Play the licks from our TAB over this bass/drums-only jam-mix rhythm-track, or improvise new melodies atop it and record your own hit song! |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!
Play the licks from our TAB over this bass/drums-only jam-mix rhythm-track, or improvise new melodies atop it and record your own hit song--royalty free! e |
Play the licks from our TAB over this bass/drums-only jam-mix rhythm-track, or improvise new melodies atop it and record your own hit song--royalty free! e |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!
Play the licks from our TAB over this bass/drums-only jam-mix rhythm-track, or improvise new melodies atop it and record your own hit song--royalty free! |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!
Play the licks from our TAB over this bass/drums-only jam-mix rhythm-track, or improvise new melodies atop it and record your own hit song--royalty free! e |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!
Play the licks from our TAB over this bass/drums-only jam-mix rhythm-track, or improvise new melodies atop it and record your own hit song--royalty free! |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!
Play the licks from our TAB over this bass/drums-only jam-mix rhythm-track, or improvise new melodies atop it and record your own hit song--royalty free! e |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!
Hear bass and drums only--a jam mix rhythm track--cool for mood, or play your own licks over the top. For other keys besides C, check out the Guitarist Channel. Record your best licks to this jam mix and send it to Guitarist Radio! |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!
From on high, the bottom looks far, far away--a Long Way Down. Those lofty heights are more dangerous than the lowlands, there's no where to fall from the bottom. On the top, on the other hand, is a pinnacle where everything is down from there. |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!
Groove to this bass and drums only Jam Mix, or whip out your instrument and jam here with the band. |
Jam to this bass/drums-only jam mix from: mp3.com/RobertJohnson. Never Give Up, no matter what they say the odds are. If they accept only 1-out-of-100, then just make sure you're the 1. How? By never giving up, persevere, hang on tight, don't let go, don't let up, Never Give Up. |
Hot Shot, a la "dunker" in basketball, here rendered sparse--bass & drums only. Groove to it or solo in time on your own instrument--basic blues chords, but with soul to boot. |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!
Bass and drums only--a jam mix--cool for mood, or play your guitar licks over the top. Record your best licks atop this jam mix and send it to Jam@bluesguitarist.org and if we like it we'll play it on a future Guitarist Radio broadcast. |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!
Stand Back Jam Mix--bass & drums only. Groove to it or solo in time on your own instrument.tand Back because the guitar's ringing like a bell. Wake up and hear the warning. Listen now before its too late. Stand Back or you might get scorched! |
Try the Guitarists Channel for other keys besides C, or just hear here the bass and drums jam mix rhythm track in C--cool for mood, or play your own licks over the top. Record your best licks to this jam mix and send it to Guitarist Radio! |
MP3.com CD: MASTER the key of C - buy it!