Well, I love this one so much I'm puttin it on both my new albums. It's pretty much a BEATLESEX song, (BEATLESEX is my other site here at mp3.com...there's links layin around here somewhere..) but as I said, I thought this one was just so darn catchy that I'd wing it onto the last of this album as well.
So then, you can, should you wish to own the
physical CD of this song, it is on both
"Rock N Roll Like A GTO" & "BRAND NEW NOISE" by BEATLESEX. Thank you and have a rockin good time. That's rockin good news to me. ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com..............................I work here, I carry a badge
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ Everything |
Like Billy Joel before me with "Uptown Girl",
this is me with "Bunny"...my attempt at making
a record that sounds like The Four Seasons. Unfortunately for both Billy and I, neither one of us has Frankie Valli's INCREDIBLE voice. Nonetheless, imitation is still the
most sincere form of flattery.
Hey Frankie, make more Four Seasons records! Lemme know if you need a producer, Ace.
God Bless,
Much Love, ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com
Credits: Me sounding like The Four Seasons much as I can. ~Lesley |
Can't our minds make friends since we came this far as the animals we are? ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll LIke A GTO
Label: mp3.com
Credits: It's all me ~ Lesley |
Lovely ballad with a lot of accoustic guitar...
...one of 'em with a capo, 'so as to get a mandolin sound...I wanted a mandolin sound,
and I don't own a mandolin.... ...add capo,
and voila; mandolin. No, you're wrong.
It IS that easy. ~Lesley
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com
Credits: Music, Vocals, Crazy Piano Solo ~ Lesley |
Well Folks, it's like this. I really think whole business of the RIAA suing file-sharers, well, sucks. Big Weenie. Dig? All I can say is you'll
never get sued downloading my music, both here and BEATLESEX, and I've got a lot of it. It's
all freely downloadable. You catch that?
Okay. Cool. Rock N Roll. ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com.....THE Destination For Online Music...... Dig it, Baby
Credits: Ta-da. It's all me. I made this. ~Lesley |
Kinetic, Man. Whoa. ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com..............................Home of American Lesley Jane
Credits: It's all me ~Lesley |
I'm well aware of all of that....but you'd better know better than to mess with Pink Pussycat. ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: Lesleyphone (distributed by mp3.com)
Credits: I Am The Lesley.............Recorded In Hystereolesleyphonic Surroundsound |
Tell me what....Tell me what was the magic spell? Tell me what.....'cause you did it so well. ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com
Credits: Music, Vocals, etc....Me. ~Lesley |
So, like, all of a sudden this really sweet ballad comes up to my fingers and jumps out while I'm playin the piano....and it's like, totally a girl song...and I'm like...."I can't
do this, this is soooo totally a girl song"..
...and then I'm like "Hello? Earth to American Lesley Jane? Can you hear me Major Tom?
Can you hear me Major Tom, Mon?" ...and then I'm
like, "Oh, yeah, right. I'm American Lesley Jane, of COURSE I can do this record. So here it is then. God Bless, Much Love, ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com..........................Yeah Mon.
Credits: Me. It's all me. Me-me-me-me-me-me-me. Yeah Mon. ~Lesley |
Yeah, yeah, I know, shut up and sing. ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com
Credits: Music by BEATLESEX .......Vocals by Lesley |
Yeah, I know. With a title like Rock N Roll Like A GTO, the album's gotta really kick, but it's also gotta have at least one ballad in there, and this one's a beauty, eh? ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com.......the record label that lets you be you on your own terms........I Like That. ~Lesley
Credits: Me. ~Lesley |
The Title Track. Pedal To The Metal, Baby. ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Credits: Me. Everything. I'm good like that. ~Lesley |
You know what?
The Cops And Firefighters are TOPS in
MY BOOK. ....They Are The True Heroes....
....Every single one of 'em.....
The Heroes Of New York. God Bless, Much Love,
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com.......................Rock N Roll Headquarters
Credits: Music: American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX.......Vocals: Lesley |
Here's me, flippin' the tin. ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com
Credits: Everything : Lesley Jane (with some help from BEATLESEX) |
A song about surviving domestic violence. This song was inspired by my friend and fellow mp3.com artist Anna Fisher. Her song "Break The Silence---Stop The Violence", is so good that I wrote and told the President of the United States about it, as well as informing
the entire Catholic Church to listen to and tell others about her great record. You can find her in the "Links" section. Anyway, I
decided this was a topic that could stand to
have another song about it. Thank you Anna Fisher! xoxoxox God Bless, Much Love, ~Lesley |
CD: Rock N Roll Like A GTO
Label: mp3.com...............The COOL Place.
