Country-Western Boot-Scootin' Dance Tune. -- "There's no God in old Bin Laden / Just the Devil grinnin' there!"
MP3.com CD: SADDAM INSANE - buy it!
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, Music, Vocals by Eric Free. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Producer, R. Araujo. Guitars Araujo. Bass, John Farmer. Drums, Jimmy Yozell. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Derryberry, Araujo, Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Country Swing Honkytonk Rag (uptempo dance tune). "Sa-ddam Insane, twisted brain / Gotta say g'bye to his evil reign!"
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, Music, Vocals by Eric Free. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Producer, R. Araujo. Piano, Araujo. Bass, John Farmer. Drums, Jimmy Yozell. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Derryberry, Araujo, Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Old-Timey Bluegrass, uptempo, acoustic -- "In old Pyongyang lives a little madman / He's the only son of the old madman / And he ruins that land as a madman can ..."
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words and Vocals by Eric Free. Music by Eric Free and Marc Larson. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Producer, Marc Larson. Guitars, Marc Larson. Lead Kazoo, Free. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Derryberry, Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Country Blues Swing Honkytonk Shuffle (uptempo dance tune). -- "Nothin' to live for, nothin' to lose / Them good ol' Persians got the bad mullah blues! (Hooah!)" |
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, Music, Vocals by Eric Free. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Producer, R. Araujo. Guitars, Piano, R. Araujo. Bass, John Farmer. Drums, Jimmy Yozell. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Mark Derryberry, Free, Araujo. Executive Producer, Free. |
Country-Western Patriotic Anthem (uptempo). -- "Soldier, sailor, air, 'n marine / Givin' all for Freedom's Dream / Let 'em know you're on their team!" |
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, vocals by Eric Free. Music by Free and Marc Larson. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Producer, Marc Larson. Guitars, Larson. Bass, Bob Underwood. Drums, David Heck. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Derryberry, Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Country Blues Power Rock (dance tune). -- "They prayed and made a huddle, and they voted to die free (Would you stand and would you fight on Flight 93?)" |
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, Music, Vocals by Eric Free. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Produced by R. Araujo. Guitars, R. Araujo. Bass, John Farmer. Drums, Jimmy Yozell. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Mark Derryberry, Araujo, Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Old-Fashioned Bluegrass Ballad (sweet, sad, acoustic). -- "From Bombay to Paris, he reported on the news / Meetin' every kind of person, tellin everybody's views." |
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, music, vocals by Eric Free. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Produced by Marc Larson. Guitars, Larson. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry, Engineer. Mixing, Derryberry and Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Country Rock Uptempo Dance Tune. -- "They'd've said, 'I'm just pitchin' in. They'd say, 'I ain't no hero! / Just doin' a job and a prayin' to God, some folks get out alive, at Ground Zero!'"
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, Music, Vocals by Eric Free. Copyright 2002 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Produced by R. Araujo. Guitars, Piano, R. Araujo. Bass, John Farmer. Drums, Jimmy Yozell. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Derryberry, Araujo, Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Country Blues Ballad (acoustic and electric). -- (Subtitle: "Jihad Johnny Blues"). -- "Spilled his guts to Special Forces; lace-suit lawyers later tried to twist it well. / When you got nothin' inside, you're on your way to Hell."
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, music, vocals by Eric Free. Produced by Marc Larson. Guitars, Larson. Bass, Bob Underwood. Drums, David Heck. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Derryberry and Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
New Country Ballad (acoustic) -- "Bride roamed the streets, in her gown of ash / His sweet, sad smile hung from her sash." |
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, Music, Vocals by Eric Free. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Producer, Marc Larson. Guitars, Larson. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing Derryberry, Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Country Patriotic Spiritual (style of Civil War Era). -- "We will win, for we're good, and the good must win / (Now some cry peace, and they mean surrender.)" |
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, Vocals by Eric Free. Music by Free and R. Araujo. Producer, Marc Larson. Guitars, Larson. Bass, Bob Underwood. Drums, David Heck. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Derryberry, Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Old-Fashioned Country Ballad (sad, uptempo love song). -- "Babe, there's been a plane, I know it's crazy, don't be scared, I'm comin' down now!"
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, Music, Vocals by Eric Free. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Producer, R.Araujo. Guitars, Piano, Araujo. Bass John Farmer. Drums Jimmy Yozell. Backup vocals, Araujo. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing Araujo, Derryberry, Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Bluegrass Spiritual (sweet, sad, comforting, uptempo). -- "When the steel slid down, he was carried up / Just like Elijah, in his chariot." |
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words and Vocals by Eric Free. Music by Eric Free and Marc Larson. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Producer, Larson. Guitars, Larson. Bass, Bob Underwood. Drums, David Heck. Recorded at Derryberrby Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Derryberry, Free. Executive Producer, Free. |
Country Spiritual (acoustic). -- "Terrorists hope grave and ghetto are the fate of Isra-El. / Job's patience and God's love are all that comfort Isra-El." |
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, Music, Vocals by Eric Free. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Producer, Marc Larson. Guitars, Larson. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Executive Producer, Free. |
Country Spiritual (a capella). -- "Freedom's Peace shall nourish / Every man and woman, girl and boy." |
CD: SADDAM INSANE / And No God In Bin Laden
Label: FirstTimeMusicCo.
Credits: Words, Music, Vocals by Eric Free. Copyright 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved. Produced by Free. Recorded at Derryberry Audio, Mark Derryberry Engineer. Mixing, Derryberry and Free. |