Label: Kybosch inc.
Credits: Nick B. |
something a little off the beaten path. some spoken word intermingling with our usual feel. i think you will like it. |
Label: kybosch inc.
Credits: Nick B. |
This piece is what Nero has been closing his solo shows with. This is a small taste of Nero Rising, an electronic project in which Rev. Nero plays all instruments and Ruben Green provides a video translation. It is in the works and will be here on the Violent Jazz page soon. Violent Jazz is sleeping peacefully for now, but will be back in the future when the time is right and the Reverend says so. Check the links section to download other "Nero Rising" tracks as well as some old Quarterdeck demos and some new/bigger art/photo. Adios. |
Label: Kybosch/ViolentJazz inc.
Credits: Rev.Nero and Jack Daniels |