Credits: Everything and its sister ~ Lesley ....(Yep....incredible isn't it? Look Ma! Chip off the old block!! And HOW.) |
Yeah, It's an eight dollar single. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Like it but don't wanna pay 8 friggin bucks for a single? Download it then. All my music is downloadable. As in for Free, Dude. I'm a man on a mission. The Mission: To Bring Back Music Which Does Not
Suck Donkeys. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: The Forbidden $8.00 Doughnut - buy it!
CD: The Forbidden $8.00 Doughnut
Label: mp3.com
Credits: I made this ~ Lesley |
This is me, American Lesley Jane, endorsing President George W Bush For Re-Election in 2004...This record is available on a Limited Edition CD....God Bless....Much Love......~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: Elephants Never Forget - buy it!
CD: Elephants Never Forget (Limited Edition CD)
Credits: I made this ~ Lesley .....(with a little help from my friends...) |
Hello Baby, it's been a while...Tell me how the hell are you? ....We were friends...and we were lovers....even though there have been others............God Bless..Much Love, ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: The Forbidden $8.00 Doughnut - buy it!
CD: The Forbidden $8.00 Doughnut
Label: mp3.com
Credits: I made this ~ Lesley |
There. I Have Spoken. Leave Me Alone Now. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Label: mp3.com---that's label enough for me.
Credits: All words, music, and assorted noises: American Lesley Jane |
Ladies & Gentleman: American Lesley Jane; THE PEOPLE'S CELEBRITY. Move Over ALL You Phonies. Lesley Is IN DA HOUSE. |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Label: mp3.com and me....if it works don't fix it
Credits: Everything...~Lesley |
God Bless America---ALL of America. For America IS All Of Us. We Are America. If you wanna see the lyrics, click on the title of this song. By the way, that really IS me at the end, sounding like Foghorn Leghorn. You oughta know by now that I can pretty much sound like anything or anyone I want to. I really am proud of this song, and of the lyrics, which is why I invite y'all to have a
look at 'em. God Bless Us All and God Save Us From B***S*** 'cause thar's MUCH too much of it,
know whut I mean? Thar yew go. I'm all set. Very Much Love To Y'all.
~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Credits: Everything & the kitchen sink ~ Lesley |
This is yet another record I made with my friend, the dead guy. That's Right Folks, My Phantom Pardner and Co-Founder of BEATLESEX, None Other Than John Winston L Himself. I'm posting this song on the BEATLESEX site too, but it's
being released here, on the album "One Nation,
Under GOD". Much Love, God Bless, ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under God
Label: Good ol' mp3.com ....and Hey Y'all.....to the ones with the big fat nasty mouths: Be Nice To Sophie, She's Taken Quite Enough Of Yer Guff!!
Credits: American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX ~ Everything |
This song is about the multitudes of creatures known as lemmings. Okay, in other words, a song about goin' along blindly following a trend just 'cause it's "The In Thing" to do.........Okay? Got it now? Thar yew go.
You're welcome. Don't say I never gave you nothin' ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Label: mp3.com....mp3.com....mp3.com....mp3.com....mp3.com....
Credits: Everything ~ Lesley.....yeah that's right.....me....all by myself.....far as anyone could see..........Thank you to you all and Thank you to GOD |
You know what? I'll tell you what. You're not worthy of this song. Don't listen to it. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Label: mp3.com & me---we're the label.....try and get your mind aroun' that concept.
Credits: Everything ~ Lesley |
I saw on the news last night---(June 9, 2003)---that
there's a Boy Band that just formed in Iraq. Now there's something we wouldn't have seen if Saddam Hussein was still in power. This song is also about my disgust with just how much mud-slinging goes on, back and forth, in the weary name of "Truth"... ..You know Folks,
they say "listen to both sides of the story,
and usually The Truth is somewhere in the middle" and I kinda think that's one of the Truest Things I've Ever Heard. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Credits: Everything ~ Lesley (physically speaking......you know....huh?....beyond that? Thank you to BEATLESEX........and Special Thanks to The Clarinet Man: Mr. Benny G ......I've been to his house....no his real physical house the one he lived in when......Lovely place.....) |
It's all in the lyrics Ladies & Gentlemen....(all you gotta do is "click" this song title right here at www.mp3.com/American_Lesley_Jane)...God Bless...Much Love...~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Label: mp3.com and me......Under GOD
Credits: Everything ~ American Lesley Jane........Under GOD |
Here's a sound so old it's new. Tryin' to tap into some of that good stuff that E had goin on. And did I mention that this here jacket is in fact my snakeskin jacket, which is a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom. Rock n Roll. We got some dancin to do. Stop yappin' and steer. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Label: mp3.com and me.......Wild At Heart
Credits: Everythang ~ American Lesley Jane.......Well, Alright. |
Okay Wimps, Now The Real Fun Begins. |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Credits: Everythang, even sang ~ Your's Truly, American Lesley Jane |
In 1943 there was a movie called "Stage Door Canteen". I saw this movie recently, and I was
very moved how so many True Celebrities were there, giving of themselves, in support of Our Troops. What the hell happened to Celebrities anyway? They're a different breed than what we used to have---I'll tell you what. Well, Happily, Japan & Germany are now Our Allies.
