-Tribal Project- "With this work I have probably invented a new genre...I can't understand how but in some way this song is relaxing, with a dreamy sounds, distant strings and a strong reverb that unite all the sounds in an only melody; then there are the tribal percussions and the powerful rhythm that give energy to the song...listen to it: it will be easyer!" Dj TaBoo |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-REAKTOR Project-"Interesting epic trance song with a Great seperation and a very good development of the musical lines soundquality.The percussions are used properly and as all the rest of my works the melodies and the synthetized arps are greatly projected...a real Headwork!"Dj TaBoo |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Tribal Project- "That was a long Time that I didn't compose some Tribal melody, but my new influences and the will of an "african Summer": with all that sun, people dancing and moving their body in an uncontrolled agony...Smoking, drinking and having love with the soul of the earth mother...This song is chaotic and probably drunk, but it let me feel the right energy to pass the best summer of my life."Dj TaBoo |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Skyline Project-"148 BPM for this relaxing trance Song. All the instruments and most of all the OBOE with a dreamy melody, will drive your soul in the Garden of your own peace. The Solo return stronger on my music, this time with a really interesting piano's arpeggio...Just Lovely!"
Dj TaBoo |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-REAKTOR Project- "This work resume the 3 Books of the romance "TO THE THRONE OF DARKNESS" : The Arcane Gate, The Time's battle & Devil's Revenge...The Difficult Rise of God throught the Darkness until Satan: join this venture!" Dj TaBoo |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-LIFE Project-Song inspired by a special person called Luana...In my opinion it's impossible to classify this song that contains the ebsence of my music.I love this work because this song talk to the listener without the use of words and the atmospheres created by strings, Horns, Guitars, Choirs, oboe and many more instruments will relax your mind.Please: contact me to say your opinion about it."Dj TaBoo |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - Pure Melodic Trance...Or better: Pure my strange genre, fast ( 150 BPM )Melodic, Powerfull and different from part to part! Probaly my best Trance Song...That's fantastic!Bye |
MP3.com CD: Trance Bible - buy it! MP3.com CD: Best Wishes, Claudia - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Greatest Hits - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - That's a real Symphony, with everything you can desire, all seen in a kind of R&B way. The Tempo is quite slow, only 125BPM, but the melodies are really incredible! Listen to it! Your life will chenge after this divine wave! |
MP3.com CD: Best Wishes, Claudia - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Greatest Hits - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - An other explosive and extremely danceble hit with 140 BPM, a really powerfull bass and a Strong melody mixed with dreamy piano's solos...Are you looking for anything more?I don't think so...;) |
MP3.com CD: Trance Bible - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY : 100% - Fast, melodic, powerfull, explosive...This song is Superbe! Fly with the incredible Piano's melody and solo of this real dream on this site! |
MP3.com CD: Trance Bible - buy it! MP3.com CD: Best Wishes, Claudia - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Greatest Hits - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - That's a strange tribute to the most famous artist on mp3.com: My feeling with this dj is a strange love and hate because I admire him and in a second time I'm incredibliy gelous of his music. So Let's stop his supremacy on this site and...Listen to it! |
MP3.com CD: Memories of a Future - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Greatest Hits - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - Finally TaBoo has finished this incredible song! Here in mp3.com, the staff doesn't have words to describe it! It starts with a riff of the Song "Beyond the Horizon" and then continues always richer of sounds, melodies...LIFE! The first part of the song is quite poor but it changes! You know...Dj TaBoo! You can find a lot of compositive elements! 2 Solos, 6 different types of basses and a lot of melodies! You will like it: that's sure!
