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puddydawg (Contemporary Christian Pop)

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    Artist description
    Puddydawg is a Christian music ministry that exists to freely provide new, original music for Christians to sing, perform, record, and/or add lyrics. If you want to use a puddydawg soundtrack or lyrics free of charge, in a recording or performance(s) of your own, please let us know by sending your email request to puddydawg at the address, . We give permission for just about any Christian usage, but for Christian usage only. The originating provider of the music soundtrack or lyrics retains all other rights regarding any other usage, and puddydawg retains the right of final approval for any Christian usage (just to ensure no malicious usage). You should be aware that any puddydawg song, music soundtrack, and/or lyrics may be “covered” by any number of other Christian performers, or separately sold by the originating provider. But any of your own performance(s) and/or recordings, will remain yours to be used as you see fit, as well as any moneys you may get from it. We’ll also be glad to help if you need us, with any technical needs you may have to get your performance recorded, put it on the internet under your own band or artist name, and with web promotion and advertising. If you want us to, we will even sign up as your NMA representative at, do the web promotion for you, and return to you the extra 5% NMA bonus paid by to us as your NMA rep. Any and all Christian performance artists, vocalists, lyricists, and composers are cordially invited to participate in the Christian music ministry of puddydawg, so please contact us if you want to participate in any way. To be a puddydawg member, you just add the part you want to add.
    Music Style
    pop/rock/alternative/contemporary/any/u-name-it Christian
    Musical Influences
    Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, Hendrix, Bach, Harpo Marx, King David
    Similar Artists
    Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, Oasis, U2, Genesis, Sting, Newsboys, Jars of Clay, REM
    Artist History
    So why give away songs and help? Lots of Christians want a chance to be heard singing and performing good Christian songs. We just want to help by giving the songs to them. We’re not trying to make any monetary sense in this world. Jesus’ new commandment is to love other Christians enough to lay down our own lives for each other, so that the world will know that we’re the disciples of the one true God. So at puddydawg, we give away to other Christians the life we desire for ourselves, to make a career of serving Jesus in music ministry. And if we seek His kingdom and His righteousness first in our lives, the rest will come.
    Group Members
    This music ministry grows in members as the Lord sees fit to increase it. Names and ownership will be indicated wherever appropriate. If you want to help, just add your vocals, your band, or lyrics, or music. If you want lyrics to any song, just let us know. If you would like to read a Christian essay that describes what some of the puddydawg group think of unity among all Christians, of all denominations, please see the essay "Christian unity vs. Christian Legalism" at the Our Father's Business Website at . This Christian essay was written by a puddydawg member, and is at least in general agreement with the purpose of the puddydawg ministry.
    Any and all.
    Press Reviews
    Yes. We'd allow some. We don't accept monetary remuneration for interviews, however *special* consideration is given to reporters bearing odiferous meat or meat by-products on or about their person!
    Additional Info
    If you want to help this ministry, don't send money. Send Christians who want to work together as members of the one body of Christ, with other Christians to make music to serve Jesus in a way the world will notice; not to
    Tulsa, Ok - USA

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