World War 2 is Long Behind Us...........
But The Stage Door Canteen Lives On!
As Long As I Have Anything To Say About It....
The Stage Door Canteen Lives On!
I Always wanted to do a record with
The Andrew Sisters & Good Ol' Benny Goodman..
Did I mention I Dream In Color?
C'mon in Ladies & Gentlemen...........
The Music's On Me..............
God Bless,
Much Love,
~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Label: mp3.com
Credits: The Dream ~ American Lesley Jane (key players within The Dream: The Andrew Sisters on Vocals and Benny Goodman on Clarinet....but it's Only A Dream...............right? ; ) |
Two People In Love Are Sacred In The Eyes Of The Lord GOD Almighty. |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Label: mp3.com & me
Credits: I made this ~ Lesley Jane |
Don't say I didn't warn ya. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Label: mp3.com and me, American Lesley Jane
Credits: Jesus's Little Sunbeam ~ Lesley |
If you're under 40, you're automatically unworthy of listening to this song. Sorry. Move on.
MP3.com CD: One Nation, Under GOD - buy it!
CD: One Nation, Under GOD
Label: mp3.com and me
Credits: Yeah, yeah....me, me, me & me. ~ American Lesley Jane |
The World's Highest Paid Caveman. |
MP3.com CD: KONGO'S Theme - buy it!
Label: mp3.com
Credits: Assorted instruments and jungle noises ~ Lesley |
I suppose you could call this me protesting the protesters as well as pointing out why it matters that we're not letting a monster continue to torture his people. 'Cause you let a guy like that just go on and get bigger
and next thing you know he's runnin yo' ass over, dog. Me, I'm Kicking A For The USA. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it!
CD: Love To The World
Credits: all vocals & instruments: me |
A lovely lullaby for children of all ages.
Blessed Are The Children. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: Nessa's Lullaby - buy it!
CD: Nessa's Lullaby
Credits: *Yawn* All the sleepy little notes...I made this....Isn't it lovely? Good night......Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ~Lesley |
Woman is the enigma of the world. And nowhere is there more of an enigmatic woman than America Herself. ~Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it!
CD: Love To The World
Credits: Words, Music & Thunder ~ American Lesley Jane |
Dedicated To PFC Jessica Lynch & The Coalition To Free The Iraqi People. You Folks Are The Very Definition Of Courage. ~American Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it!
CD: Love To The World
Credits: God Bless PFC Jessica Lynch......God Bless The Coalition To Liberate The Iraqi People......God Bless America ~ American Lesley Jane |
A Tonic For The Troops. God Bless Our Men And Women Fighting For Freedom. That about sums it up. ~Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it!
CD: Love To The World
Credits: Ta-da.......I so totally kick ass. ~American Lesley Jane |
First of all I'd like to thank Francis Scott Key for writing this song way back in good 'ol 1814, and secondly, I'd like to very much thank fellow mp3.com artist Jennifer Baldwin for making her version. I came across hers'...heard it...found it to be very moving....and then it hit me: "Hey, You're American Lesley Jane! You oughta have a version of this! Duh!" Okay, okay, so here it
is! ...Thanks again Jennifer Baldwin!
~Lesley Jane .....PS: For those of you who are interested in the History of Star-Spangled Banner, I've provided a link to exactly that. Just click the "Links" tab here on my page...It's easily there if you look for it, trust me on this one. Also, it's surprising how many Americans there are who don't actually either know or understand the words to this song, so click the title and there's the lyrics. ..Also, to REALLY understand, I do recommend that you read the History! (again, just click my "Links" tab) ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it!