So thanks and let me know your opinion! That's very important for my production! Bye! |
MP3.com CD: Memories of a Future - buy it! MP3.com CD: Best Wishes, Claudia - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Greatest Hits - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - Not classical and not trance, what is that? I have created a new celestial song caracterized by a very nice piano, a lot of strings, and quite rhythm...That's perfect if you need something quite when you are making love!.As always you will find some special sound and prepare your self to the super Bass that I have created! So Good Luck, Feel Good, Enjoy TaBoo! |
MP3.com CD: Best Wishes, Claudia - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Greatest Hits - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% -
This song is very important in my production because I added for the first time a new compositive element: the "Solo". That's something that we usually don't find in this genre, but the last song of "Daft punk" gave me the inspiration to do something else...So I wrote "Psychedelic Solo", an exceptional work composed by 2 Songs, ( the second is the best ). Listen to it and judje my work leting me know your opinion. Bye |
MP3.com CD: The Greatest Hits - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - For all my life I was desiring to invent this incredible Synphony, inspired by the famous "Rondò Veneziano". That's not a simple remix: I have created new melodies,basses, pads, solo...to add to this fantastic melody. The result: a fantastic Trance-song composed as a classical hit...Only TaBoo could do it! |
MP3.com CD: Trance Bible - buy it! MP3.com CD: Best Wishes, Claudia - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Greatest Hits - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% -
"A very fast song with 165 BPM: as all my songs that is various and original...That's pure Power for your mind! Piano, Pads, Bass, a lot of differents melody and a Small Solo! There is all for your Entertainment! Bye " Dj TaBoo |
MP3.com CD: Trance Bible - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Greatest Hits - buy it!
CD: Trance Bible
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- Quality 100% - This song is something of incredible! Another hit: Pure energy for your mind...Imagine a fast song, with thousands melodies and and every kind of sound who man know...Live this song ! Live TaBoo! |
MP3.com CD: Memories of a Future - buy it! MP3.com CD: Trance Bible - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 95% - This song is only for Tribal-House lovers:IF you are not, you will not like it!...
That's my first House song invented without the help of my friend VeFF...So: Let's start saying that is a 130 BPM tribal-melodic Song, completely in "Stereophonic Dolby Digital"! The sound moves on your speakers and the music dance in left and in right...you will become crazy if you listen to it with "Phones"! The final part is very interesting for the melody, and the percussions...are thousand!Peace and Love! |
MP3.com CD: Trance Bible - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - 130 BPM for an oriental work created by my self: I composed this...quite melancholic song at the end of this summer 2001 because it let me think about holydays, the hot beach of my country and the Discos with thousands people...That's incredibly danceble, the melody is nice and...I MISS SUMMER! |
MP3.com CD: Memories of a Future - buy it! MP3.com CD: Trance Bible - buy it! MP3.com CD: Best Wishes, Claudia - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 75% - HOUSE-DANCE! Dance this incredible song, that goes over the imagination of the normal elecronic Music.DO you like vocal songs? There is it! Do you like Melodic Trance? There is it! Do you like danceble music?Welcome to the world of this song...the music of the Next Generation! |
MP3.com CD: Memories of a Future - buy it! MP3.com CD: Trance Bible - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 195% - Welcome to Caos...welcome to my world! An other fantastic song just created to increase and go over the limits of your imagination! An other rich work, very melodic and original, complete of every compositive element present on music...More than 12 melodies all in one song are my way to express my disapproval for what is happend 11 september...Make Love! Refuse Terrorism!;) |
MP3.com CD: Trance Bible - buy it!
CD: The Dark Galaxy
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - I have played it in a LiveParade in my town. There were a lot of people who were dancing and screaming! I wrote this song because I have broken with my Girlfriend, so "Life Again" Because I restarted to live! I'm alive after this terrible experience...I'm FREE and I love it! I dedicate this work to All my Friends: "I LOVE YOU!!!". Speaking about the song, that's very fast, very melodic and It's the Best song in mp3.com. Ok? Download...Just do it! |
MP3.com CD: Memories of a Future - buy it!
CD: Memories of a Future
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY:100% -
In this song you will find the essence of Trance-Music! 135 BPM for this Hard-Trance Nuke: Very Danceble and COMPLETE! Here you will find all the possibles elements to let a party more...!, The sounds are exceptional, there are more than 12 differents melodies, and the final part...What are you doing? Download! |
MP3.com CD: Memories of a Future - buy it!
