Amazing Grace like you never heard before. This is just one sample of how this song could be sung. Compare this to the instrumental, backing track, version which is provided for you to use as accompaniment when you add your own voice doing our lyrics. |
MP3.com CD: In Paradise - buy it!
CD: In Paradise
Credits: puddydawg |
All our songs are ready for you to record your voice and sell on your CD's. This beautiful song has an unusual start, but let it run to hear the good part, kinda U2/Genesis blend. Opens with a steady, deliberate pace, a wedding march for the church, the Bride of Christ; then blossoms into a beautiful, lilting melody with a U2 guitar ring to it. See the lyrics. |
MP3.com CD: In Paradise - buy it!
CD: In Paradise
Label: See the lyrics
Credits: puddydawg |
This song is about the deep scriptural meaning of Christian unity in love of all the Father's children, believers in all denominations and groups. Be sure to read the story behind the song by clicking on the song name, above. Like all songs on this site, this one is available for Christians to use free in their own recordings, and this sample of vocals is just to show where the words go. We're waiting on God to send some real singers to sing it. In Jesus' name, God unite us! |
MP3.com CD: In Paradise - buy it!
CD: In Paradise
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
This slow, rock-classical mood piece has an absolutely stunning melody that jumps out at you and begs for a beautiful voice. We have scriptural lyrics for it, and we believe God will bless whoever will sing their own version of it, as we work together to help show unity in the body of Christ, in all believers of every Christian denomination and group. Have you got the talent to make it happen? |
MP3.com CD: In Paradise - buy it!
CD: In Paradise
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
The Father delivered each of us to Him, the Son who said, "All things are delivered to me of my Father...", the theme of this fast rock song, where two guitars sing harmony like sweet sisters in the chorus on this first class, upbeat, catchy melody, as counterpoint to a great piano intro. This is a really hot Christian pop instrumental, the kind Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith might use. Read the lyrics while you give it a listen, and see if you could use it yourself, for free. |
MP3.com CD: In Paradise - buy it!
CD: In Paradise
Label: READ THE LYRICS, straight from the Holy Spirit!
Credits: puddydawg |
Sell your CD's, by recording your voice on any puddydawg song here. This one's Amazing Grace like you never heard before. Starts out in an old church with nothing but a pipe organ and an old rickety piano, but fires up into a real barn burner with rock guitars and gospel organ, 70's rock styling, like David Bowie and the Stones meet Jesus and get that old-time religion. Hear our vocal version of this song done just to show you where the words go. Sing our lyrics to this music, and put it on your own mp3.com site, for free!!! |
MP3.com CD: In Paradise - buy it!
CD: In Paradise
Credits: puddydawg |
The sound of this beauty has a gentle, almost familiar, melody that stays with you, and keeps you warm and protected; like being enfolded under the sheltering wings of the Lord. Have you got the voice, the words, and the heart to serve Jesus? So let's hear your performance of it already! Give a listen to the other three songs in the "dawg" series to hear the same song done in a variety of other musical styles. Interesting, huh? Add lyrics, rename to suit, and use it in your own vocal recording. |
MP3.com CD: In Paradise - buy it!
CD: In Paradise
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
This one will knock your eyes out if you're not careful! Use with caution. Needs Christian rap, bad. Do you have what it takes to lay down a heavy rap track? So what are you waiting for? This Rockylookalike could serve Jesus if you could serve up the words and performance. "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE............." |
MP3.com CD: In Paradise - buy it!
CD: In Paradise
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Catchy melody kinda sticks to the brain, like the blackened part of the pepper sticks to the skillet. So who says Zydeco can't be Christian? This one is for my two Cajun bud's, Vic and Tony, two of the finest Christian men I know. Add the Christian words, vocals, and band if you can. |
MP3.com CD: In Paradise - buy it!
CD: In Paradise
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Add your own voice recording to any song here, and you can get permission to use any puddydawg song free in your own recording or performance. You could have your own mp3.com music website just by adding your singing to one of these songs. This one could be a Christian pop top, but the words would have to fall off the tongue trippingly (and be sung fast), if you know what I mean. Don't like the long moniker? Neither do we, but it serves well as a working title. Add lyrics and/or vocals and you can take this puppy home and call it whatever you like. Ditto for all the songs here! Use and enjoy for the glory of the Lord! |
MP3.com CD: In Paradise - buy it!
