This is _Blacklight_ (2002) for cello and electronics in the 21 note near just intonation "Blackjack" scale. The amazing cellist is New Yorker Dan Barrett. |
This is a piece (2001) for trombone and electronics in the Just Intonation scale of 21 pitches known as "Blackjack." Trombonist is the excellent Chris Washburne. |
CD: Composers Concordance CD
Credits: Joseph Pehrson |
(1997) This is a piece for Theremin, here played by Moscow-based Theremin virtuoso Lydia Kavina. You know the Theremin... that little black box that goes "Wuuuu, wuuuu, wuuuu" when you approach it... Score currently available through Composers Concordance, P.O Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, address above.
Stringing (1999) for violin and piano is a piece that combines "folk like" elements in a contemporary idiom. Selection is the first movement of three, with the performance indication "derb," meaning "Rustic" (German). Performers are the excellent Cyrus Stevens on violin with Leonard Lehrman on piano. Score and parts are available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, New York, NY 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
(1998) This is a piece for "classical" rock band... (2 guit., bass guit. drums). It was written for "Sound Liberation" a group of "real" musicians who read complex written music fluently... graduates of Juilliard and Manhattan schools in NYC. They can be heard on my radio station "Joseph Pehrson Modern Mix" -- see radio link above. It was great fun to write "written out" music for rock band, my first, although probably not last, essay in this genre. It also was the first time my music was performed in clubs -- a refreshing alternative. Score and parts currently available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC, 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, address above.
(1999) Piece for clarinet and piano, here performed by the tremendous new music clarinetist Tom Piercy, with Judith Olson at the piano. Recorded selection is the first of three movements. Score and parts presently available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC, 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, address above.
This piece (2000) for viola and electronics is in an "alternate" tuning system. It uses a scale of 12 notes derived from the "hexany," an arithmetic process to create pitches. The pitches for this piece, in ratios are: 1/1, 35/32, 9/8, 5/4, 21/16, 45/32, 3/2, 105/64, 27/16, 7/4, 15/8, 63/32, 2/1. This piece was premiered in Moscow with Vera Gubenkova, viola. This recording was in the electronic music studio of the famous Moscow Conservatory. Score and parts available through Composers Concordance. E-mail: info@composersconcordance.org. |
Credits: Joseph Pehrson |
(1998) This is a piece for solo BASS flute, written for Gerardo Levy, who performs it here. The bass flute has a haunting, eerie sound, particularly in the octave BELOW middle C! Score is available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org |
CD: Composers Concordance recordings. Address above.
(1991) If you play around with the letter ordering of the title of this piece "Chab," you will soon find the hidden meaning... and a motive by that name is the basis of the piece. Here Chab is performed beautifully by Dan Barrett, in one of the finest performances I have ever had. There is a little ambient sound (cool!) since it was recorded in the tiny "Oasis Restaurant." I was happy to participate in Dan's short-lived experimental series, "Bohemia Unlimited..." Score available from music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200 |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
This is a MIDI work (2001) in the Bohlen-Pierce (BP)scale, a scale which has no octaves (!) and which has its most consonant interval a 3:1 (a 12th). It was invented by Heinz Bohlen. |
(1993) Fuoco (It. "Fiery") Brass quintet as performed by the Walden Brass Quintet: Matt Ragsdale, Jason Adams, trumpets, Beal Primis, horn, Ko-Ichiro Yamamoto, trombone, Jacomo Bairos, tuba. Selection is the last movement (ca. 6 minutes) of three. Score and parts available through music dealers or: Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, New York, NY 10023 (212)874-1200 |
CD: Composers Concordance CD. Available from: Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, New York, NY 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1996) Piece for trumpet and string quintet written for the St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble in New York, and performed by Chris Gekker, trumpet and string members of the chamber ensemble. Selection is the first 4 minutes of the first movement. Score and parts available through music dealers or: Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023. (212)874-1200. |
CD: Composers Concordance CD. To obtain, contact Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, New York, NY, 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1996) This is a piece written for, yes, a TOY piano. There have been many pieces written in this genre, starting with John Cage's famous ones... Here we have a performance by the renowned Toy Piano virtuoso Wendy Mae Chambers, who requested the work. Ms. Chambers is also known for her authoritative performances on the Car Horn Organ, which she invented (yes, REAL car horns)... Excerpt is the first, third and fourth movements. The *second* movement involves chance operations and the throwing of dice. A performance by Joseph Pehrson of the piece took place at the DOM concert space in Moscow on a rather "substandard" toy piano, so the Chambers performance is still the "definitive" recording. Score available from Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, address above. Wendy Mae Chambers commercial recording planned.