CD: Memories of a Future
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-QUALITY 200%- This is my Brand new song that I wrote to feel full the attempt that you waiting for. For this I have been working for about five month and you will listen the result...That's amazing! Forget my past as a Trance Dj and prepare your self to this SYNPHONY: It Doesn't exist a genre that compare this work, That's classic, a little new age, Ambient and surely Synphonic. There are more than 2800 riffs...That's perfect if you want to relax, and there is also some part quite powerfull... That's my most Important work, I have riched my artistic attitude and I hope you will love it, If not I don't care! I know that this is very long but...listen: It's a good tried! |
MP3.com CD: Best Wishes, Claudia - buy it!
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 90% - Hello! I'm Again Dj TaBoo! This Song is the same of (¯`·.¸¤..TaBoo..¤¸.·´¯), but it changes the last part. The 2 Songs have a great final but I didn't like the fact that I had to choose which song put on the site. So you are free to decide what's your favorite( This version is very explosive!)
Enjoy! |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
Try Bangee Jumping or listen to this song...You will prefer General Chaos! That's the Big Bang of the f**king electronic genre! Download or suffer!...You can choose...
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo&VeFF- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Harder Time Project- Vodka, Tequila, Jack Daniel, Gin, Cointreau, Rum, Whiskie, Wine...why not: Bier...We love them and their effect: THIS SONG. Bye..[^].. |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo&VeFF- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Harder Time Project- The most popular song of the compilation COMBUSTIONE INTERNA.
Have a good experience during your life...Listen to it! |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo&VeFF- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Harder Time Project- Pure "HARDER TIME": Hard, Fast, Melodic & most of all...NOT COMMERCIAL |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo&VeFF- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Harder Time Project- Our first shit! Very Acid, quite fast and danceble...Love it! |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo&VeFF- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Harder Time Project- Faster, Harder...That's one of our best song. We like it! |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo&VeFF- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Harder Time Project- That's for your Mind... Relax your ass and enjoy with us our success! |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo&VeFF- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Harder Time Project- We always put our heart in our songs. This is an example: these are not simple sounds...that's passion. |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo&VeFF- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Harder Time Project- This song express my way of life, this song is the mirror of my soul, on this song there is the artistic part of my Ego. You have to like my life and only then you will love my works... |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo&VeFF- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
-Harder Time Project- That's acid, Hard and Dark...It's a nightmare. Are you like that? |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2003 -Dj TaBoo&VeFF- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 90% - How many solos can you find in 3 minutes of songs? Much more than your imagination can think! That's a very particular song, a kind of Progressive Metal with a lot of nice ideas ( that's my first song composed in this way )but I don't have the instruments to make it exceptional.
Judge it and if you like it...thank you!Bye |
MP3.com CD: Best Wishes, Claudia - buy it!
- QUALITY 95% -
I wrote this song for a friend that had to organize a Party. Ozone 4 is the perfect work if you like clubs Ambients or House Partys...Simple, Danceble, TaBoo ;o) |
CD: The Dark Galaxy
- QUALITY 100% - This work has been premied ( by the Italian mp3.com Chart ) as "the best Trance-Song" of the year 2001. I'm Happy to present to you KRAKATOA! This is an Orgasm for your ears! Melody, sounds, chorus...it's all fantastic and the FINAL PART IS CELESTIAL! If you don't believe me, listen to it and than download it!
( Dedicated to SiX ) |
CD: The Dark Galaxy
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - This is the song that will let this genre become better. Usually electronic-music is banal, too simple and a lot of times the songs are always similar and not original. So I composed Opera Magna: this is a synphony invented for this genre: this song is surely the most various that you have ever heard, it's very melodic and original , it's not commercial and...we can't speak about a genre because I have Puted all. I know that is very long, but listen to it: maybe the pubblic is ready for somethig new...let's hope! |
CD: The Dark Galaxy
- QUALITY 85% - This is something like a "Change of season", The Start and the final part are totally different...This song is my opinion of love: You feel a lot of sensation, you would like to fly, to unite yourself with the person you love, and you can't ear anyone because your heart goes too fast! |
CD: The Dark Galaxy
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 90% - Tyred to listen shit? I can understand you...but you have found the solution to your problem: DragonFobia is Life! It's the Rythm you need to dance all year without stop your self! Don't be Crazy: Don't continue to Suffer: DOWNLOAD IT! |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 80% - Betelgeuse is a big Red Star in our Galaxy, if now it was on the place of our sun, Earth couldn't exist because this star is so giant that it should go over Mars. So if in your brain there is not shit, you can understand the meaning of this words: DOWNLOAD IT! (Or you will lose your balls!)
Fly with TaBoo. |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 75% - I have created this song in only 2 days but the result is...I can Only say that a lot of stations have this song and not another! That's a deeply dark song, with a mystical atmosphere and a lot of Pads, and differents original instruments. -"TaBoo is Life!"- |
MP3.com CD: Memories of a Future - buy it!
CD: Memories of a Future
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 100% - The Most Danceble Song of This Century: This is the Best of the Best, one of my bests Best works.135 BPM, the Sounds are fantastic, and the melody...It doesn't need a presentation, only you will love it! TrAnCe!!! |
CD: Memories of a Future
- QUALITY 100% - Original TRANCE 100%, Made in my brain! 150 BPM for a Song that goes over the surfice of this fantastic Genre! If you are a Human, you will love it and his rythm...ONCE IT STARTS, YOU CAN'T STOP!!! Put your hands up and DaNcE!!! |
MP3.com CD: Memories of a Future - buy it!
CD: Memories of a Future
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 70% - 140 Bpm, a lot of pad and strange sounds, an excellent rythm and a Superbe melody that make this Trance Voyage one of the most incredible songs of the genre! Come in this deep universe and dance with QUASAR!!! |
CD: The Dark Galaxy
- QUALITY 100% - The first song after a long Pause, the first song of this year (2001)...The new frontiers of Trance Music are here, Are you Ready ? Prepare your self to this TNT, with excellent percussions, a faster rythm and a Trancer Music! |
CD: Memories of a Future
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 85% - This song doesn't need a description: That's the power of God! A Powerfull techno Song very melodic, soft and...STRANGE! It's your soul ready ? |
CD: The Dark Galaxy
- QUALITY 70% -I gave this name to the song because inside there is a battle between 2 genres: Cheesy Rock and Dance.Who will be the winner?if you download this song, YOU will be the winnner because only if your are dead you can't like it! ( the Dance Part is after the 2° Minut ) |
CD: Memories of a Future
- QUALITY 90% -
"Piano" and "Reverberance" with a lot of Pads and Strings : This song is SUPERBE! More Powerfull than a Storm...It's different by every song you have ever heard...This is THE KINGDOM OF CONSCIOUSNESS! |
CD: Memories of a Future
- QUALITY 90% - Do you wanna survive for an other day? So Download this TrAnCe Dream! There are 2 parts in the song: in the middle there is the moment of war : peace between these 2 melodies: Listen to it! This is better than Pamela Handerson! Your monkey will love it! |
CD: The Dark Galaxy
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 50% - Fatality is a song made for stimolate your imagination and increase your night-pollutions...AHAHAHA...NO!Listen to it!Very Danceble EuroDance Music, dedicated to Mortal Kombat! See You in Hell!!!PS: There is a Surprise in the second minute of the song : METAL MUSIC for some second ! Typical of TaBoo!!! |
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 85% - Do you like Church? No? Me Too! That's very noise, long and...sometimes pathetic! So i decided to create Techno Church. This song let me see the Church of my dreams. If you are a TRANCE LOVER you will like it! Let's DANCE! |
CD: The Dark Galaxy
- QUALITY 80% - If you are looking for something that will let you fly in a world of dreams and clouds...Go and look for Cocaina, Eroina or something else; but if you are interested to a nice song : Download it! The Perfect Music of Saturday Night! |
CD: The Dark Galaxy
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |
- QUALITY 90% -
Do you think that the original song is too fast? Are you looking fore something more danceble? So this version is for you, and we are sure taht you will like it! ;o) |
MP3.com CD: The Greatest Hits - buy it!
CD: Memories of a Future
- QUALITY 85% - My first Work! Here begins the terror and the nightmare of my music: my first Song! It's something of exceptional : you can listen to it without die of Headhake! Listen to the melody and than let me know your happyness! |
MP3.com CD: Memories of a Future - buy it!
CD: Memories of a Future
Label: Scorpio STUDIOS s.r.l.
Credits: Credits (c) 2002 -Dj TaBoo- COPYRIGHT PROTECTED |