CD: In Paradise
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
One of numerous Christmas Carols, instrumental versions. Merry Christmas, and in Jesus' name, God unite us. |
MP3.com CD: Paradise Found - buy it!
CD: Paradise Found
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Merry Christmas, and in Jesus' name, God unite us! This is an accompaniment version, for vocalists to sing along. |
MP3.com CD: Paradise Found - buy it!
CD: Paradise Found
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Classic Christmas song, instrumental only, with piano, organ, guitar, and percussion. |
MP3.com CD: Paradise Found - buy it!
CD: Paradise Found
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Classic Christmas Song...AKA: "Gloria, In Excelsis Deo". Merry Christmas, and in Jesus' name, God unite us. |
MP3.com CD: Paradise Found - buy it!
CD: Paradise Found
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Classic Christma carol. Merry Christmas, and in Jesus' name, God unite us. |
MP3.com CD: Paradise Found - buy it!
CD: Paradise Found
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Among the Classics of Christmas songs and carols. Merry Christmas, and in Jesus' name, God unite us. |
MP3.com CD: Paradise Found - buy it!
CD: Paradise Found
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Classic Christmas song. Merry Christmas, and in Jesus' name, God unite us. |
MP3.com CD: Paradise Found - buy it!
CD: Paradise Found
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Merry Christmas, and may God bless us, every one. |
MP3.com CD: Paradise Found - buy it!
CD: Paradise Found
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Classic Christmas song, instrumental version. Merry Christmas, and in Jesus'name, God unite us! |
MP3.com CD: Paradise Found - buy it!
CD: Paradise Found
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Classic Christmas Carol. Merry Christmas, and in Jesus' name, God unite us. |
MP3.com CD: Paradise Found - buy it!
CD: Paradise Found
Label: Indeterminate Vinyl
Credits: puddydawg |
Traditional hymn with trumpets and strings. |
CD: In Paradise
Label: Read the Lyrics
Credits: 1779, Edward Perronet, and puddydawg |
Slow waltz of this fine, old Christian standard. A beatiful, melodic backdrop for a wonderful Christian hymn, perfect for any Christian to add their own voice or voices to. Can you do it justice? Probably neither one of us can, but this song is just too pretty not to be heard, again and again. |
CD: In Paradise
Label: Read the Lyrics
Credits: 1913, George Bennard, and now puddydawg, too. |
Triumphal presentation, with piano and organ boldly proclaiming the beauty of this old standard hymn. Feel free to sing along, and praise the Lord with us while you do it. |
CD: In Paradise
Label: Read the Lyrics
Credits: 1886, R. Kelso Carter, and now puddydawg, too. |
Accompaniment version, without melody, done with piano and strings in a beautiful, original arrangement of rolling chords. Perfect for you or your Christian group to add your voice(s) to. Use this song in church, choir, or record your vocals on it using this music as one track, then post your song on your own free website at mp3.com to share with the world. |
CD: In Paradise
Label: Read the Lyrics
Credits: 1887, John Henry Sammis (Words), Daniel Brink Towner (Music), and now puddydawg, too. |
Melodic piano accompaniment for the traditional Christian hymn. Done as an accompaniment only, without melody, so the melody can be added by the vocalist. If you'd like to use it for any Christian purpose, just ask puddydawg first. |
CD: In Paradise
Label: Read the Lyrics
Credits: 1757, Anon. (Words), Felice de Giardini (Music), and now puddydawg |
Pretty much straight forward old-time, traditional hymn, with piano and organ, and with a little guitar and drum from time to time in the backgound. For Christians to use in church, or to add your own vocal track to and post it on your own web page on mp3.com. Anything to praise the name of Jesus!!!! |
CD: In Paradise
Label: Read the Lyrics
Credits: 1865, Knowles Shaw (Words), George A. Minor (Music), and now puddydawg |