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Minister McFunklord Sherman King of

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    Fathers/Trainer/Masters on call Toll FREE 1-888-364-0127x8 or 1-888-329-6403 or 1-800-585-5873x3 ID#41629 with any questions (toll free) Sent to all 12 Tribes of Isreal to BIBLE STUDY (practice to be perfect each individual, not as a group/ DO what you can yourself first)! The TRUTH is that when you read, study, and do it for YOURSELF is the ONLY "WAY" for you dealing with any other people trying to teach you what you should be willing to learn for YOURSELF? Will the Real Harry Potter (s), please stand up? This is the REGISTERATION-SITE for the "NEW" Journey to the Promiseland 2002...Let MY people GO (Exodus 9:13-26; 5:2; 6:6-7). Don't forget to REGISTER? Member's Info sites for the next AMWAY, Mary Kay Cosmetics, AVON, YMCA, Boys & Girls Club, Tupperware type Company prototype of the future...sharing profits with all members of (407) 210-2001x9906 like an Rev. Ike Millionaire Investment Club now requesting initiates and members? Being from the Only ONE (John 1:1-18)! Both the light and darkness come from the do All Reflections. Upon the Earth...the light comes daily from the East to rest in Darkness! If YOU are not apart of the light, YOU are apart of it's BACKGROUND! Representing light only seen upon the Darkness. The Light never really rests though it seems to? Without Darkness there would be NO light! Darkness is the Absolute Perfection of all the 7 Universes! I AM all the LIGHT and DARKNESS in ONE! Everything you don't see EXIST in Absolute Perfection in Darkness of the 6th and 7th Senses. I AM the Cast off of your SINS knowing a person like me exist! Bring the JUICE of Mobsters, Bosses, and Lieutenants. All Ideas before they materialize in human minds such as...(H20 becomes Air, etc)...back to Aether (Mark 11:22-25)! FEAR (problems like alcoholism, drugs, etc) = becomes LOVE (trusting yourself to do what you are suppose to do). If you just concentrated? Everything you ever really wanted would rain down upon you in the 7 light rays of the SUN within your mind for you to use the angels virture of them (virtures of heaven are absorbed through sun rays within the mind naturally - Remember, Whatever Yah/YhWh/Yahweh/Jah/Jehovah has instore for you that you really want, the Angels will deliver normally in the 7 Virtures of the SUN Rays in dew time, if you really want it John 5:4-6)? If you're not the LIGHT, than you are a Mirror of it's reflection paving the way for everything BLACK (John 10:16)! I AM the DON of light to the whole BLACK WORLD (Matthew 15:24)! A Martyr (Saint, Black Savior, Ro. 11:26; 9:4-7 a self-proclaimed rescuer with a religious ego complex, the Smoothest of recycled lyrical sharks with the sweetest of intentions, a scribe of all working class people wanting to lead the less fortunate on the rest of the "Journey to The Promiseland" (so, please do all you can to help us all get there. If YOU like what you are reading? PLEASE send CASH to help us get this message out in PRINT FORM for BIBLE inserts. Send all Cash to: Sherman Latimer, 1826 Windmill Drive, Orlando, Florida 32818. "The next strong black leader in this country is going to come from hip hop, baby, Yah, man!" The mighty CLEO has spoken in the VIBE Magazine Issue Febuary 2001 page 50)? I don't fit in any religions! Although, I DO practice a form of 7th Day Adventist Theology with a "Golden Dawn" & Judahism veneer (an athletical mind setting I know as "The Way", the only "Way". As it has been called for centuries {Acts 24:14,15,22})! THE WAY...BE YOURSELF! CHRISTIANITY is a duplicate of "The Way"! FREEDOM is "The Way" to be YOURSELF when you study the BIBLE for YOURSELF! 10 Years after the death of JESUS/Yahshua Messiah. CHRISTIANITY was created from "The Way" by PAUL (1 cOR. 1:10-13). The ROMAN EMPIRE duplicated CHRIST BODY by builing the first CHURCH copy after SOLOMON'S Temple. AS A COPY of the SPIRITUAL BODY OF CHRIST on earth is BABYLON a substitude wife the copy of the BRIDE'S (12 Tribes of Isreal) Finiacial system. Before the copy, each person's body by "The Way" was his own TEMPLE connected to the Body of Christ by "The Way". The First 5 BOOKS of the BIBLE are "The TORAH" of JUDAHISH which was the FAITH of ABRAHAM before "The Way". Zec. 3:7-8,10; 6:12-15; 14:9; Luke 17:20-21; 14:25-35; Matthew 1:21; 2:6; 3:3, 11; 6:33; 7:13-23; Hebrews 2:14-18; 3; Matthew 10:40-42; 12:25,30; 16:19-20; 7:6-8; 18:20; 19:24, 30; 21:32; Mark 9:33-34; Luke 3:4; 10:1-4; 24:32; John 1:23; 2:19; 8:24; 14:4-6; Acts 17:24-28; 2 Thes. 3:1-2; 2 Peter 2:2; Romans 8:19-39; 8. FOR THEM (non-believers)...God/Jesus, FOR US (believers)...Yahweh/Yahshua Meesiah. THE WHOLE WORLD is DECEIVED by a FEW WORDS, (because the synagogue of Satan Rev. 