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    "Make Me One With Everything"genre: Progressive Electronica
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    Whether at a hot dog stand or for life in general, we have two modes of wanting stuff - desire or aspiration. Pick up on the difference. The first is ultimately painful. CD: 6 Energy States - buy it!buy it! CD: Wild Sounds - buy it!buy it!
    CD: 6 Energy States
    Credits: 2001 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Sheer Delight"genre: Experimental
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    As a very young child - even as a baby - the experience of sheer delight is spontaneous and very complete. This piece contains that feeling for me. CD: My Childhood - buy it!buy it!
    CD: My Childhood
    Credits: 2000 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Zinazzilyoops"genre: Experimental
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    In my pre-verbal days, I remember actually noticing what the sound of my thinking processes sounded like (especially noted because they were being replaced by a verbal mode of thinking at that time, and I sensed the change could be a loss of something valuable that should be preserved or at least remembered - what a philosopher this 4 to 5-year old was!!) I called the sound of thinking by what it sounded like - Zinazzilyoops! Can you remember the constant murmer of primal, slippery sounds flowing through your head as a small child? CD: My Childhood - buy it!buy it!
    CD: My Childhood
    Credits: 2000 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Taking Comfort"genre: Experimental
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    The earliest times, when complete acceptance of creature comforts came naturally - sitting in someone's lap, playing in a sandbox, being carried, getting tucked into bed. With a clear sense of self, we knew we were taking comfort, and that it was OK to do so. CD: My Childhood - buy it!buy it!
    CD: My Childhood
    Credits: 2000 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Knowing That I Am"genre: Experimental
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    There is a breakthrough moment in every child's life that they realize selfhood - they get an "I Am" experience. This is nice, but it may be forgotten entirely under social pressures to conform. It usually is. I never did... I count myself among the lucky ones. I don't mean the simple ego-sense of beingness - this is a transcendent level of awareness that is very enlarging. And it enlarges even more over time. What fun life is! CD: My Childhood - buy it!buy it!
    CD: My Childhood
    Credits: 2000 Terry Leigh Britton
    "An Explorer"genre: Experimental
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    Remember being alone as a child in full exploration mode? Very centered, very purposeful, very focused. I sometimes feel a little guilty for never growing out of this. But not often! CD: My Childhood - buy it!buy it!
    CD: My Childhood
    Credits: 2000 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Not Afraid"genre: Experimental
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    Things that go bump in the night... facing them with fearlessness! Willing to talk to a ghost if it should appear! Willing to snatch the goblin from under the bed and chuck him out the window to show him what's what. Willing to go into that very dark place! Alone! Tense? CD: My Childhood - buy it!buy it!
    CD: My Childhood
    Credits: 2000 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Waiting Thinking"genre: Experimental
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    Sitting in a doctor's office or waiting in line with a parent at the bank or waiting for food to arrive at a restaurant and what we did with the time... Not a moment wasted -- if possible! (Always the possibility of hearing "get back here" or "where do you think you're going" or "stop that fooling around!" - but that never lasted long.... CD: My Childhood - buy it!buy it!
    CD: My Childhood
    Credits: 2000 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Karpe Diem"genre: Progressive Electronica
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    Karpe Diem means Live for the Day! Imagine this was your last day to be alive. Every day. CD: Wild Sounds - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Wild Sounds
    Credits: 2000 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Entering Dragon Space"genre: Electronica
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    So, it is a little like you're doing your mantra (Om Mani Dewa Hri) and you go for quite a while like that and then suddenly stop, and you go there, into this completely different frame of reference. All of reality changes as you know it generally. Entering Dragon space is very similar. It was from this space that "My Life in the Land of the Dragons" was simultaneously performed and composed. CD: Wild Sounds - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Wild Sounds
    Credits: 2002 Terry Leigh Britton
    "My Life in the Land of the Dragons"genre: Progressive Electronica
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    Imagine you are trapped in a gigantic valley surrounded by steep, cliff-faced mountains, your fellow hunters all killed by a single mother dragon protecting her young, and the means by which you and your party entered - through a rock cave passing through the mountain walls - becomes destroyed forever by the falling female in the midst of the heated battle. And you, the sole survivor, who turned on your 'friends' and saved one of the young, befriend the young dragons and live among the dragon clans for 40 years. Then imagine you eventually leave this paradise by a small boat when a passage becomes available. That is the story. CD: 6 Energy States - buy it!buy it!
    CD: 6 Energy States
    Credits: 2001 Terry Leigh Britton
    "A Long Now To Sleep"genre: Experimental
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    This is one of my favorite "play to pass out to" pieces - quite minimalistic in many ways. The dancing sparkly sounds are inspired by and reminescent of wind chimes on a windy day. But don't expect wind chimes! These are different. CD: Wild Sounds - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Wild Sounds
    Credits: 2001 Terry Leigh Britton
    "In Her Bosom, Part 1"genre: Ambient
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    This is ectasy. CD: My Childhood - buy it!buy it!
    CD: My Childhood
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "In Her Bosom, Part 2"genre: Ambient
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    That love glow - such sweetness. CD: My Childhood - buy it!buy it!
    CD: My Childhood
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Playing Hide and Seek"genre: Progressive Electronica
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    One of the 6 energy states that we all enjoy. Play often. CD: 6 Energy States - buy it!buy it!
