Hear here the guitar lick called "Looking Up" by Robert Colin mp3.com/Johnson, exactly as notated in the sheet music inside the booklet for Beyond the Blues #1 CD. The "Looking Up" guitar lick slides the melody up from the major second to the minor third to the major third, involuntarily propelling you into an uplifted mood--the magic of a universal language. As opposed to downer "minor blues", the "major blues" offers an upbeat reading as made famous by mainline bluesmen from Robert Johnson to B.B. King. |
MP3.com CD: Beyond the Blues #1 - buy it!
CD: Beyond the Blues #1
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson |
Hear here the guitar lick from "Fatefully" by Robert Colin mp3.com/Johnson as notated here in the sheet music inside the booklet for Beyond the Blues #2 CD. The Fatefully lick oscillates around the minor blues note, the minor third, by ranging up to the major third, then back to the major second, then running full circle back to the minor third. This sing-song style puts you in the mind of the blues, but in a n uplifting manner as opposed to the "down and dirty" feel you usually get from the minor blues. |
MP3.com CD: Beyond the Blues #2 - buy it!
CD: Beyond the Blues #2
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: Robert Colin Johnson |
Hear here the lick from the song Harsh Desire, as it appears in the sheet music and guitar tablature (TAB). ) |
Hear here the lick from the song Waylay, as it appears in the sheet music and guitar tablature (TAB). T |
Hear here the lick from the song More to Come, as it appears in the sheet music and guitar tablature (TAB). The guitar lick for Sliding Sideways plays off the chromatic runs between the 6th-b7th slide of the IV chord being just a 1/2-step below the b3rd-3rd slide of the I chord. Then when you expect the trend to continue with the 6th-b7th slide for the V chord, it switches to a chromatic descent during jazzy ii-V changes, topped off by 12-fret overtones against Dorian-mode open-string runs. i |
MP3.com CD: Beyond the Blues #8 - buy it!
Hear here the lick from the song Sliding Sideways, as it appears in the sheet music and guitar tablature (TAB). T |
Hear here the lick from the song More to Come, as it appears in the sheet music and guitar tablature (TAB). The guitar lick for More to Come plays off the mood swings between major and minor tones with a root-6th-b7th call, followed by a chromatic response that slides from the 7th up to the root. All 12 tones in the key are used in this 12 bar lick--don't miss a note! h |
MP3.com CD: Beyond the Blues #7 - buy it!
Hear here the lick from the song, Long Way Down, as it appears in the sheet music and guitar tablature (TAB). The Long Way Down lick punches a sliding chord then follows with a minor-to-major third slide at both the beginning and the end of the lick. The overall effect is of falling down, down, down, and hopefully--if the effect works on you--a Long Way Down. l |
MP3.com CD: Beyond the Blues #6 - buy it!
CD: Beyond the Blues #6
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson |
The Right-On Time lick starts with a slide followed by a
double-stop, Texas style. The response is a backward rake
followed by a three-note chord fill that slides downward into
the root. Every classic blues technique is packed into these 12
bars--a MUST for budding jammers.t |
MP3.com CD: Beyond the Blues #5 - buy it!
CD: Beyond the Blues #5
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson |
Hear here the melody as illustrated in the sheet music and guitar tablature (four choruses). The standard Jazz-Blues changes, complete with extended and short ii/Vs, enfolds a melody that is almost a chord solo itself. The melody takes you on a trip and the chords portend the experiences you have there.. |
MP3.com CD: Beyond the Blues #3 - buy it!
CD: Beyond the Blues #3
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: Music composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson |
Hear here the lick from the song Fatefully, as it appears in the sheet music and guitar tablature (TAB). |
Hear here the melody as illustrated in the sheet music and guitar tablature. "Hot Shot." is a major blues lick within a call and response pattern, the sheet music shows standard notation and rhythmic guitar tablature (TAB). "Hot Shot" uses a slow blues changes (1-4-1-1-4-4-1-1-5-4-1-5), but rockets alone at 120 bpm. The response uses a backward rake, that makes you sound like a Texas bluesman, and the turnaround uses a forward rake that makes you sophisticated like Chicago. L |
MP3.com CD: Beyond the Blues #4 - buy it!