CD: Love To The World
Credits: Francis Scott Key wrote it in 1814 and I'm singin' it in 2003.~Lesley Jane (I did all the music tracks too of course as usual....and Man oh man I gotta say it took me longer than I thought it would....I guess I really wanted to make sure it was Just Right. ~Lesley |
This is the title song of my second album, America's Here To Stay. As with the first album, all sales proceeds go to the NY State World Trade Center Relief Fund. I included the lyrics---just click on the song title...this goes for this entire album.
I hope you all love this song as much as I do! ~Much Love, Lesley |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it! MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley.......Instruments: Beatlesex.............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Story of my life....AND a statement of fact: America Will Defend Herself Whatever It Takes. |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it! MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Credits: Me. I made this. Ta-da. ~ Lesley Jane |
The ORDER Will Find You. Bitch. |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it! MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Waiting for My American Dream
And wondering what could it mean to me?
...All my life going out on a limb
And now I'm falling right off the tree |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it! MP3.com CD: Another Overpriced Single - buy it!
CD: Another Overpriced Single
Credits: Vocal: Lesley Jane.......Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Where did the music go that used to call my name?
Now nothing seems to sound the same...
Don't know exactly what's to blame......
WELL ACTUALLY, We have a pretty good idea.
Start running now, Scum. Welcome To The Backlash, Baby. No Place To Hide. We Know Who You Are. |
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Rap is ugly and it dresses you funny....
Rap is ugly and it dresses you funny....
Rap is ugly and it dresses you funny....
Thuggin' for money....
Thuggin' for money..... |
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Note to self: Self, write this song. Reply from self: Self, thar yew go. In other words, I know what to do, I know how to do it. It's lonely at the top. Quite. Better Better Better Better Get Over It. ~ Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Label: oh go ahead, label me
Credits: The usual bunch... Lesley & Nessa on back-up vocals |
This might be my second favorite on the album, my most favorite being "America's Here To Stay. It's kind of 50s ballad sounding...like one of those classic records I grew up with. As if. |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Kind of Ska influenced. I love the groove on this. |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it! MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Sorry, too little, too late. Brace for impact. |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it!
CD: Love To The World
Label: Mp3.cOmTOWN, Dig it
Credits: Lesley Jane |
You Must Real; as in: You'll Be Sorry If You Don't, Trust Me On This One. The Light Gets Brighter Daily. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: Love To The World - buy it!
CD: Love To The World
Credits: American Lesley Jane ~ that's me |
A Loving Tribute To My Musical Mom. ~Lesley
MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Credits: Lesley Jane ~ Just like Mom used to make 'em |
The Dirty Truth.................................
You've got a chemistry class, I want a piece of your mind. You don't know what you started when you mixed it up with mine........................................................... Thanks for putting it so darn WELL, Declan.
Oh, okay, Elvis.
MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Credits: All Of Me...~Lesley Jane |
I HATE this song. And it's STILL better than anything you can do. ~Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Credits: Vocals & Keyboards....that would be me, Lesley Jane |
This song is about me when I was you. Don't try to understand. It's way over your head. |
MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Credits: All Of Me ~ Lesley Jane |
My songs are like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're going to get. ~ Lesley Gump |
MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Credits: Me, me, me, me, me & me. ~ Lesley |
A Long Time Ago...I wanted to make a Christmas Record. Last Christmas I did.
Better Than I Ever Imagined I Could. Move Over, Jingle Bells. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Credits: voice, music & sleighbells....that would be me ~Lesley Jane ...(hey, don't look now, but....It IS me) |
Duet with my wife Vanessa.
There Will Be No Messing Up Our Night To Fall In Love ~ Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Credits: Vocals: Lesley Jane & Vanessa |
Only if you ask real nicely.
Otherwise, go to hell and take your bleeding heart liberal friends with you. |
MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Credits: I breathe in, I breathe out... |
How Good Am I? I'll Tell You. This Song SUCKS. AND STILL It's Better Than ANYTHING You'll EVER Write. I've come up through the ranks in a way that no one else ever has and no one else ever will. Too bad on you.
MP3.com CD: oh whatever - buy it!
CD: oh whatever
Credits: Lesley Jane doing Everything as usual---in a day no less.....My goodness, if I had a brain I'd be dangerous! |
This is the Loveliest Ballad In The World That I Didn't Write. My Dad did. A Phenomenal Song. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it!
