A walking Maksoum, very up tempo, backed by deep brass dumbek, filled by darbouka and moroccan bongos and complemented with cabasa and zils. |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Band SABAH! - buy it!
CD: Scabland Band - Sabah!
Credits: Recorded, mixed and mastered at FP Studios;Inspired by Alwiyah who joined in with the zils! |
Ayoob with a Malfoof over. We've done this rhythm a number of times but not quite like this. Something special happened here. Roy and Mark carry the solos and create variety and interest. Might as well dance it cause it's hard not to move to this beat! |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Raks - buy it!
An ever changing 6/8 rhythm played to choreography created by Sabah Dance Ensemble director, Alwiyah, and performed by the entire troupe. |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Band SABAH! - buy it!
CD: Scabland Band - Sabah!
Credits: Recorded live, mixed and mastered at FP Studios. Artwork by Roy Petit: sound engineer, Brad Petit: local promotion by Mark Rook |
This is a surprising and entertaining piece of work by Mark Rook completely improvised on the spot using a talking drum. A talking drum allows the drummer to change the tension on the drum head by squeezing it under his arm. As the drum head is stretched and released, the pitch changes giving it almost vocal qualities. So click it already! |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Raks - buy it!
The water jug dance is beautiful to watch and the music is simple yet compelling. We hope dancers will enjoy working with this one. |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Raks - buy it!
Although five beats to a measure seems awkward at first, this one is so smooth, it might take you awhile to notice. |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Raks - buy it!
The 6/8 rhythm is common in North Africa, and this intricate drumsong includes ceramic doumbek, frame drum and Moroccan pottery bongos! |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Band SABAH! - buy it!
CD: Scabland Band SABAH!
Label: RBP Productions
Credits: Roy Petit, frame drum; Todd Petit, clay doumbek; Brad Petit, Moroccan bongos. Mixed and mastered at FP Studios. |
Rhumba/Chifti combination creates interest while Roy's flute weaves improvised melodies... |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Raks - buy it!
This exciting Khaliji rhythm was created by Mark Rook for the band. Listen as each band member improvises around the basic Khaliji rhythm! |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Band SABAH! - buy it!
Label: RBP Productions
Credits: Original drumsong by Mark Rook. Recorded in Roy's Rec Room! Mixed and mastered at FP Studios. Thanks Brad! |
A Beledi Meditation with ever changing riffs and exciting drum work. Barry takes the lead on this one! |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Raks - buy it!
When you let Uncle Abdul do whatever he wants to do, this is what he does! |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Raks - buy it!
Just as in the American West, trains had their effect on the people and the music of the Middle East. Here is our version of an Arabic song celebrating the train! |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Raks - buy it!
Credits: Todd Petit, Mizmar, Mark Rook, Solo Drum, Barry Petit, Solo Drum, Roy Petit, Big Drum! Special credit to Rick Edwards for the train sounds! |
Why would Mustafa dance a jig? Ask Mark. It has something to do with a mixed heritage in a musical family. Roy plays the flute and Mark gets serious on the dharbuka. Barry keeps it all together on Doholla and Todd plays steady bass. |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Raks - buy it!
CD: Scabland Raks
Uncle Abdul was prevailed upon to play his version of the Egyptian Ghawazee. That's because Uncle Abdul likes to watch the Ghawazee dancers! |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Raks - buy it!
The traditional Israeli wedding dance, livened up with drums, percussion, keyboard and a fair amount of audience participation. Singer: Rick Edwards |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Band SABAH! - buy it!
CD: Scabland Band - Sabah!
Credits: Recorded live, mixed and mastered at FP Studios. |
Persian fishing village dance. When the fishermen return from the sea, they build a bonfire on the beach and everyone joins in the dance and the music. The dancer in our song icon is wearing the traditional Bandari costume. |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Band SABAH! - buy it!
CD: Scabland Band - Sabah!
Credits: Recorded live, mixed and mastered at FP Studios |
Good for slow choreographed drumming number. |
Label: Sabah Performing Arts
Fast Beledi with energetic solos. Rick Leads off on Doumbek and each drummer improvises his own solo. High energy with a great finish! |
Label: Sabah Performing Arts
Popular dance performed with Tambourines! |
Label: Sabah Performing Arts
Credits: Sabah and Sultana danced this at Ye Merry Greenwood Faire! |
Lively tribal cane dance featuring the mizmar and Saidi rhythm! |
MP3.com CD: Scabland Band SABAH! - buy it!
CD: Scabland Band - Sabah!
Credits: Mixed and mastered at FP Studios: Recorded by Brad Petit |
Shouts of encouragement. |
Label: Sabah Performing Arts