This MIDI piece (2000) is in a tuning created from "hexanies" or "combination product sets." This particular scale is a "stellated hexany" or 12 different pitches derived from more than one 6-note hexany. |
(1994) This is a piece for violin and harp. It's a nice combination, particularly if one works with some of the "extended" techniques available on the violin. Selection is the first of three movements. Score and parts available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200 |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1991) This is the first piece of the Three Pianopieces set as performed by Jeffrey Jacob, renowned for his performances and recordings of the music of George Crumb. (ca. 6') Score is available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, New York, NY 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Composers Concordance CD, address and e-mail above.
(1998) This is a piece for baroque flute... the early wooden flute much like a recorder, but played "transversely" or sideways. Here Andrew Bolotowsky plays and narrates. This work is based upon an earlier ensemble piece (8 players) with much the same theme. Score available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, address above.
This work (1999) was written for a very special guitar. Each fret on each string can be placed SEPARATELY anywhere on the instrument! Wim Hoogewerf designed the particular tuning system for this piece, which is in his own "flavor" of just intonation... |
(1999) This is a set of three songs for soprano and piano set to the poetry of Cynthia Nadelman. I had met the poet through the American Composers Forum. The songs are sung here by Helene Williams, with Leonard Lehrman at the piano. Score available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, address above.
Credits: Poetry of Cynthia Nadelman |
(1993) Exhilarations, for clarinet, piano and cello is performed here by Thomas Piercy, clarinet, Judith Olson, piano and Misha Quint, cello. Selection is the first 4 minutes of the first movement. This piece won first prize in the Chicago Ensemble competition -- 300 contestants. Score and parts available through music dealers or Soundspells Productions, 86 Livingston St., Rhinebeck, NY 12572 (914)876-6295 |
CD: Composers Concordance CD. To obtain, contact: Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, New York, NY 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1993) Lustspiel (Gr. "Comedy") was written as a request by the Eberli ensemble (clarinet, violin, cello, piano). They are performing it in this recording. The selection is the final movement (ca. 3.5') of four. In this movement, an idiotic little theme goes through some big life changes... Score and parts are available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Composers Concordance CD. Available from Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
This piece (1992) was a commission from the Goliard ensemble. It is here sung by Jim Blanton, tenor, the Goliard organizer, with flute, violin and cello. The text includes some of the poems used by Carl Orff in his Carmina Burana. However, I translate into English, which makes these salacious, bawdy poems even more questionable. Raoul Ronson of Seesaw Music helped a bit with this one -- he loves these Latin translation-type things. Selection includes the first three songs of a set of VII. Score and parts available through Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212)874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail info@composersconcordance.org
This piece for solo tuba, written in 2000, is performed here by Michael Thurlow. The tuba is a terrific instrument! |
CD: Composers Concordance CD
Credits: Joseph Pehrson |
(1987) This is a piece for solo French horn in just intonation. It's pretty easy to write in just intonation for horn... all the pitches are easily there, the performer just has to be willing to play them! Here the piece is performed superbly by virtuoso performer Francis Orval, who was also independently interested in just intonation. Score available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023. (212)874-1200 |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1998) This piece is in 1/8 tones, i.e. 48 tones per octave. Here it is performed by the redoubtable Johnny Reinhard, who executed it with ease. It also got a nice little mention in the NY Times... Score available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC, 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, address above.
This is a piece for two pianos written in 1988. It was recently performed again in Bryansk, Russia on a contemporary music festival by the remarkable duo of Vladimir Dubinin and Irina Askerova. Score available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp, 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212-874-1200. Recording through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129. e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org |
CD: Composers Concordance CD
Credits: Joseph Pehrson |
(1988) This is a piece for 10 French horns written for the Delaware Horn Ensemble of Francis Orval. One French horn is majestic enough... but 10 of them? You be the judge. Score and parts available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, address above.