CD: Loverboy
Credits: It's all me....I recorded this in 5 hours....though back in '59, my Dad did it in 3! Of course, there was a whole group of musicians, and I hadda do it all myself, so I guess I'm still pretty amazing, right Daddy? |
What you should have said when you had the chance. It's Too Late NOW of course. Loser. |
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it!
CD: Loverboy
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane |
For Those Of You Who Think Rock N Roll Is Yesterday's News; Here's An Update. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals & Piano.....all other instruments: Beatlesex.....Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
The Faithless Will NEVER Know What This Song Is About. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: 3 legged single - buy it!
CD: 3 legged single
Credits: Vocals & Keyboards: Lesley Jane.......Additional Instruments: BEATLESEX............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
It takes a lot...It takes a lot to make it fly.....If all you got is just another alibi....
You're missing out on the things that we could do....
Daddy's Little Girl's in love with you! |
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
A better ballad than you could ever hope to write. Oh, go ahead and torture yourself, don't say I didn't warn you. |
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals....Instruments & Back-up Vocals: Beatlesex....Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
This Song Is More Perfect Than Petula Clark's
"Downtown"...and That's Hard To Beat! ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals & Keyboards.......all other instruments: Beatlesex......Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
No time to duck, you better not muck around with the boom-boom beat. |
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals......Instruments: Beatlesex.....Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Yes, you made me a diamond. Happy now?
That's what you get for wrapping me around your little finger. Oh what a bill you've run up. |
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it!
CD: Loverboy
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane |
Shut Up And LISTEN. You No-Talent Losers. |
MP3.com CD: 3 legged single - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: 3 legged single
Credits: Vocals & Keyboards: Lesley Jane.....Additional instruments: BEATLESEX......Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Ohh, Trust me on this one.
You run from me, you run from you. |
MP3.com CD: Another Overpriced Single - buy it!
CD: Another Overpriced Single
Credits: Vocal: Lesley Jane......Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Used to be me, now it's you.
Funny how paradigms change.
You stupid bleeding-heart liberal.
MP3.com CD: Another Overpriced Single - buy it!
CD: Another Overpriced Single
Credits: Vocal: Lesley Jane........Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Oh, you're not yet, but you will be.
MP3.com CD: Another Overpriced Single - buy it!
CD: Another Overpriced Single
Credits: Vocal: Lesley Jane......Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
THE First American Lesley Jane song ever released. |
MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals & Keyboards.......all other instruments: Beatlesex........Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Remember Us All Well; Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, and me. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals & Keyboards......All other instruments: Beatlesex......Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
This is song #2 of the "3 legged single"....it was actually recorded in 1998....
never released till now...
It's about The Real Thing, Baby.
And how All The Laundry gets hung out to dry. |
MP3.com CD: 3 legged single - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: 3 legged single
Credits: Vocals: Lesley Jane.......Instruments: BEATLESEX.........Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Another Larger-Than-Life (and better too) Ballad, by Yours Truly, American Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: unreleased single - buy it!
CD: unreleased single
Label: cover art by Vanessa
Credits: BEATLESEX helped with this but don't want to admit it......Vocals: Lesley Jane (that would be me).. |
.....What the hell's it matter anymore?
I try to keep that feeling at bay at the door.....
And I can be, yeah I can be anyone, anyone else but me..~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: unreleased single - buy it!
CD: unreleased single
Label: cover art by Vanessa
Credits: Produced by Lesley Jane (special thanks to BEATLESEX for kind support)................Lead vocals: Lesley Jane.............Back-up vocals: Vanessa.............. |
And no one knows....but I'm about to spell it out.....
Where did we go?....you see them shooting off their mouth....
Follow below....then you're a wimp without a doubt........
And I'm the invisible girl....
From the invisible world..... |
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Do you know?
...No you don't...
But you sell it to me...
Do you know?
...No you don't...
But you sell it to me...
Everyday on TV...
Hurry Up! ....
Act Now! ....
That's Right Folks....
Step right up and...
Buy one get one FREE! |
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Hey, hey, hey....
Lunatic fringe....
Sing: Hey Did....Hey Did....Hey Did....
Did you not hear me?
....I'll say it again!
Better run run run....
Hope you had your fun....
Stick a fork in you, you're done done done........Oh Yes Way. |
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
I've so got your number. So do my superior officers. |
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Thought you had it all figured out and pat the hell right down...
But hidden microphones were taking every word right down...
I'm a free man...
I'm a G-man...
And you're a baby...
Just get back 'cause now I've got your number..... |
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
It sucks to be me, you've been noticing...
