Based on the form of Supetramp's "Goodbye Stranger", with a long, ongoing chorus and shorter verses. About a feeling of having to leave your dearest friend, or sweetheart, and not coming back. The verses tell the story of images floating past and the choruses, where the timbre builds, let out the anguish and the feeling the singer has for the one s/he's left behind. |
Constant, running bass gives the feeling of driving fast while the midi guitar plays low, two-note chords and a higher counter melody. An acoustic guitar plays continuous chords throughout the song. There's a build-up to the chorus which evidences the suffering of the character in the song. The verses set the scene. Yet there is also a sort of peacefulness about the end. |
Credits: ©1999 Nikolas Moore |
Simple accompaniment, but with a few different rhythms. Almost all the chords are minor, and together with a heavy, dark arrangement give a feeling of being way down in hell. The lyrics are the style you might find in rap music, with an element of humour. Basically though, it's about the devil and the blame he cops for the misbehaviour of mortal people. |
Credits: ©1999 Nikolas Moore |