This is a one movement piece (1990) for woodwind quintet. It's 8' in length, and was performed here in the US and also on Romanian National Television |
(1976) This is my piece for solo trombone in which, at one point, the performer plays into a tank of water. (Fred Parcells performs here). We used a goldfish bowl with living fish once. (They were unharmed). Excerpt ends at the fishbowl "blowout." Score available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1992) This is a work written for the excellent flute player Gerardo Levy. It's a challenging solo, fast moving, and I've been told it sounds like more than one instrument playing simultaneously. You be the judge. Score available through Soundspells Editions, 86 Livingston St., Rhinebeck, NY 12572 (914) 876-6295 |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1994) This piece was written for Gerardo Levy's St. Cecilia wind ensemble. It consists of, basically, two woodwind quintets combined. Note, however, there is only ONE flute. That is because Gerardo Levy, the conductor, also plays flute, so he only wanted one of them in the ensemble(!) Score and parts available from music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1997) This is a piece for alto sax and French horn which was premiered last year in Moscow. There are surprisingly few pieces written for this instrumentation... but the blend is quite nice. Here performed by Marc Sieffert, alto sax and Olivier Darbellay, horn, Score and parts available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC, 10023, 212-874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, New York, NY 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1989) This is a piece for 8 flutes which has had multiple performances, by the New York Flute Club and by student groups at New York University and Manhattan School of Music. It is available through music dealers or from Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1987) This piece is for two French horns in Just Intonation. It was my first attempt in writing in this alternate tuning at the suggestion of Francis Orval, who was very interested in it. He performs here with his wife Ruby. The Orval's took this piece on a tour of Western states in 1987. Although not as involved or accomplished as my HARMONIC ETUDE for SOLO horn in Just Intonation, written subsequently, it certainly does feature the harmonic series. It was also the first piece of mine to be picked up as a "circulating" score by the New York Public Library. There are now also several others. Score available at music dealers or through Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1985) This piece was written to the poetry of William Cullen Bryant. Curiously, I was living in the hotel at Broadway and 54th St. named after him when I wrote this piece. It's a piece that puts death in a natural context... a poem that my father enjoyed. It was performed again at the William Cullen Bryant Bicentennial organized by the Long Island Composers Alliance in 1994 as the winner of a competition, and that concert was recorded on Capstone Records. This performance includes baritone Akmal Parwez and violinist Laura Seaton (I'm playing piano). I wanted to include this particular recording because of Laura Seaton's enthusiastic rendering. Score available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: The William Cullen Bryant Bicentenial Concert by the Long Island Composers Alliance
Label: Capstone Records. AVAILABLE THROUGH AMAZON.COM Search
(1981) This is a piece written for solo harp at the Interlochen Summer camp in Michigan. I worked right at a harp in the basement on this one... not a bad idea for this challenging instrument. Score available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1986/90) Revised in 1990 with the expert tutelage of well-known American composer Elie Siegmeister, who became a personal friend, and who recommended a close study of Charles Ives' songs. Here my Lewis Carroll Songs are sung by Helene Williams, soprano with me at the piano. The set is five songs, and this excerpt is the first three. Score available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1987) This piece was written for Francis Orval, French horn solo, and instrumentalists at the University of Delaware, where he was in residence, and where I conducted this piece as a guest composer. The instrumentation is horn, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, violin, viola, cello and contrabass. This piece was repeated in New York, and also performed several years later by the North-South Consonance Ensemble. Excerpt is approximately half of the piece. Score and parts available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC, 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1979) This piece, written in Ann Arbor, MI, was performed at the Interlochen Camp (MI), and in New York at Symphony Space. More recently, a revised version was played at Akron University. The title refers to a Medieval rhythmic practice. There is always something special about the vibraphone... Selection is approximately half of the piece. Performers are the University of Akron Music Group, conducted by Roger Zahab. Score and parts available through Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org
(1976) This piece was titled after the astronomical observatory in Arecibo,P.R. from whence eminates stranges extra-terrestrial sounds. This piece was performed in Rochester, N.Y. at the Eastman School and, later, in New York on the North-South Consonance concerts. Performers in this rendering are Larry Hershfield, percussion and myself on piano... Excerpt is about half of the piece. Score and parts available through music dealers or Seesaw Music Corp., 2067 Broadway, NYC, 10023 (212) 874-1200. |
CD: Recording available through Composers Concordance, P.O. Box 20548 PABT, NYC 10129 or e-mail: info@composersconcordance.org