2:9 wishes to keep control of the Finacial system of the Isrealites)? Rev. 12:9; Acts 17:23; 1 Cor. 8:5-7; 2 Cor. 4:4; Rom. 1:28; 2:24; 10:3, 13-17; 11:4; Exodus 20:1-5; 34:11-17; 3:4; 5:2; 6:3; Duet. 4:15-40; Rom. 11:26-36; 2 Cor. 11:10-15; (RESTORES the Isrealite Banking system to the 12 Tribes the inheritance of Abraham's Seed) Mal. 1:6 (CHRISTIANITY is a duplicate of "The Way" (the Physical LAWS belong to the ROMAN EMPIRE, the Spiritual LAWS belonging to the 12 Tribes of Isreal and all BELIEVERS of the Invisible Body of Christ on earth, and is using the finacial system of Yahweh in earthly church buildings) Mal. 2:2, 8-12; Matthew 21:12-13: Mal. 3:1, 6-18; Hosea 4:6; 1 Cor. 8:8-9; 12:3; 13:11-13; Is. 59:2; John 10:11-16, 27; 14:4-6; 20:30-31; 2 Cor. 11:22; Rom. 9:4-6, 24-26; 11:18-21; Gen. 12:1-3; Ez. 28:13-19; Is. 14:12-16; Ps. 14:1; John 8:31-32; Ps. 53:1-4; 82:6-7; Acts 4:7-12, 17-18; Rev. 2:9; 3:9; 2,3,18. Rom. 1:25; Jer. 23:26-27; Hebrews 13:15; 11:6; John 14:13-17; Luke 10:17-24. The Main message is industriousness and business to attract most of the rejected elements of the Afro-American-Hebrew Society to link 2Gather in the crusade for equality and fairness in the world of FREE AGENTS of the TRUTH = FREEDOM (freeminds Mat. 11:9-10) ! I need people who are broad-minded, who can see the problems and do something about them for us all to prosper legally? You WANT something from ME, and I want something from you? What the eyes see, and the ears hear...the mind believes! What I tell you will make you think and want more? I'm looking for a small, but enthusiastic group of people that I can teach this simple method to? I hope it's not too late for non-believers? I hope you haven't decided to throw away this opportunity of a lifetime to know what I need to train you (1 Cor. 2:13-14)? I KNOW from all my experience with my other students that THIS WILL WORK FOR YOU! No matter how many times you may have tried or failed. This is a WINNER! You can't miss. I will train you! I will show you how to become a Magi/Yoga like you've never seen before (Matthew 2:1-2)! Take a step in the right direction. Don't wait! I'm waiting for you to join me (Lk. 13:30)? If you don't take this opportunity, someone else will and they can make the fortunes from the knowledge that could have been for you! You will have FREE unlimited expert consultation. You may not believe this yet, but it's going to change your life! Call me altruistic, if you wish. I personally get a deep down sense of satisfaction in watching my initiates become FREE AGENT FREEMIND Magi (s) on their own! Bear in mind there's room enough for all of us? Your making one fortune after another won't keep me from my prosperity and mind of money this fast way, or keep any of our other initiates from doing the same! I AM sure you are skeptical, but I AM looking for skeptics? If you are not willing to try something completely "New" as a FREE AGENT, if you're unwilling to change your life, then please look elsewhere, don't waste our time! This should limit the amount of real people I need serious about making a change! For Things to change you have to change, for things to get better you have to get better! Once again, I AM looking for a small group of people that I can teach my Thoery? The word disciple means "learner". In Jesus day, a person who wanted to learn wisdom would follow (contact) a teacher, listen to him teach, and watch him live. The disciple's goal was not just to learn facts from his TRAINER but to become like him (Is. 50:4)? I can say with confidence that this is one of the most powerful opportunities in existence! If you sincerely seek the blessings to accumulate knowledge, wealth, then you must make this first step? I urge you to take control of your complete life? Join me, and start your learning right away? Life in general has been very good to me, and I think it is an obligation upon all of us to give back some of what we receive! Often I believed Praying for others when I should be doing things for them? Open your eyes and heart to some of the needs of people around you? FOCUS on other's needs and make them your own inorder to BUILD a stronger fellowship base! The knowledge you gain will allow you to prosper on what professional theologist have been carefully guarding for decades (Genesis 3:23-24; Exodus 1:8-14). You will learn exactly how to use the basic instructions before leaving earth! I hope you will take advantage of this rare opportunity? I'm sure you are looking for the key to success! If you've read this far, then you are obviously serious about making a CHANGE! My Father died when I was 11 years old...therefore I wish to offer Mentors from my organization to set examples for youth of our HOOD communities! I believe in working as leaders/mentors who will LIGHT