CD: Life in the Machine
CD: Life in the Machine
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
CD: Life in the Machine
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute music. All Rights Reserved |
CD: Life in the Machine
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
CD: Life in the Machine
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
CD: Life in the Machine
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
CD: Life in the Machine
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
CD: Life in the Machine
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
CD: Life in the Machine
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
CD: Life in the Machine
Credits: Copyright Wintermute Music 2003 All rights Reserved |
MP3.com CD: Trantasia - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
Most recent remix of the Wintermute classic
This one the most hard hitting of the bunch with a heavy focus on Drama and new melody lines. |
MP3.com CD: Trantasia - buy it!
CD: Trantasia
MP3.com CD: Trantasia - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
MP3.com CD: Trantasia - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
MP3.com CD: Trantasia - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
Inspired by Apollo 8 and the astronauts reading of "Genesis" this piece focuses on the power of humankind's religions.And the fact that when humankind was at one of it's technological heights, it still clung to it's religion. |
MP3.com CD: Trantasia - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
a remix of "H20 is life" that first appeared on "State of the Art". This version focuses more on the "electronic chant" that can be heard in the background, hence the subtitle. |
MP3.com CD: Trantasia - buy it!
CD: Trantasia
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is the most recent remix of "SOI (sound of ice) that first appeared on "State of the Art"
This version focus more on the progressive basslines of the original. |
MP3.com CD: Trantasia - buy it!
CD: Trantasia
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music All Rights Reserved |
Very progressive and somewhat forward (in terms of the future of trance) track based on the melodies of the popular Wintermute track: "Spaces" |
CD: Trantasia
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
Long while since I have had a William Gibson inspired song... here it is... |
CD: The Zone
Credits: Copyright 2003 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
MP3.com CD: Wide - Screen - buy it!
MP3.com CD: Wide - Screen - buy it!
CD: Wide Screen
MP3.com CD: Wide - Screen - buy it!
CD: Wide Screen
MP3.com CD: Wide - Screen - buy it!
MP3.com CD: Wide - Screen - buy it!
CD: Wide - Screen
MP3.com CD: Wide - Screen - buy it!
CD: Wide - Screen
MP3.com CD: Wide - Screen - buy it!
CD: Wide - Screen
MP3.com CD: Wide - Screen - buy it!
CD: Wide - Screen
MP3.com CD: Wide - Screen - buy it!
CD: Wide - Screen
MP3.com CD: Wide - Screen - buy it!
CD: Wide - Screen
This is an extended version of the original
Extended means more complex |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth (ex-rm) - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth (extended re-master)
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is an extended version of the original
Extended means more complex |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth (ex-rm) - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth (extended re-master)
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is an extended version of the original
Extended means more complex |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth (ex-rm) - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth (extended re-master)
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is an extended version of the original
Extended means more complex |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth (ex-rm) - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth (extended re-master)
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is an extended version of the original
Extended means more complex |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth (ex-rm) - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth (extended re-master)
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is an extended version of the original
Extended means more complex |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth (ex-rm) - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth (extended re-master)
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is an extended version of the original
Extended means more complex |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth (ex-rm) - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth (extended re-master)
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is an extended version of the original
Extended means more complex |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth (ex-rm) - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth (extended re-master)
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is an extended version of the original.
Extended means more complex |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth (ex-rm) - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth Extended Re-Master
Credits: 2002 Wintermute Music |
One of the most ambient of the mixes of this song since the original. Listen as the song morphs and pulls against itself in deep space |
CD: Wide Screen
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is a more downbeat version of the Melodic Trance title song from the last Wintermute album "Trantasia" |
CD: Wide Screen
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
This is the first movement from the Wintermute Epic: "Metropolis". Metropolis one was written in three parts(movements) this piece is an except of the first one and is mixed at being soundtrack music. |
CD: Wide Screen
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
Rear Admiral Hart had had a very long and adventureous career in the imperial navy. He had seen the expansion of the Empire and now is at the end of his life. This song recounts those fleeting images as he nears his final voyage into the unknown... |
CD: Wide Screen
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music All Rights Reserved |
Melody caresses pads as this Trance meets Fantasy piece moves through the magical land of "Trantasia" |
MP3.com CD: Trantasia - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music. All Rights Reserved |
The opening song on "Trantasia". meant to be an introduction and a "builder". Very wide sounds move to a 132 bpm as they prepare you for the themes of the album. |
CD: Trantasia
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2002 All rights reserved |
Darker remix of my original from "State of the Art" |
This song has been through several incarnations as I attempted to create a new mix of the original for the "Floor" cd. One of the mixes had filtering that reminded me a bit of the "Daft Punk" sound at times in the mix. I decided to focus on that version and add it to the cd. So here is the final mix for the Floor album of a song that began about 3 cd's back.