CD: Beyond the Blues #4
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson |
Hear a medley of the licks from the Soul of the Blues series demonstrating the "major" blues sound--as opposed to the commonplace "minor" blues sound--that distinguishes great bluesmen from B.B. King to Stevie Ray Vaughn to Robben Ford and even Jimi Hendr ix. Distinguish your playing by learning these "major blues" licks on the Soul of the Blues DAM CDs (including hi-rez sheet music with easier-to-read Rhythmic TAB). LIsten to all the cuts from the CD by clicking its icon, or any of the play icons above. S eparate tracks let you listen to the guitar part alone or to a "no-guitar" jam-mix at full- or half-speed. Jam Mixes let YOU jam along with the rhythm section (bass/drums) on your own instrument while learning the Soul of the blues licks (or while playing your own BETTER licks :) The sheet music icon above (looks like a musical note) show a low-rez version of the TAB (sorry, MP3.com only allows low-rez here). The CD also has improvisational tips and examples inside its booklet that illustrate the theory behind each major blues lick, as explained in words above by clicking "theory."{ |
CD: Soul of the Blues #1 GUITAR LICK
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: Music composed and performed by Robert |
Hear here the first guitar lick from the Soul of the Blues Series. The Soul of the Blues series illustrates the "major blues sound" made famous by Delta bluesmen like Robert Johnson, but continued as a cornerstone of countless "happy" blues songs. The usual "minor blues sound" suits sad songs, but the major blues sound can be upbeat and blue at the same time--a la B.B. King.. |
CD: Soul of Blues #2
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson |
Listen here to the guitar lick from Soul of the Blues #2, called "Swift Jab" by Robert Colin mp3.com/Johnson
CD: Soul of Blues #1
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin mp3.com/Johnson |
Hear the guitar lick from Soul of the Blues #3 by clicking here--called "Road Rattle" by Robert Colin mp3.com/Johnson
d |
CD: Soul of Blues #3
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin mp3.com/Johnson |
Hear here the guitar lick from Soul of the Blues #4, called "Swept Clean" by Robert Colin mp3.com/Johnson
f |
CD: Soul of Blues #4
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin mp3.com/Johnson |
Click to hear the guitar lick as notated in the TAB for Soul of the Blues #5, called "Rake'm Up" by Robert Colin mp3.com/Johnson
( |
CD: Soul of Blues #5
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin mp3.com/Johnson |
Click to hear the guitar lick as notated in the sheet music, from the Soul of the Blues #6. The Jam It lick heard here uses a major-blues slur and a backward rack as its sugar and spice, respectively. |
CD: Soul of the Blues #6
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: - composed and performed by Robert Colin Johnson |
Listen here to a brief description of each cut on the Guitar Lesson CD. Cut 2 THEORY--the teacher's voice over explains all the nitty gritty details about the notes in the lick (have the TAB in front of you). Cut 3 WHOLE BAND plays Classic Act as a song. Cut 4 SLOW GUITAR PART alone at 50 beats-per-minute. Cut 5 SLOW JAM TRACK with bass/drums at 50 BPM. Cut 6 GUITAR PART at 80 BPM. Cut 7 JAM TRACK with bass/drums at 80 BPM. Cut 8 Medley of ALL LICKS from the first six volumes of the Soul of the Blues series. |
MP3.com CD: Soul of Blues #1 GUITAR LICKS - buy it!
CD: Soul of the Blues #1 GUITAR LESSON CD
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: Music by Robert "Colin" Johnson |
Listen here to a detailed analysis of the licks, while listening to the blues song demonstrating them in the background. |
MP3.com CD: Soul of Blues #1 GUITAR LICKS - buy it!
CD: Soul of the Blues #1 GUITAR LESSON CD
Label: BluesGuitarist.Org
Credits: Music composed and performed by Robert |