    CD: 6 Energy States
    Credits: 1994 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Comprehending Reality"genre: Progressive Electronica
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    Sometimes coming to grips with reality can be very real. Stay real. CD: 6 Energy States - buy it!buy it!
    CD: 6 Energy States
    Credits: 1994 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Nothing Is Impossible"genre: Progressive Electronica
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    Incurable diseases are curable. Unplayable compositions are playable. Undoable doings are doable. Let yourself understand that. CD: 6 Energy States - buy it!buy it!
    CD: 6 Energy States
    Credits: 1996 Terry Leigh Britton
    "The Boss"genre: Experimental
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    When you are a child, "Get to Work" means having to experience a little bit of conscience stuff, some remembering of consequences if you dilly-dally, focusing on what it is you are doing, and some remembering of consequences if you dilly dally. And don't forget the consequences if you dilly dally! This piece evolves in a very subtle way over some 20 minutes, but reflects the mood of work experienced as a child, and a bit of the ominous overtones carried in the background. CD: My Childhood - buy it!buy it!
    CD: My Childhood
    Credits: 2000 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Bog At Dusk"genre: Experimental
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    Trees, water, grasses, frogs jumping, turtles turning in, a bird or two, peaceful setting as some creatures settle down and others wake up. It's getting pretty dark, but feels safe. CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Deep Dream"genre: Ambient
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    add to My.MP3add to My.MP3 CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Almost Sounds Chinese"genre: Electronica
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    A tribute to Frank Zappa via a line in "We're Only In It For The Money" (or was that "Lumpy Gravy"?) CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer
    Credits: 1999 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Bog at Night"genre: Experimental
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    A whole different place CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Portal #5"genre: Ambient
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    Away we go! CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Deep Universe"genre: Ambient
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    How deep? Very deep! CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "To Feel a Touch"genre: Ambient
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    Wanting to be touched - Feeling touched in a loving way. CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "The Flying Crystal Ship"genre: Ambient
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    A sparkling vision larger than life CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Your Prettiness"genre: Ambient
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    You really ARE beautiful, my darling! CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "The Lovely Dream"genre: Ambient
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    The kind you just don't want to wake up from! CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Dizzy Izzy"genre: Ambient
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    It's a little hard to just wake up out of bliss space sometimes, isn't it? CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Deep Space Eleven"genre: Ambient
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    Just sparsely civilized... CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Plasma Space"genre: Ambient
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    The Northern Lights are a Plasma Space and this is what they sound like. CD: Scandanavia - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Scandanavia
    Credits: 1999 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Orgone Energy"genre: Ambient
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    Everything an organ should do for ya! CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Dense Fog at Night"genre: Ambient
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    Distant music - or what is it? - wafts through the dense fog, its qualities of atmosphere changing as the fog moves across the land. CD: Wild Sounds - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Wild Sounds
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "The Ant's Ascent"genre: Ambient
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    Events that led to an increased level of awareness for a particular ant I once knew. This song appears on the CD as "Up To My Rebirth" for secret reasons. CD: Dreamer -Terry Leigh Britton - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Dreamer - Terry Leigh Britton
    Credits: Composed and Performed by Terry Leigh Britton
    "Scandanavian Winter"genre: Progressive Electronica
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    This describes the emotional toll of going through a deep, Scandanavian winter. Cabin fever is the result if you are not careful! Freak out very possible... perhaps probable! See below for more. CD: Scandanavia - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Scandanavia
    Credits: 1999 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Scandanavia - 50 Moods, Part 1"genre: Experimental
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    Scandanavia is a region that carries strong stereotypes - of the sort perpetrated by Director Ingmar Bergman: gloom and preoccupation with death and tragedy and such. This piece is dedicated to dispelling those stereotypes - dedicated to the wonderfully individualistic people and the beauty that is everywhere. Similarly, people who are dying, and living each day with the experience of facing their mortality, are stereotyped likewise - gloom and preoccupation with death and tragedy and such. This is not the case at all! People facing death also face *life* every day that they are still alive, with all its richness and variety and vivacity and energy and beauty. This is then dedicated also to all those who are dying as well - and that would be the lot of you! Isn't life worth living to the fullest?! CD: Scandanavia - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Scandanavia
    Credits: 1996 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Scandanavia - 50 Moods, Part 2"genre: Experimental
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    See notes for Part 1 CD: Scandanavia - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Scandanavia
    Credits: 1996 Terry Leigh Britton
    "The Real Church"genre: Progressive Electronica
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    Inspired by Vangelis and Carl Sagan - the "Real Church" has a dome the size of the entire Universe. And that would likely be the size of the sanctuary as well. Now picture that! Have a seat and contemplate for a while. Very nice here, isn't it? CD: Scandanavia - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Scandanavia
    Credits: 1998 Terry Leigh Britton
    "Departure"genre: Ambient
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    There is a certain moodiness and preoccupation with death I sense in the stereotyped Scandanavian temperament. This one is all about death and dying, a subject I got pretty close to for six years of thinking that I was dying within a mere couple of years from Hepatitis-C. (I didn't die, thankfully - a miracle 11th-hour cure came my way. Rebetron, for you savvy ones.) Facing one's mortality (and impending and guaranteed doom) over an extended period involves giving up on every dream and aspiration you *thought* you had an entire lifetime to complete or attain - not easy. I occasionally get totally blubbery when I listen to this one, so don't be surprised if it moves you in a similar fashion. CD: Scandanavia - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Scandanavia
    Credits: 1999 Terry Leigh Britton
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