THE WAY for others! Born an Icon and watching over all our passed deceased ancestoral spirits in dedicated hood HONOR for their restoration, hoping for that there is their re-incarnation in their SPIRITS, if when they died they TRULY believed in Jesus, they would live forever! I AM a Real nigga with self-fulfilling prophecies! Kind of like the Icon of redemptive suffering accepting being the outcast that reminds all of darkness...a bonifide Sinner (Luke 13:22-30)? I Am committed to the goal of bridging the divide between various branches of the African family and working for greater UNITY (Mat. 18:20; Mk. 1:27-28, 37; 2:2) in our communities. Struggling to make it in a world where everything black is stacked against you and seems not to be coming together...a mystical cult figure sent to achieve the truly DIVINE: Musical Immortality in human minds...bringing all Black 2gather Again by sound & songs! The representation of the lowest reflection that brings the Hoods to the highest standards...King of F.U.N.K/"King of the Freeminds". Knowing Ra-Atum invented Kingship. Magis becoming Kings: As Heads of "NEW" governments to promise to conquer chaos and establish order and justice. Opening businesses and praticing by a code of strict cleanliness, politeness and curiosity. Magis/Kings/"Masters of themselves" are thought to be more than human, they could stand between gods and mankind to ask for peace and prosperity. Often known as Myths: a myth is truth pieced together from scattered references that 98% of myths the mind does not wish to comprehend as TRUTH, but are TRUE (like Zues, Apollo, the city of Atlantis - Genesis 6:1-8)! A myth passes some sleeping minded people by, and to know the secret name of the KING is to have fellowship with him over the worlds that he created for tested Magis). The CREATOR has a NAMe. Few know it: FREE Booklet "Why Aren't your Prayers Answered, call 1-800-613-9494. Our Minds shape our views to perform small maricles! With Scrupulous care we perform our objectives using words of POWER (Pslams 119/Genesis 31:50-53, 44:5,15), to produce results with HIGH Intellectual Development for all our Brothers and Sisters! Eventually We attain influence and acheive our objectives! Creating the belief of Magi(s) in powers of names, enchantments, prayers, formulae, using pictures, figures, oils, and amulets, in performance of Ceremonies accompanied by the utterance of words of Power (Pslams 119, 23:5; Levituicus 8:23-29; 2 Chronicles 7:1-3; 1:10-12), to produce SPIRITUALITY of the 7 Senses (which is not spiritualism, but is the science of true faith). Plain and simple! Get some of this earth for yourself, do for self and love yourself! Dedicated to "My Niggas" by living a deliberate symbolic HOOD LIFE exchanging spirituality to scholars of Jah. I AM the self-proclaimed Minister! I narrate LIVES through a mirror reflection of my PUBLIC LIFE (what you see is what you get...I AM AS I AM)! I reflect life styles. I AM whatever you always wanted, bringing you My people...ALL LIVING DREAMS! I AM from BLACK BOTTOM (born across from Slim's/Junior's Jock Joint/Callahan Park/Garden Street/808 West Jefferson) I know how you think? Without Morals...everyone fears the darkness! I Learned I had to stand for something. I discovered what faith and love are really about! To keep your life from becoming selfcontained and useless, you have to feel other people's pain and act to help them (like something to help us)? Ethnicity, culture, religion or familial differences are far more important than skin color in building unity. In addition to ethnic, cultural, religious and familial differences, political ideology can also be a source of division among people of African descent. When I die at 94, it will be to IMMORTALIZE the spirits of all Anonymous Black Niggas from the BOTTOMs around the world! Bringing KNOWLEDGE very old, but new (Gen. 3:5; 1:26; Pro. 8:22-36; Ro. 12:6-8; 1 Cor. 12:8-11; Job 1:6; Rev. 1:12, 20; 4:5-6; 1 Cor. 13:12-13; Zer. 14:6-9; Proverbs 8,9,10)! Something you not only want to be, but what you do (We are not the MAN's Harry Portter or the Wizard of OZ! We are the real true bonifide Magis of the EAST, that pray to the east for forgiveness of their sins)? From the Books of "The Sea of Glazz" passed on by MASTERS to INITIATE, to be copied out in BLACK BOOKS in your own "Hand writing". No Standard copy of this knowledge exist (only handwritten copies from what you read here of the Books will change, be adapted, and personalized as these books are handed down via all the Masters INITIATES (exchange BIBLE for an exchange of notes Mat. 13:11-13; Lk. 11:9). The Books of "The Sea of Glazz" (Luke 10:21-24; 16:26-31) are open-ended working documents of a Masters/Fathers/Sons & Mother/daugthers (1 Cor. 10:1; Rom. 9:5; 8:16; Acts 