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    "WAYLAY: shake it loose"genre: Jazz Fusion
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    The road to your desires navigates through a maze of distractions, lying in wait to attack or ambush. Shake them loose. Stride on through. Keep your head up with your sites cast high, and no one will think to accost you.
    "JIB JIVE: balking deception"genre: Jazz Fusion
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    Don't jib away, and don't give me that jive talk either. I can spot deception in the tone of your voice, and your balking won't deflect me from the truth. Straighten up and fly right, because your jib jive doesn't fool me. CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it!
    "DREAM YOUR DREAM: ignore what they say"genre: Jazz Vocals
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    Dream your dream, live YOUR life, walk your walk, talk your very own talk, and never listen to what they say--that's the creed of this song and the principle upon which I base my life. I hope it inspires you to rediscover yourself, or at least to re-synchronize your needs with your wants.
    "RAINBOW: for every downer, a come upper"genre: Smooth Jazz
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    (There will aways be a) Rainbow conveys the message that "truth is always plain to see" --its just not the truth we want. In particular, its always clear to see that "every cloud has a silver lining," but that's not the truth we want. We want the truth that will undo the cloud in the first place--unfortunately, that is not a truth we can have.
    "HARSH DESIRE: prisoner of the heart"genre: Jazz Fusion
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    In the world of emotion, swirling round and round at play, there is never a slackening of purpose--take no prisoners of the heart. The harshness of the want, the longing unabated, accumulates in the heart until it breaks.
    "SLIDING SIDEWAYS: watch the edge!"genre: Smooth Jazz
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    Woe begone. Don't meet it head-on, but slide sideways on past. Keep an eye out, watch out for the edge! Make it on by, before you straighten out. You can overcome anything by sliding sideways, just as water edges around an obstacle on its way down-hill. CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it!
    "MORE TO COME: hang tight, no fear"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    Way off in the distance--follow my finger, just where I'm pointing--there! See that tiny speck getting larger? It looks better than the last one...bigger, better, more appealing. So hang tight, don't fear, because there's More to Come.t CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Right-On Time
    Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin
    "RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove"genre: Electric Blues
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    Not timely, but appropriate--Right-On Time means now's the time to relax and enjoy, as in "right-on dude." This electric blues shuffle attempts to lift the spirits and soothe the soul. Lay back and groove, tap your toe, shoot for the stars, the world is full of infinite possible--"right-on." CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Right-On Time   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: Composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson
    "NON SEQUITUR: don't look so close, man"genre: Acid Jazz
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    You say NO, I say YES. A yes is a yes is a yes, but a not is a yes is a no-no. Dont' inspect the obvious too closely lest you discover your folly bares tendons better left covered. Take it at face value, for what its worth--non sequitur is not deception but divergence from conformity--that is, freedom! CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Right-On Time   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: Music composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson
    "LONG WAY DOWN: stay back from the edge"genre: Electric Blues
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    From on high, the bottom looks far, far away--a Long Way Down. Those lofty heights are more dangerous than the lowlands, there's no where to fall from the bottom. From the top, on the other hand, is a pinnacle where everything is down from there.
    CD: Right-On Time   Label: Guitarist Radio
    Credits: Music composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson
    "HOT SHOT: three-ball combo"genre: Electric Blues
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    Make a Hot Shot--a la "dunker" in basketball rather than "smart ass." Try your best, nothing less. Take dead aim, hold your breath, and squeeze it off slow. You can't miss, and even if you do, you did your best! Nothing less gives more, except a Hot Shot.GUITARISTS: check out the sheet music for the Hot Shot licks under "Photos" above. groove.
    CD: Right-On Time   Label: ElectricGuitarist.Org
    Credits: Music Composed and Performed by Robert Colin Johnson
    "Walking Tall"genre: Jump Blues
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    Stand erect, don't slouch! Ignore their stares, hold your head high. Sitting, standing and especially Walking Tall was what we were meant to do. Stand for something worthwhile, and Walk Tall.
    CD: Right-On Time   Label: ElectricGuitarist.Org
    Credits: Music composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson
    "WALKING TALL: like you mean it"genre: Jump Blues
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    Stand erect, don't slouch! Ignore their stares, hold your head high. Sitting, standing and especially Walking Tall was what we were meant to do. Stand for something worthwhile, and Walk Tall.
