A resounding thud and lots of clangs. By the way, how does Bob make his voice do that (and why would he even want to)? |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic-bass; David-guitar; Bob-vocals, E-bow guitar. Basic song, lyrics and sequence-Bob; Arrangement-OL. |
A song about several women who are grafted together to form one person. Gregor Mendel would be impressed! |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: keys, backing vocals; Bob: guitar, vocals. Basic song, lyrics, and drum sequence byt Bob; arrangement by OL. |
Notwithstanding the fact that all 3 members of OL are Bush-bashing, left-wing radicals (it is not patriotic to support someone who seized office illegally), this song has NOTHING to do with politics. The lyrics were inspired by Bob's reading of Carlos Castaneda. |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: keys; Bob: Guitar, vocals. Basic song, lyrics and sequence by Bob; arangement: OL. |
This is the most recent recording by OL and represents a new direction for the band. Both acoustic and electronic instruments are used to create a unique musical blend. |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic-bass; Dave-keyboards, veena, percussion, hand-claps; Bob-guitar, vocals, analog synth, hand-claps. Lyrics and basic structure by Bob; arrangement-OL |
No one is really quite sure what this song is about. If you think it needs to have some sort of "meaning" please feel free to come up with one of your own. |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: guitar, backing vocals; Bob: guitar, vocals. Basic song, lyrics and drum sequence by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
Here's one for all those human monkeys who would rather sit and complain about life than live it. |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: keys; Bob: guitar, vocals. Basic song, lyrics and drum sequence by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
This semi-quasi-pseudo-blues groove is musical tribute to the concept of heptaparaparshinokh (but you had probably figured that out already). |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: keys, vocals; Bob: guitar, vocals. Basic song, lyrics and drum sequence by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
A song that questions the value of family values. The American dream isn't the same for every American. The lyrics of this song actually precipitated a fight between a married couple. Talk about having an effect on the listener! |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: keys, vocals; Bob: guitar, vocals. Basic song by Dennis Richards and Bob, lyrics, and drum sequence by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
Here's a cute little ditty about hiding in the bushes and watching people. |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: drums; Bob: guitar, vocals. Basic song and lyrics by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
Oyster Lucy serves up a tweaked out slab of noise for ya. If you are in a bad mood and want to stay that way this tune should help. |
CD: This IS The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: keys, drums; Bob: guitar, vocals. Basic song and lyrics by Bob; sequence by Bob and Dave; arrangement by OL. |
Apathy and an unwillingness to help others are not against the law, but they ought to be. |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: drmus; Bob: guitars, vocals. Basic song and lyrics by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
Some say we make our own Heaven and Hell right here on Earth. The trouble is that in creating Heaven for ourselves we often make life Hell for someone else. |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: acoustic guitar; Bob: electric guitar, vocal. Basic song and lyrics by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
A song about circles and such. Straight lines never occur in nature, therefore the human tendancy to organize things in a linear (beginning/middle/end) format is an afront to nature. Argue if you think you must, but Oyster Lucy is NEVER wrong about these things. |
CD: This IS The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bases; Dave: keys; Bob: guitar, vocals, keys (in sequence): Basic song, lyrics and sequence by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
Who says human beings are the most highly evolved of the Earth's lifeforms? Not Oyster Lucy! This is an anthem to a brave new world in which the worms will take back what is rightfully theirs--everything. |
CD: This IS The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: keys; Bob: guitar, vocals. Basic song, lyrics, and sequence by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
This song features a "guest" vocal appearence by alleged President George Bush. Obtuse moron that he is, he didn't even know he was in the studio. Let's roll! |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: Guitar, sample preparation; Bob: Guitar, vocals. Drum sequence, basic song, and lyrics by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
OL live sets often begin with a short improv (gets them in the mood). This one was recorded at Hagen's in Eugene, ORegon, October, 2000. |
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: plucked guitar, German; Bob: E-bow guitar, Spanish. |
This was the first song in the last live show before the sabatical that has deprived a needy and desperate world of the pleasant presence of Oyster Lucy. But don't despair--the sabatical is coming to an end VERY soon. Hagen's, Eugene, Oregon, summer, 2000. |
Credits: Same as CD track, above. |
Give some organisms opposable thumbs and they think they're big shots! Monkeys are funny. Recorded live at Hagen's, Eugene, Oregon, October, 2000. |
Credits: Same as CD track, above. |
Yesiree, the hits just keep on coming. Reocrded at Hagen's, Eugene, Oregon, October, 2000. |
From Lucy's early days, before Vic joined, comes this live improv. Recorded at Javarama, in Corvallis, Oregon, November (?), 1999. |
Credits: Dave: keys; Bob: guitar |
A pleasant little song about an unpleasant little fellow. Recorded at Javarama, Corvallis, Oregon, spring, 2000. |
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: acoustic guitar, vocals; Bob: electric guitar. Musc by Dave; lyrics by Dan Stone |
This version is VERY different from the one that appears on the OL CD (and elsewhere on this site). Recorded at The University of Oregon, summer of 2000. |
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: electronic percuission; Bob: guitar, vocals. Original song and lyrics by Bob; arrangement by OL. |
Pere ubu is a favorite band of all three Lucites. We are honored to be able to offer this cover of the title song from their classic (and influential!) 1978 album. We would like to thank Ubu, their manager, Nick Hobbs, and the nice people at Bug Music (cheers to Jean!) for allowing us to post this song. Recorded at University of Oregon, summer, 2000. |
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: keys, lead vocal, drum sequence; Bob: guitar, backing vocal. Song by Pere Ubu (Thomas, Maimone, Ravenstein, Krauss, Herman). |
WARNING! DANGER! BEWARE! THIS SONG HAS A DOO-DOO WORD IN IT! WE APOLOGIZE TO ALL THE THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES THAT WILL BE DESTROYED BY OYSTER LUCY'S USE OF THIS WORD IN THE SONG. WE THOUGHT THAT THE AMERICAN FAMILY WAS MADE OF STRONGER STUFF. This one wasn't in the set list that night, but when Bob broke a string Dave grabbed his acoustic guitar and saved the day (he saw his duty and he did it!). No, that's not an atonal electric guitar solo, just Bob getting the new string up to pitch. Recorded at Javarama, Corvallis, Oregon, autumn of 1999 (pre-Vic). |
Credits: Dave: acoustic guitar, vocals; Bob: electric guitar, string change. Song by Dave; lyrics by Dan Stone. |
A beautiful, melodic love song from Oyster Lucy? You heard it here first and you may not hear it anywhere else, so download now. Live at Javarama, Corvallis, Oregon, fall, 1999. |
Credits: Dave: acoustic guitar, lead vocals; Bob: E-bow guitar, backing vocals. Music by dave; lyrics by Dan Stone. |
Pay no attention to Bob's pre-song blather. The members of Oyster Lucy--including Bob--are very cheerful and pleasant fellows--really! Dave had some guitar "issues" at the outset, but these were quickly resolved. He works best under pressure. |
Credits: Same as CD track, above. |
A more raw and stripped down version of Lucy's "song with a message" Recorded live at the University of Oregon, summer, 2000. |
Credits: Same as studio version, above. |
Dark thoughts on a dark night. Recorded live at Hagen's, Eugene, Oregon, October, 2000. |
CD: This Is The Left Side
Label: Whatta Blast
Credits: Vic: bass; Dave: Guitar, vocals; Bob: guitar, vocals. Basic song and lyrics by Bob; sequence by Dave; arrangement by OL. |