3:25; Mat. 23:9-12; Mal. 1:6)(All contained in this reading. Something like Bible Tracs. Call to receive the complete BLACK BOOK & Trac Package by mail)? BLACK BOOKS also contain each MASTER's finaicial Value with us ( Cash flow system/World Debit card)! Like a private bank book coded: BLACK CELL to sacrifice hard earned money of all committed Qualtiy members of this cause. What you give remains in our account untill you recieve an document form from us to ask you to use these funds towards the causes we all bring to happen 2gather, and you can draw back what you need into your own personal account after checking your daily statistics bor earnings posted by the MONITOR? There are 3 Membership Classes: A. Magi Masters/Fathers/Mothers. B. Iniates/Masters/Father Sons/Mother Daughters. C. Initiates/Sons/Daughters. All QUALITY MEMBERS will have to get the World Debit Card to exchange funds and investments with all our membership (Mat. 21:12-13)? Most QUALITY Members are Magi(s). This reading contains everything you need to set out on "The Sea of Glazz" Journey of Reflections to reach the Promiseland! No Two practitioners work in exactly the same way or hold exactly the same beliefs. The Most important point to bear in mind when practicing YOUR OWN version of these reflections is that there are no absolute RIGHTS and is the do-it-yourself/Be Yourself 1 Cor. 13:12 spirituality that sets YOU FREE to bring the Christ inside yourself (you must learn how from a bonifide Magi {once and then YOU are on your own with the MASTER John 1:12 - Romans 10:13 - John 14:6}...)? The TRUTH shall SET YOU FREE (John 8:32, 36; 7:4; 3:12; Lk. 17:20-21)! Pass it ON! Distribute copies of the BLACK BOOK tracts to brainstorming on-looking newcomers. Now is the time for critical scrutiny...and for the addition of those benefits that bring the MASTERS together in one BLACK BOOK! BLACK BOOKS bring all workers of our cause together to prosper by bringing the BANK back to it's rightful HOME Mal. 1:6; 3:1, 7 the 12 Tribes of Isreal)! Learn to PROFIT with us? By these Benefits that have brought you awake in the middle of the night two days after each Iniatiation Session? Ask everyone to criticize, add to, change, edit, or otherwise modify your BLACK BOOK, and return the results to you for final compiliation Initiation Sessions to discuss the FINAL BLACK BOOKS. The end results will be a series of printing for specific audiences of NEW initiates including an overall 3 Month Development IDEA for each quarter (this quarter it is: SAFE HAVENS, TV & RADIO Shows Development until 6/2002). Thus, the same benefits and ideas may appear more than once but be given many different emphasis at Initiation Sessions every Saturday and Sunday at our member's table at Central Florida Fair Grounds Flea Market...bring some items you wish us to sell for you. It is romantic to assume that all Black people will ever agree in totality on everything. Creating UNITY is not easy Mat. 18:20! To achieve this daunting task, however, we should not delude ourselves into believing that the serious divisions that exist among us will vanish overnight. Therefore, instead of actual UNITY, we should focus on "Operational unity"? What we must do as people of African descent is to identify those issues and problems, which we agree, affect us in common and explore avenues for uniting operationally to devise strategies to work on them (like we all need to read and understand the BIBLE for our ownselfs, FIRST...and what we don't know, ask advice, but let our own opinions be our last decisions Rev. 5:1-5; 3:14-22; 2 Tim. 2:15; 1 Tim. 4:13; 1 Thes. 5:27; Col. 4:16-18; 1 John 2:27) . Operational unity requires that we identify and work on issues that we agree on while continuing to discuss areas where we may disagree (Church/buildings/denomination Lk. 13:23-24; 2 Cor. 3:1-6; John 2:19; Mat. 7:13-15; 1 Cor. 1:10-13; 2:5; 3:16; 7:22; 1 Cor. 14: 26-29, 33; 2 Cor. 5:1-2,7; Gal. 1:11-16; 4; 5:1; 2 Thes. 3:1-2; Ex. 9:13-26). By working 2gether in this manner we may discover that we can overcome our differences in areas where we disagree. Operational unity among people of African descent is imperative as we enter a new century and millennium. What They (Jim Crow) call religion for US, our religion is "Come 2gather" by "the WAY"! Information exchange and networking is so crucial. It enables people to discover the commonality of the problems and issues they face and to share experiences about how they are working to combat them. This kind of networking can become the basis for operational unity. It is essential that lines of communication be opened between various sectors of the African community in the U.S and Africa in order to forge operational unity, Into the 21st Century people of African descent must unite or remain