Story Behind the Song
Written by Eric Free in early October 2001. Recorded in fall 2002.
Evildoers invaded our land,
They bombed our cities and
they slaughtered our friends.
We'll win this war that they began!
United, united, united we stand!
They thought they'd make us afraid,
They made us patient, tough, and brave.
Freedom's Flag will always wave!
United, united, united we stand!
United We Stand across this land,
Arm in arm and hand in hand,
Workin' together in Freedom's Band,
Americans all, United We Stand!
We came from across the rivers and seas,
For freedom and democracy,
For law, and love, and individuality,
United, united, united we stand!
Freedom of faith and speech and press,
Property rights and due process,
Equal opportunity and justice!
United, united, united we stand!
Soldier, sailor, air, and marine,
Givin' all for Freedom's Dream.
Let 'em know you're on their team.
United, united, united we stand!
Black, brown, yellow, red and white,
We have just begun to fight!
Freedom's cause is just and right!
United, united, united we stand!
We opened up a continent,
We limited our government,
Progress ever, Heaven-sent,
United, united, united we stand!
Looks like it's our destiny,
To lead the world to liberty,
Hope for all humanity,
United, united, united we stand!
United We Stand across this land,
Arm in arm and hand in hand,
Workin' together in Freedom's Band,
Americans All, United We Stand!
United we'll stand across the lands,
Arms in arms and hands in hands,
Every nation in Freedom's Band,
Humans All, United We'll Stand!
Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Eric Free, All Rights Reserved.