CD: Floor
Back in '76 a year before "Starwars" one of the last "stainless steel" sci-fi's of the 70's was released: "Logan's Run". Even though it was in the shadow of a new era in sci-fi--one of incredible realism and no longer carrying social "messages"-- it was still great in it's own right. This song attempts to recreate part of the glory of that film... |
CD: "Floor"
Credits: All vocals: Wintermute All music: Copyright 2002 Wintermute Music All rights reserved. |
This is a trance/dance remix of my popular original from "Music for Night Driving"
140 bpm very hypnotic trance remix.
CD: "Floor"
Credits: Copyright Wintermute Music 2002 All Rights Reserved |
This is the 4th incarnation of the original When I first created "Spaces" I knew it had Melodic Trance potenial. However it was a while before I decided to try it. Now in its 4th incarnation (aka remix) I think it finally lives up to that ability. This is what you might call "classic" Melodic trance. What I mean is it has many of the elements of Robert Miles' first pieces (what I concider original Mel Trance). It is somewhat "minimal" in structure and yet highly progressive. It is was created to give a very dark and distant/lost feeling. I subtitled it "Miles to nowhere" to pay homage to that long ago first work done by Miles, And yes, I think it still has the "Wintermute" sound to it.
So with that I give you, dark distant and brooding: |
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
This is the final part of the destruction triolgy in the "Atlantis" cycle. It incorporates all the style elements heard in the cycle to this point. This is a very complex arrangement and is nearly 10:30 long. It is comprised about over 75 patterns in friutyloop and nearly 100 tracks over all. This is a "polished" 1st release. There may be, and more than likely will be, other changes to this in the near future--before the release of the cd.
Story wise it shows the real tragedy of the final destruction of Atlantis. Whereas the first two might have been avoided if it where not the for the greed of humans, this last one was unstoppable. The begining of the piece shows the after math of the 2nd destruction. However it then shows the unbreakable spirit of man and how he trys to continue. Rebuilding and growing new techonologies. However despite this, the somewhat abrupt ending depicts the final destruction. This is led up to by a "decay" of the music, showing the people that desserted the doomed nation. Despite the length of the track, this is one of thoughts songs that doesn't seem that long, as it is comprised of many different "sections". |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
A very progressive rock inspired song that tells the story of one of the ancient factions in Atlantis. A Faction that might be thought as "good". However due to the nature of the ancients, they might be seen as Benevolent at best. |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
Song depicting the war in the land and in the air--the Atlantians versus the fowl and animals of the earth, including "primitive" man. |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
The finale to the "Atlantis cycle"(Lords of the Earth. It provides explaination for the outcome of the cycle. |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
Cayce wrote about three separate cataclysms that struck Atlantis. The dates are respectively: 50,722 BC; 28,800 BC; and 10,500 BC. This song is the second of a Trilogy within the "Atlantis cycle" that dipicts these 3 events. As told by Cayce the second one was brought by the further misuse of the Atlantian's power. The result was the breakup of the land into 4 pieces. A Great power struggle was created between the two great factions of Atlantis: The sons of Belial, and the sons of the Law of One. This song paints life before the 2nd event. Showing the technology and driving elements behing the society. Music wise it is inspired by Progressive Jazz. Another goal of the song is to show just how "alien" there culture would appear to us. |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
This is an sound collage that depicts the other of Atlantis' two factions. The "Sons of Belial" or what you might think of as evil, but as the song tries to show, it is an Evil that is a complement of good. In other words, it has good "highlights". Unlike the "Sons of the Law of One" who sought harmony with earth. The "Sons of Belial" did all they could to conquer it. They unlike their counterpart, revealed in the "material" side of life.
The form of this song is rather Chaotic, like what the people it were. I may best be describe musically as an ambient soundscape. |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth - buy it!