But at least I'm not you..... |
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
That was your first mistake....you took your lucky break, and broke it in two............what a dirty deed done cheap. N'yeah, N'yeah. You were lucky to ever touch the hem of my garment LG. |
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
All I ever wanted to see....
Was a bright blue day with the sun hanging over me....
What the hell am I gonna be?....
In this world of insanity....
I was hoping we could all see eye-to-eye....
But I guess that'll happen when pigs fly! |
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
You know loneliness is danger...
Don't call me a stranger...
Call me doppelganger...
I'm your doppelganger.....
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Wonder every year what I'm doing here...am I starting to know? |
MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals & High-Tech Survelliance Equipment....all other instruments: Beatlesex......Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
This one is my favorite from this album. It features not only backing vocals from Beatlesex,
but also Ringo (he's the drummer) trading lines in the verses with me. |
MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals & Camera......Instruments & Vocals: Beatlesex.....Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
The Man Who Stands And Watches.
You Can't Write A Song Like This, Don't Try,
You'll Only Hurt Yourself.
Featuring BEATLESEX, and John Winston L on the most incredible talking harmonica ever recorded. |
MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
If love is an illusion, I guess that I could use one.
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals & Pants, do you hear? Pants. .....all other instruments: Beatlesex.....Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
This Song Is A True Masterpiece.
You're Lucky To So Much As Stand In Its Presence. |
MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Another American Lesley Jane Classic. Eat Your Heart Out. |
MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Well, Jesus DOES love me anyway, so @#$% you losers. |
MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane |
Because you know I know what I'm doing. Bitch. Que Pasa? |
MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals & Timpani........all other instruments: Beatlesex......Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
I love this song. It's one of those where you say "God I wish I wrote that"
only this time, I did. |
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it! MP3.com CD: Happy Birthday Reverend Flash! - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Duet Vocals.....Instruments & back-up vocals: Beatlesex.....Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Melody IS The Language Of GOD................
So Right Off, I'm suspicous of its absence....
If I start hearing No Melody, I start To Not Trust What's Being Barked At Me.............
My main complaint though about RAP is not the idea of speaking one's words freely, but more the ugly menace that RAP has become; the glorification of destruction, violence, giving in to hatred, blowing each other's heads off..
...that's supposed to be cool huh? You're all goddamn idiots if you believe THAT........
THAT AIN'T Bein Authentic;
It's bein a DUMBASS..........
THAT AIN'T Keepin It Real;
It's keepin it Doody.....................
That's what..............You May As Well Face It 'Cause We're Done Lettin You Disgrace It...
So, here I am in this song, just for the bridge mind you, doing a bit of rap...somewhat pissed-off rap at that...so la-de-dah...
...I at least put the text of my rap part in
the lyrics here...HEY, HOW COME YOU RAPPERS
Because you're punk heartless hoodlums trying
to sneak up on the unsuspecting, THAT'S Why.
You're trying to force-feed your opinions faster than anyone can chew; THAT'S Why.
I don't care what ANYBODY tells you...It is NOT hip to give up trying to be a good person... The brother that convinces you of that is the brother who sold out your ass to Hell, Dude.
DO YOU HEAR ME? Do You, Homefry?
But Alright, Okay, Play it that way. Just one thing y'all: DON'T Say I didn't warn you. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals......Instruments: Beatlesex......Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Another American Lesley Jane MONSTER That Is Better Than Anything You Will Ever Do No Matter How Hard You Try. Ha-ha. Who's Laughing Now? |
MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
How I Won The War. |
MP3.com CD: America's Here To Stay - buy it!
CD: America's Here To Stay
Credits: Vocals: Lesley..........Instruments: Beatlesex..............Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Don't worry 'bout me, 'cause I found my way by myself.
I'm learning to be me ever since I jumped off your shelf...
They say that big girls don't cry...
But we'll get by eventually even if it takes a century...
Crossing her heart, hope to die...
I told you once before I'm not cut out to be a whore.
So, I'm drying my eyes. So say your "I'm sorry"s and those other lies, yeah.
You don't believe it? I'll watch from the window as you go. |
MP3.com CD: Loverboy - buy it! MP3.com CD: America's Secret Weapon - buy it!
CD: America's Secret Weapon
Credits: Lesley: Vocals & Pan Of Water With Spoon........all other instruments: Beatlesex (occasional interjected vocals by John)......Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Time, time for another day....
We're facin' it anyway....
If you were me, what would you do?
.....This is my dance
.....This is my dance..... |
MP3.com CD: RAP IS UGLY - buy it!
CD: RAP IS UGLY (and it dresses you funny)
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |