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    Welcome to Lagoona!
    Lagoona is the artist name of the producers Andreas Viklund and Björn Karlsson from Porjus, northern Sweden. We have been making melodic dancefloor music, which has been released free for everyone to download, for more than six years now! During these years, we have had lots of fun, and that is what our music is all about. Fun... Happiness...

    On this page, you can download most of our songs. We hope that you'll get as much happiness, as we got from creating the music. Feel free to send us any comments, questions or suggestions you may have!

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    [Nov 24]

    Important notice! is closing down on December 3rd. Everything will go offline, and no music will be available anymore. This is terrible, since is the biggest source of legal free music in the world. Of course, this will affect all of you who listen to MP3 music, but it is also be a slap in the face to the thousands of artists who have spent years of work on promoting their music through

    Lagoona has been one of the top bands on the Electronic music scene for several years. We have had three #1 songs on the overall Music chart and more then ten genre #1's. Since we posted our first songs here (in July 2000), more than 2.2 million Lagoona songs have been played or downloaded from On December 3rd, our music will dissapear from this site, and we still don't know where the music will be hosted in the future.

    But we promise you: We will still be around! We will soon find a good way to make our music available to all of you. If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest news regarding Lagoona and our music, we recommend you to visit our website at every now and then! We will update it more often, and we will also publish a lot of new material later on. Don't miss it!

    Thanks to all of you who have supported us through! You are always in our hearts!

    -- Andreas & Björn (Lagoona)

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    "Touch my heart"genre: Melodic Trance
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    Calm, beautiful pianodance song with a very happy melody. Sounds a lot like the old TSEC style, but with better sound quality. Well worth to download. =)
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "Heaven"genre: Hard Dance
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    "Heaven" is a classic Lagoona song! Nice buildup, and a very nice sound overall. The voice sample has made this a very nice song for live acts, since the crowd usually likes to scream along. =)
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "Into my dream"genre: Hard Dance
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    New release by Lagoona! This is symphonic and emotional vocal dance song about the magic of dreams, and the beautiful feelings that they can bring...
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona. Vocals by Åsa Holmberg.
    "Always in my heart"genre: Hard Dance
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    Beautiful vocal trance! This is our first release with vocals. The song is dramatic, emotional, powerful but still very calm. The lovely voice you hear in the song is Lizanne Hennessey from the group Lizzard (
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona. Vocals by Lizanne Hennessey.
    "Never let you go"genre: Club
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    Do you like our song "The journey"? This new track has the same style, but we think that it's much better. Lagoonamusic at it's best... Highly recommended!
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "The journey"genre: Club
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    Atmospheric, emotional dance song. One of our #1 tracks, and definitely one of our most downloaded songs. This is the song that created the Lagoonamusic style. Described as one of the most beautiful dance songs we've ever made...
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "Hands up!"genre: Euro Dance
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    Lagoona goes into 2002 with a new release! Using some of our new equipment, we have tried to make a really powerful song. You will hear that it is Lagoona power!
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "My way"genre: Hard Dance
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    Powerful dance song with leading pizzicatos and strong rythms. One of our older songs, made with a tracker program. Has also been played live several times with a good result. =)
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona. Voice sample by Christine.
    "Frivolity"genre: Rave/Old Skool
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    Lagoona goes boom-boom! This piece of rave music makes you think of U96, and the way hardcore vibes made people dance back in the early 90's. This is not a very serious song, this is just for fun. But be warned: Your feet may start moving even if you don't want them to! =)
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "I'm hot for U"genre: Melodic Trance
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    New dancefloor hit. When this song first was played on the dancefloor, people went wild. Since then, this is one of our favorite songs to play live...
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "Indigo"genre: Hard Dance
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    This song was made with one synthesizer only: our Access Virus Indigo! Every single sound in the song (except for the drums) is Indigo all the way... The style is slow powerdance, 128 BPM with great synth leads and lots of powerful sound effects.
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "Trance in heaven"genre: Melodic Trance
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    Now here is a song with attitude! "Trance in heaven" is one of those songs that makes you wanna jump up and dance, much because of the intensive lead melody.
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "Emotions in trance"genre: Melodic Trance
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    This is powerful, quality trance music! The melody is unique, and the beats will stay in your mind for a long time after you've heard this song. This song has been ranked #1 on the entire!
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "Take me home"genre: Intelligent Techno
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    A track made for the dancefloors. Fast synth melodies and powerfull basslines makes this a track you should really download!
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "Raze maz"genre: Melodic Trance
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    Melodic dancefloor song! This one is made with one synthesizer only: Our Roland XP-30. We wanted to see how good the XP-30 is, and as you can hear it's truly an amazing machine. If you like the Lagoona style, we're sure that you will like this song!
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "Music in my soul"genre: Hard Trance
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    Hard, rough but still with the melodic Lagoona touch. This song was supposed to be released as a CD single, but that never became reality. This is the radio edit.
    Credits: Music/programming: Lagoona
    "Endless ocean (featuring Gina G)"genre: Club
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    Dancefloor track with a great buildup. It starts calm, and ends with a lot of energy. The mix of electronic guitar, analog synths and the voice of Gina, is just a great combination. Also, there is some beautiful whale song. Highly recommended!
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona. Voice sample by Gina G.
    "A moment of sadness"genre: Club
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    This is a very calm song, which starts out with a relaxing ethnic rythm which moves on to a dance rythm in the end of the song. Not like any of our other songs, very unique.
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "Show me"genre: Melodic Trance
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    One of the most powerful Lagoona songs! "Show me" has a lot of energy, and the sound is really nice. If you like the sound of Lagoona, you will like this song...
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "A magic place (original edit)"genre: Melodic Trance
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    An uplifting dance song, with a happy melody repeating over and over again.
    Credits: Music/programming by Lagoona.
    "Deep blue"genre: Melodic Trance
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    E-guitar melody, backed up by symphonic strings, mixed into an emotional dance song. With a nice 303 loop and pumping drums, this song works good on the dancefloor. One of our favorite songs when we play live...
    Credits: Written and produced by Lagoona.
    "The journey - part 2 (beta version)"genre: Club
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    Our song "The journey" has been very successful, so we decided to make a sequel to the song. Here it is, and guess what? We've made it happy! =) This one is highly recommended, even though it's not the final version. Send your comments!
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