Take a step into the the bygone days of progressive music with wailing gutiars and growling analog snyths with this the 2nd part of my Atlantis cycle. The idea was to capture a retro sound, without using any of those instuments. If the guitars sound strange to you, that is because they are not "real". they are snyths (rm1x) Also note, that despite this being in Progressive Electronica, it is more of a "soundscape" on its own. It is however a part of a multiparted prog electroica cycle of songs. |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
Cayce wrote about three separate cataclysms that struck Atlantis. The dates are respectively: 50,722 BC; 28,800 BC; and 10,500 BC. This song is the begining of a Trilogy within the "Atlantis cycle" that dipicts these 3 events. As told by Cayce the first one was brought by the misuse of a great Weapon verse the "animals" of the Earth. The result of this descruction, caused the great Island nation to be split into to separate parts. Again "primitive" sounds and instruments are used to depict the animals, just as they were in "War on Earth". |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth - buy it!
CD: Lords of the Earth
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
Opening to the "Atlantis cycle" |
MP3.com CD: Lords of the Earth - buy it!
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
True taste of Electronica as a form where many electronic styles are mixed. Tempo is 130 core beat is a 2 step Drum-and-Bass beat, but is far from being Drum-and-Bass |
MP3.com CD: Music for Night Driving - buy it!
CD: Music for Night Driving
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
strange sci-fi sounds wash over lamentful arpeggios as dark piano lines crest in the moonlight. This is the 3rd mix of my "Spaces" song. This one feature the great sound of Audio Simulation's "DreamStation DXi" Analog Softsynth. All but the drums, basses, and pianos are using this amazing piece of software.
The piece was sequenced and mixed in Fruitloop 3.11 |
MP3.com CD: Music for Night Driving - buy it!
CD: Music for Night Driving
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
Dark piano lines fused with galloping basslines, all swirled into 130 bpm. |
MP3.com CD: Music for Night Driving - buy it!
CD: Music for Night Driving
Credits: Wintemute Music Copyright 2001 |
Take a drive through a city at night. 120 bpm
MP3.com CD: Music for Night Driving - buy it!
CD: Music for Night Driving
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
This is "old skool" trance, when trance was about being put in one... |
MP3.com CD: State of the Art - buy it!
CD: State of the Art
Credits: Wintermute |
At one time North America was covered in Indian Nations, now there are very few and none have the expanse of land they once had. Now there is only the Ghost Nation... |
MP3.com CD: Relics: An Ambient Collection - buy it! MP3.com CD: Echoes: An Ambient Collection - buy it! MP3.com CD: :I.L.L.U.S.I.O.N: - buy it!
CD: :I.L.L.U.S.I.O.N:
Credits: Copyright 1999 Matt Stemen |
This is a follow up song to "Adrift in time and Space". We continue adrift until we get caught in the gravity of a nearby planet... |
MP3.com CD: Relics: An Ambient Collection - buy it! MP3.com CD: Echoes: An Ambient Collection - buy it! MP3.com CD: Music For Space Travel - buy it!
CD: Music for Space Travel
Credits: Matt Stemen |
Warm, tranquil, and haunting. Sit back and float... |
MP3.com CD: Relics: An Ambient Collection - buy it! MP3.com CD: Spaces - buy it!
Credits: Wintermute |
The beginning of the Metropolis "cycle". Tells the story of man through one of his greatest creations, The City. "Metropolis I" cover the beginning of man till the mid 1960's. |
MP3.com CD: Metropolis - buy it!
CD: Metropolis
Credits: Matt Stemen |
The city is seen from around the late 1960's until the current time. Witness it's growth and problems.. |
MP3.com CD: Metropolis - buy it!
CD: Metropolis
Credits: Matt Stemen Copyright 2000 |
We journey into the far future, when the Metropolis is near its end. It has fallen into decay due to mans ignorance of the machines that built and run it. |
MP3.com CD: Echoes: An Ambient Collection - buy it! MP3.com CD: Metropolis - buy it! MP3.com CD: VOX - buy it!
Credits: Copyright Matt Stemen 2000 |
Longer more ambient mix of our "Hyper Space Mix" |
MP3.com CD: Music For Space Travel - buy it! MP3.com CD: Built for the Future - buy it!
CD: Music for Space Travel
Credits: Matt Stemen |
A Synth and Vocoder Tour de force. All the "Vocals" you hear are processed from the "voice" at 2:42 (over 8 different versions). This will be the intro track to the upcoming Wintermute DAM: "Built for the Future". Despite the Kick and 140 BPM this one has tons of stereo effects, and is more for headphones than the dance floor. Trance version to follow. |
MP3.com CD: Built for the Future - buy it!
