This hauntingly beautiful O'Carolan melody from 17th Century Ireland is the perfect beginning for this album. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Jon on recorder, Brian: guitar, and Susan:synths |
Kellee, a wonderful singer, does on this track an absolutely, unforgettable, drop-dead a cappella version of the traditional Irish ballad, Bold Fenian Men. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Sung by Kellee Bradley |
The haunting Celtic lilt of the pennywhistle will transport you above the frantic pace of the day and into the highlands. Betsy's original composition, is highly evocative. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Performed by Betsy Foster |
With the gentle Celtic music of Diane Schneider you can lay down on a cloud, look into the wisps and watch the angels dance.
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Performed by Diane Schneider |
Jennifer Licko, with a voice like silken scarves and silver bells, sings a traditional song from the West Highlands of Scotland of the late 1700s. She evokes a timeless feeling of being painfully in love. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Performed by Jennifer Licko |
Randy Wothke of "The Rogues" Hauntingly composed this beautiful tune for his wife: Played on pipes and keyboard. Unforgetable! |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Randy Wothke, Bryan Blaylock, Jimmy Mitchell, Lars Sloan |
Cianan's mystical blending of uilleann pipes, fiddle, low whistle, recorder, and voices set a tone that is beautifully forboding. The Union is a musical work of art. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Justin Pickford, Isabella Jennings, Matthew Pickford, Dean Usher |
Sung by 12yo Katelyn Tarle, this hauntlingly beautiful Irish lament for a lover who joined the Wild Geese to fight in the French Revolution (he never returned), is done a cappella in Gaelic and English. You won't forget this one for a long, long time. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Vocal-Katelyn, Bodhran-Carol Wyndham, Pipes-Bruce Gillespie |
One of Brian Dobson's arrangements is for the Wild Geese who fought in every major conflict from the days of Louis XIV to the last world war. Four were among Washington's principal aides, just as four others were signatories of the American Declaration of Independence. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Brian Dobson on a Clarke C whistle. |
Clive Amor used a new-age-classical influence to record this beautiful ancient Irish song about two lovers. Truly wonderful to hear, haunting. It will set your soul a-soaring. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Clive Amor-strings, harp and classical violin |
Maireid Sullivan sings, "And then she turned homeward with one star awake, like the swan in the evening moves over the lake." Soulful traditional Irish ballad. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Maireid Sullivan-Vocals, Donal Lunny-Keyboard |
Haunting Celtic New Age arrangement by double Cherokee Indian Flute accompanied by choir, crystal bells, plucked dulcimer, guitars and piano, glass armonica, and solo harmonica.
CD: Celtic Shores, Celtic Country
Label: Epilogue
Credits: The Good Folk Celtic Ensemble |
This music transcends time & space ... music that reminds us of our primeval beginnings and our primordial need for sustenance to the spiritual in reality. This is a melody from another time, space and even dimension. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Daniel Bouliane, André Mongeon, Luc Grégoire |
A vision. A dream. A quiet ballad richly performed. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Grant Foster and Gregor Harvey |
Elven plays a beautifully exquisite, thoughtful melody which evokes memories of wistful days: Raindrops in twilight. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Performed by Johan |
Lothlorien performs music that impacts on your soul, stirring long lost memories. This tune is done with an ethereal Low Whistle air on a rich bed of synths, harp and guitars. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: By Lothlorien: Nicole Leonard, Chris Lloyd, Tamzin Wood |
Deirdre's Lament for the Sons of Usnach is a atmospheric, ethereal Celtic musical tale (dated about 1140).
The Legend of Deirdre is a traditional Irish tale, at least a thousand years old, containing all the elements of magic, beauty, prophecy, fate, faith, romantic love, brotherly love, war, and transcendent death. Deirdre's great beauty - and fate - is foretold at birth, and ultimately there's no escape. Like Helen of Troy, her beauty provokes war. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Performed by Trio Nocturna - Thomas Dodd |
Laurie McDonald composed this beautiful piece of music. Piano tones tempered with a haunting violin sets the mind a-soaring. A perfect ending for a perfect CD. |
CD: Celtic Shores
Label: Epilogue
Credits: Laurie McDonald on Piano and Violin |