    CD: Right-On Time   Label: ElectricGuitarist.Org
    Credits: Music composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson
    "Rendezvous"genre: Electric Blues
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    Meet with discretion, don't let on, just make the Rendezvous. Don't be late, forget everything else and concentrate on the date. Don't forget to bring the goods that make it right--right for the Rendezvous. -- Learn to write Rendezvous-like licks using the MAJOR BLUES SOUND from the Soul of the Blues series from -- FREE GUITAR TABLATURE (TAB) and JAM MIXes at (so you can play your own licks over a bass/drums-only track in the keys of A, Bb, C, D, E, F, or G). All at: CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Rendezvous Single   Label: ElectricGuitarist.Org
    Credits: Music by Robert Colin Johnson
    "FATEFULLY: only time will tell"genre: Electric Blues
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    The sands of time flow relentlessly toward the level ground, grinding down the dunes as fatefully as water to the sea. Try not, to force obstacles aside, but merely flow around them, undermining their foundation. Time is on the side of the devoted, since in the fullness of time the inevitability of change fatefully erodes all obstacles to dust. Also check out: Fatefully Single on ElectricGuitarist.Org where you'll find free sheet music and tablature for this song.
    CD: Right-On Time   Label: RobertJohnson.Org
    Credits: Music composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson
    "LOOKING UP: full speed ahead"genre: Guitar Rock
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    Rise up from those depressed minor tones to meet the major blues sound of hope. An inspirational lick yields to chord melodies and bass solos, ending with a fanfare of single string guitar riffs. -- Learn to write "Looking Up"-like licks using the MAJOR BLUES SOUND from the Soul of the Blues series at -- FREE GUITAR TABLATURE (TAB) and JAM MIXes at (so you can play your own licks over a bass/drums-only track in the keys of A, Bb, C, D, E, F, or G). All at:
    "NEVER GIVE UP: hang-on tight"genre: Jazz Fusion
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    Never Give Up, no matter what they say the odds are. If they accept only 1-out-of-100, then just make sure you're the 1. How? By never giving up, persevere, hang on tight, don't let go, don't let up, Never Give Up. CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Stand Back   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: Composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson
    "Stand Back"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    Stand Back because the guitar's ringing like a bell. Wake up and hear the warning. Listen now before its too late. Stand Back or you might get scorched! -- Learn to write Rendezvous-like licks using the MAJOR BLUES SOUND from the Soul of the Blues series from -- FREE GUITAR TABLATURE (TAB) and JAM MIXes at (so you can play your own licks over a bass/drums-only track in the keys of A, Bb, C, D, E, F, or G). All at: CD: Stand Back - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Stand Back   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: All music composed and performed by Robert "Colin" Johnson
    "Texas"genre: Electric Blues
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    Running down a dusty Texas road, the dog was running, running, running, trying to get there, there, there, whatever. Texas might be a big, big place, but to a dog that just means lots of room to run. CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it! CD: Stand Back - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Stand Back   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: All music composed and performed by Robert "Colin" Johnson
    "Tell Her Yes"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    Whatever she asks, just Tell Her Yes. Keep up appearances, don't ever let her suspect--always Tell Her Yes. Show her that you care by telling her "yes." Even when you mean "no" Tell Her Yes. CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it! CD: Stand Back - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Stand Back   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: All music composed and performed by Robert "Colin" Johnson
    "Keep the Faith"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    Keep the Faith, don't give up now or ever--that's the creed of this relentless melody. Triplets--dividing a beat by 3 instead of 4--keep the faith flowing steadily as the melody soars amid a throbbing rhythm that barely tethers the near-gail force. No matter what life throws at you, Keep the Faith and every obstacle will be vanquished by mother nature's own winds of change. CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it! CD: Stand Back - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Stand Back   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: All music composed and performed by Robert "Colin" Johnson.
    "Blowing Away"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    Cruelly blows the whistling wind in mid-winter, threating. Hold tight, don't let the winds of change blow you off course. Hold the line, stow the complaints, do whatever's necessary to keep from Blowing Away. CD: BLOWING AWAY: hang-on tight - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blowing Away   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: Music composed and performed by Robert"Colin"Johnson
    "Upward Spiral"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    Moving ever Upward Spirals the never ending fountain of life and change. Follow the fleeting shadows, upward toward the light, the truth, the never ending cycle of Upward Spirals. CD: RIGHT-ON TIME-relax and groove - buy it!buy it! CD: Stand Back - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Stand Back   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: All music composed and performed by Robert "Colin" Johnson
    "If You've Ever"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    Tex howls the mournful swell of emotion as If You've Ever recalls the haunting memories of pleasures past and gone. Recall the bitter knowledge that the first time has been used up, and from now on everything's a repeat. The mournful wail of lost innocent is howled to us by cover-dog Tex, direct from Austin. CD: Stand Back - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Stand Back   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: All music composed and performed by Robert "Colin" Johnson
    "Devotion"genre: New Age
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    Devotion harbors uplifting tremors encapsulated within the vintage analy synth rhythm track. Acoustic guitar melodies haunt the compelling pulsation of the analog synths until the yearning matures to perfect Devotion. CD: BLOWING AWAY: hang-on tight - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blowing Away   Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
    Credits: Music composed and performed by Robert"Colin"Johnson`
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