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
This is what Trance might have sounded like if it had become popular in the early to mid 80's. Very retro sounds, with some modern influences.The Future?, well maybe ;) |
MP3.com CD: Built for the Future - buy it!
CD: Built for the Future
Credits: Wintermute Music Copyright 2001 |
In William Gibson's masterwork "Neuromancer" we are treated with an amazing chapter where the main character "Case", meets the A.I. Neuromancer for the first time, Now hear what that chapter sounded like to me. |
MP3.com CD: N3UR0M4NC3R - buy it! MP3.com CD: Liquid Krome - buy it!
Credits: Wintermute |
A man walks into his memories while visting a forgotten attic. Thoughts are represented by ambient forms of locomotion, memories by music. This one is a real surround sound treat if you have it, otherwise headphones are a must... |
MP3.com CD: Spaces - buy it!
Credits: Wintermute |
Trance version of one of my earlier songs |
MP3.com CD: State of the Art - buy it!
CD: State of the Art
Credits: Matt Stemen |
A Dark and somber song about a grief strickened man's final minutes on earth as he can no longer stand the death of his wife who died in an air crash and takes his own life. Based on the poem I wrote back in '86 |
MP3.com CD: VOX - buy it!
CD: Vox
Credits: Matt Stemen |
VOX was the greatest android ever created, he only had one flaw, he had no "soul".Listen as his creator tries to help him find his soul through his heart."Ecoutez la voix, suit ton couer..." |
MP3.com CD: Liquid Krome - buy it! MP3.com CD: VOX - buy it!
Label: none yet...
Credits: Matt Stemen |
In William Gibson's books "Ice" describes the anti-hacking protections that the corporations put into their computers. "Cowboys", hackers, risk their lives to "crack" the ice in these corporate mega-computers. This songs trys to capture the mystery and intrigue as the cowboy "jacks in" and trys to invade the
corporate system. |
MP3.com CD: N3UR0M4NC3R - buy it! MP3.com CD: Straylight Suites - buy it! MP3.com CD: Liquid Krome - buy it!
Credits: Matt Stemen |
MP3.com CD: Notes From Cyber-space - buy it!
CD: Notes from Cyber-space
Strongly beated dance track with haunting choirs and a killer synth line |
MP3.com CD: Liquid Krome - buy it!
CD: State of the Art
Credits: Matt Stemen |
In many of William Gibson's books, he talks about
the "sprawl". It is nearly the entire East coast
Boston-Atlanta. "Sprawl" shows the vastness and
complexity of the Sprawl. |
MP3.com CD: Notes From Cyber-space - buy it! MP3.com CD: Liquid Krome - buy it!
CD: Notes From Cyber-space
Credits: Matt Stemen |
Totally made on the Roland xp-30 and Yamaha rm1x. This symphonic progressive rock inspired piece shows the power of electronically generated music. The guitars etc, are synths |
MP3.com CD: Spaces - buy it!
Based on a poem I wrote last year, this song lets you experience a Kingdom of Ice... |
MP3.com CD: Straylight Suites - buy it!
CD: Straylight Suites
Credits: Copyright 1999 Wintermute |
Based on a poem I wrote last year, this song lets you experience a Kingdom of Ice... |
MP3.com CD: Straylight Suites - buy it!
CD: :I.L.L.U.S.I.O.N:
Credits: Copyright 1999 by Matt Stemen |
Alone, floating, spacecraft disabled, you are waiting to die... In Deep Space, the only sound you can hear - is your Heartbeat |
MP3.com CD: Music For Space Travel - buy it!
CD: Music for Space Travel
Credits: Matt Stemen |
The "City" CD is a study in the rise and fall of man. It will look at various ways civilazations fall or "undo" themselves. "Machines" is a look into how technology can destroy us. |
MP3.com CD: Metropolis - buy it! MP3.com CD: VOX - buy it!
CD: City
Credits: Matt Stemen |
Empty Spaces in hearts and minds |
MP3.com CD: Spaces - buy it!
Credits: Wintermute |
Ambient vocoded work of one of my Poems. Totally vocoded, no other instruments |
MP3.com CD: VOX - buy it!
Credits: Matt Stemen |