disorganized, disoriented and disrespected (not only by others, but by themselves...To Gain Respect you have to GIVE Respect, both literally and physically). Operational unity is the order of the day! The Real Church in ALL Reality is YOURSELF! Do this for yourself! My mother Mary started it for me as a 7-Day I believe in "the WAY" which is not a relgions, but the "WAY" for me to BE MYSELF, I having read the bible completely 13 times (from front to back). Now knowing myself the way I AM, and BEING MYSELF (the way I feel is ME)! They Call me PIMP in BLACK Bottom, I have choosen to live on the streets myself before to complete one of my life's cycles? Those People I've been them! My Niggas know I'm deadly when I use my FULL POTENTIAL! Ask "the King of Pirate Radio"...Dawgman...who I AM? Maybe, The Next MLK, Moses, Arron? We Need helpers to help us put this network together (daily I meet people whom really reguest "the WAY" from me! Knowledge you'll never know? If you don't don't recieve? It's all about HONESTY and money...a pay plan! We NEED TO MAKE A CHANGE and come 2gether under ONE ROOF with ALL our brothers and sisters ready to PROFIT! THAT IS OUR ONLY TRUE faith/belief/not religion! Any other is like the kkk and Roman Catholics making money off us? Join the "Kingdom Of All Music" (TKOAM) Community of Masters/Magis/Instructors/Fathers/Sons/Mothers/Daughters (Lk. 10:22-24) of the Order of Melchizedeks/the Royal Hoodsmens bringing ALL the GOLD back to the RULERS of our Nation! Grand Masters from the OLD SCHOOL! Committing YOUTH of TOMMORROW to WIN in GAMES to prosper their COMMUNITIES by their reflections in SAFE HAVENS! NOT TO BE TAKEN lighly by ANYONE! Stand and protect your Civil Rights...Voting Rights...Economic Rights...Continue the Struggle agianst hatred 1-877-622-2798 Join:, 1-866-285-7629. ISREALITES: Know the TRUTH, but FRONT behind a bible game to act like someone else, not being themselves? Pretending to not be SINNERS (just like me), but are the biggest SINNERS on the EARTH, and choosen by JAH/Yah (Gen. 12:1-3; Heb. 7:12; 2 Cor. 5:20-21; 3:6; Acts 3:3; 1 Pet. 2:9; Mat. 15:24)? "Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken Yah/Jah/Yahweh, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward (Isaiah 1:4)"; "For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniguity: your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness" (Isaiah 59:3). Lost behind the message that I AM going to do right some day, without true FAITH, wanting the MAN to lead them into more bull**** they fall as friends into there own destruction! Gangsters/Hood children/the Hiphop Nation (Is. 6:5): The present debate on the problems facing the HOOD's youth should be the number one priority for all thinkers in the fight for HOOD rights! Those of us from the generation of the middle 60's to the 70's do these youth a disservice when we, chastise them for our failures because they express themselves threw music! Thier use of offensive language, self-destructive violence, internalization and glorification of their oppression and exploitation is simply the logical outcome of decades of neglect and indifference on the part of the powers that be which includes the middle class people, the elected officials and self styled civil rights leaders? We should first subject ourselves to a self critical examination which is the only way we earn the right to criticize these YOUTH for our loses (Mat. 1:21; 12:37; Ro. 14:13)? Whether our Youth see themselves as 'gangstas/trying to do better' solid citizens or young Republicans, or Democrats, with middle class intentions and pretensions they are all VICTIMS of a social, economic and political process they DON'T understand and have no control over? Blinded by Christianity of the False Leaders, Thier major problem is that those in positions of authority the youth look to for direction are either incapable of explaining this truth or consciously refuse to do so? The fact is it doesn't matter what the motivation of these individuals is the problem is the direction they give and whether it advances the STRUGGLE of these youth for understanding or not? This is the heart of the matter! The present generation of youth is the product of 30 years of non-struggle (Gen. 15:13-14; Gal. 3:17) element dominating the leadership of the fight for rights in this country. Following the victory of the Civil Rights Movement these forces pushed the masses of peole who overthrew Jim Crow segregation out of political activity. Which severed the historic partnership of the masses of working people who are black and the black middle class both it's old component based on Jim Crow and the new layers fighting to become a part of the classic middle class? The masses were dismissed as the leading force, the 'agents of change' to observers