A powerful political commentary on the Bush Administration's decision to pre-emptively attack Iraq for fictious reasons. |
CD: Invisible Enemies
Credits: Track Nesta, Truse, Jarrett Michaels |
"The darkest part of night is right before the dawn..."
Paulo Ceolo |
MP3.com CD: Invisible Enemies... - buy it!
CD: Invisible Enemies
Label: Millennium Productions
Credits: Truse, Phil Harmonic |
"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind." (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) |
MP3.com CD: Invisible Enemies... - buy it!
CD: Invisible Enemies
Label: Millennium Productions
Credits: Truse, Phil Harmonic |
"Apparent distictions among things exist only in our minds. In the sky there is no distinction between East and West. People create such distinctions and then believe them to be true. We do the same in every day life, making distinctions, such as us and them, where none exist, and then believe them to be real...to be real...to be real..."
Buddha |
MP3.com CD: Invisible Enemies... - buy it!
CD: Invisible Enemies
Label: Millenium Productions
Credits: Truse, Phil Harmonic |
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
MP3.com CD: Invisible Enemies... - buy it!
CD: Invisible Enemies
Label: Millenium Productions
Credits: Truse, Young Poet, Phil Harmonic |
This song is a story about a boy in Africa who has a lot of love for the world and humanity but suffers greatly due to malnutrition and sorrow.
CD: Invisible Enemies
Credits: Truse, Track Nesta, Phil Harmonic |