Story Behind the Song
This piece describes the life at the Slovenian castle in the Middle age. The text has written the acknowledged Slovenian poet Janez Menart. Marta
Zore is a singer and Miha Stabej is playing a guitar.
THE LUTE (DRACHENSTEIN) by Slovenian poet Janez Menart
In the afternoons glittering of the green forest and common
Ther whitens above the peaks the lonesome Drachenstein.
From the windows in the middle of the tower into the gentle
Noise of trees, there bustle the tunes of lute, as if they hurry to dance.
In the hall of the famous grandfathers in the peaceful twillight
sings the galliarde the daughter of the castle in bloom.
Like the strings, tuned the two of them on the same sound,
so is in her tuned her cheerful heart:
on the wings of the song dances and swims over the forests to
the castle in the valley, which belongs to Him.
In the hall in the twillight there watch her from the walls
from all sides the images of different faces; and their sight is severe one.
Cant there on the great-grandfathers face be seen worry?
Hasnt grandfather Sigismundus with his eyes shown her hatchment?
And Wilhelm, doesnt he show her from everywhere along the walls
of the oval frescoes with the castles and their names?
From picture to picture the girls gaze goes and slowly walk
of galiarde under fingers dies her away.
Never! speak from all sides the eyes.
Never, my dear child, does it happen!
And as if the lute cries, at the caslte tremble the pavanas sad verses:
When they put me into the grave.
Beneath the castle from the forest, as a quiet echo of the
voice cries a cuckoo: cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,