Instrumental tune in medium tempo. BALKAN SPIRIT This is thematic simple, inbuilted by folklore elements, which are typical for the Balkan nations. Today you can see this spirit thru the wars and killing in crazy falling Yugoslavia. |
MP3.com CD: Balkan Spirit - buy it!
Credits: Music: Gal Hartman |
Symphonyc rock with female vocal in medieval mood. This piece describes the life at the Slovenian castle in the Middle age. The text has written the acknowledged Slovenian poet Janez Menart. Marta Zore is a singer and Miha Stabej is playing a guitar. |
MP3.com CD: Balkan Spirit - buy it!
Credits: Music: Gal Hartman, Vocal: Marta Zore |
Instrumental tune in fast tempo. KROPA is named after small Slovenian village, where the art blacksmithery is fostered through many centuries. I wanted to illustrate the striking of the sledge hammers and the sparking, which come into existence at blacksmithing. |
MP3.com CD: Balkan Spirit - buy it!
Credits: Music: Gal Hartman |