shows off various trumpet stops. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Virtually Baroque Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A quiet yet voluptuous setting of Martin Luther's Advent Chorale, "Saviour of the Gentiles, Come." This version expresses a palpable yearning for a long awaited redemption. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A grand fantasia with the chorale melody in the pedal, this is the first of Bach's 18 Chorale Preludes known as the Leipzig. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MidI Recordist |
Another setting "alio modo" of the ancient hymn to the Holy Spirit. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The famous last piece of Bach, dictated in a darkened room to his son-in-law Altnikol. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The second, somewhat urgent, setting of the Advent Hymn. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Another tour de force on a repeating theme to go along with his popular Passacaglio in d minor and Ciacona in e minor. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Virtually Baroque Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The third setting of the Advent chorale is for full organ, with the cantus firmus in the pedal. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A gentle setting of a fairly maudlin text for manuals alone, ending with a single pedal note. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The first of three settings of the tune based on the plainsong Gloria in Excelsis. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A chromatic and impassioned setting of this Communion hymn. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The chorale is sounded on the Swell Trompete. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Sparkling trio with the chorale briefly stated in the pedal at the end. New pipe organ version as of December 22, 2000. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Organist |
This is the most famous of the three ground bass pieces by Buxtehude, and shows the following innovation: the theme in the pedal changes keys 3 times: d minor, F Major, a minor, and back to d minor, with clear modulations between each. And besides that, it's heartbreakingly lovely on the pipe organ, beginning with simple principal sounds, moving to brighter flutes, then to the Swell with a light mixture, full Great with 16' reed in the pedal, full organ at the triplet section, then receding through the previous stages to end on the original principal sound. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Virtually Baroque Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Typically sectional writing with occasional flourishes, ending with a repeating pedal theme. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Virtually Baroque Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A triple fugue based on a theme of Legrenzi. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 1 - buy it! MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Galloping 9/8 rhythmic motive on full organ and pedal. Brand new recording as of 3/24/2001. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The fugue subject is presented both right side up and inverted in various combinations for the manuals. When the pedal finally enters the subject is slowed to half speed, a technique called augmentation. Sparkling new recording as of 3/24/2001. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A grand prelude with wonderful rhythmic drive. New Pipe Organ version as of 12/29/2000! |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The fugue subject is smooth, the counter-subject is straightforward, and the short but cheerful episodes provide needed contrast. New Pipe Organ version as of 1/7/2001. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Very simple setting (BWV 751) attributed to J. S. Bach, featuring flute and cornet sounds of a MIDI pipe organ. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Virtually Baroque Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A setting for double pedal of a piece by his favorite pupil, J. L. Krebs. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Virtually Baroque Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A cheerful and engaging pair, this Prelude and Fugue is rated G for General Audiences. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
One of the mature masterworks, starting with arpeggios on the manuals, to which is added a pedal point, proceeding to manual flourishes, a pedal solo based on the opening motive, and ending with a strong dialogue between manual and pedals. New MIDI pipe organ version as of 1/5/2001. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
This fugue has an infectious momentum and ends with one of the strangest cadenzas in all of Bach. New MIDI pipe organ version approved 1/5/2001. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Moving in mood from pensive to majestic to bravura, this Prelude is thought by some to be either the work of Johann Christian Kittel (1732-1809) or of Bach's eldest son Wilhelm Friedemann (1710-1784). I like it anyway. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The fugue subject has a characteristic trill that makes it easy to notice in the thickest of textures. The cadenza at the end is an upside version of the one Bach used in the companion Prelude in F minor. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A hymn to the creative aspect of the Holy Spirit, for full organ and pedal obbligato. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
This masterful Prelude begins with pitting large chords in the left and right hands, progresses through several expressive episodes, and returns to the original statement at the end. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The fugue subject alternates with episodes that wander off in many directions. |
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Nine variations on a beloved German chorale, known in English as "Jesus, all my gladness," revealing a wide variety of moods and compositional techniques. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Virtually Baroque Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
An early fugue based on a theme by Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713). |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Known as the "Gigue" fugue this pieces provides plenty of dancing on the pedals and manuals, for a very cheerful effect. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Preludes & Fugues Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A pastorale setting of the chorale "How Brightly Shines the Morning Star," interrupted by occasional florid passages, with sparing use of pedal. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Virtually Baroque Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The innocent sounding beginning leads to a rhythmically powerful third verse and culminates in a glorious chromatic ending. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Bach's transcription of a violin concerto in three movements: Allegro - Adagio - Allegro. New Pipe Organ version as of January 17, 2001. |
MP3.com CD: Bach Sonatas-Concertos Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
[Allegro moderato], Eb major - Adagio, C minor - Allegro, Eb Major. New Pipe Organ version available as of January 20, 2001. |
MP3.com CD: Bach Sonatas-Concertos Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Three movements, Vivace, C minor - Largo, Eb Major - Allegro, C minor, written one part per division as a practice piece which may have been played on a pedal clavichord as well as a pipe organ. |
MP3.com CD: Bach Sonatas-Concertos Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Andante, D minor - Adagio e dolce, F Major - Vivace, D minor |
MP3.com CD: Bach Sonatas-Concertos Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
The movements are: Adagio/Vivace, E minor - Andante, B minor - Un poco Allegro, E minor. |
MP3.com CD: Bach Sonatas-Concertos Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
This work consists of three movements, Allegro, C Major - Largo, A minor - Allegro, C Major |
MP3.com CD: Bach Sonatas-Concertos Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
Three movements: Vivace (G Major) - Lento (E minor) - Allegro (G Major) |
MP3.com CD: Bach Sonatas-Concertos Vol. 2 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
One of Bach's transcriptions of a Vivaldi concerto. Allegro - Fugue - Largo e spiccato - Allegro |
MP3.com CD: Bach Sonatas-Concertos Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A youthful piece of Bach in three distinct sections: 1) Light and cheerful arpeggios, using (in my version) echoes every measure; 2) Intense rich harmonic progressions; 3) Heroic cadenzas in the manuals with pedal punctuation. |
Credits: Jonathan Orwig MIDI Recordist |
A delightful organ trio with the chorale played in the pedal (on the 16 Basson, but played an octave higher) at the end. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
One of the 18 Leipzig Chorale Preludes featuring the Choral Bass in the pedal with and without the 4' Rohrschalmei. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A loving setting of an old Communion hymn, one of the 18 Leipzig Chorales written by Bach near the end of his life. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A grand treatment of the familiar Lutheran hymn of thanksgiving. |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |
A poignant setting of the 16th century lament, "Beside the Waters of Babylon." |
MP3.com CD: ¤Bach Leipzig Chorales, Vol. 1 - buy it!
Credits: Jonathan Orwig, MIDI Recordist |