of two-bit con artists who to this day PRETEND that they help overthrew Jim Crom, not the masses. They took maximum advantage of the victory to fight their way into the middle classs, they transformed the old civil rights organizations into organizations not only led by middle class, which was always the case, but into more groups for the defense of the middle class? For all practical purposes the millions of working people in the factories, hard workers ceased to exist? The Civil Rights groups would have had to change anyway following the victory! The Civil Rights Movement had a beginning and an end, the movement ended when the last vestiges of Jim Crow were wiped out! There was no question about the need for the civil rights movement to transform itself, the real question was which direction it would be transformed? I stood with the tiny minority that argued for the MOVEMENT to stand on the shoulders of the Civil Rights Movement to become a social movement for all whom believe in fairness, with a social program aimed at transforming the conditions of life for the vast majority by Advancing a program to defend the millions of us on the land and in the factories, mines, and mills, but which could also defend the 5 or 10 percent of us that could look to become a part of the middle class (Mat. 15:24; John 10:16; Acts 10:45; 15:7). The interest of the Black middle class and the masses are not mutually exclusive but the majority of the leadership choose to play it out that way. Which is why we face what we face today with the youth. It's important to see clearly the crossroads we faced at the end of the 60's. Through the mighty mobilization of millions from one end of the country to the other for more than 20 years. We overthrew the jim crow system that declared us second class citizens in the north and west and non citizens in the south. The jim crow system was not voted out, it did not fall, it was overthrown by ordinary men and women, who were determined to kill it. We stood at the threshold of taking our place as full citizens under the law and in reality if we had pushed forward this would not have been national liberation, but it would have placed us in a much better position than we are in today. We were at the strongest position we have been in since our kidnapping and enslavement in this country to impose our version of full equality in fact on society as a whole. At this critical point in the struggle after all the masses had accomplished these non struggle elements turned their backs on us and flocked into the Democratic party and the middle class by the thousands and left the masses and their children to fend for themselves. The masses were demobilized, and told to pin their demands for full equality on the election of more Democratic party politicians to office The sons and daughters of those that overthrew jim crow were condemned to grow up in a non-struggle era. Political ignorance and backwardness set in, the torch was not passed to them. The leaders of the previous generation dropped the torch and trampled on it in their stampede into the middle class and the Democratic party. Now after a 30-year orgy of self gratification and enrichment these betrayers of their own legacy now presume to have the right to lecture the Hip Hop generation on it's lack of political and national consciousness. Where are they supposed to get it from except out of political struggle, mobilization and organization. Does anyone realize what the Montgomery bus boycott really was? I wonder why there is no mention of mass organization and mobilization as a method of struggle. I choose my words very carefully because I think there is a blind spot amongst some of the most conscious elements in the Black intellectuals today. Over the last 30 years the black middle class got itself assimilated into society as a whole, as the masses were being resegregated into ghettos that have been allowed to come apart at the seams. A small layer becomes totally demoralized and prey on those they can get twhich is the working class that is Black. Dog eat dog, I am going to get mine, the hell with everyone else, which is the cry of the middle class, adopted by the demoralized elements. This gum flapping about 'giving back to the community' is a warmed over version of individual charity, which working people despise with a passion. It is the lack of mass action against these conditions which leads to demoralization and fatalism. People simply give up. Drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illness and self-destruction claims a growing layer. A massive social movement can inspire those on the absolute bottom through program and action to fight to change these conditions. The absence of struggle gives rise to competition and self-destruction. We end up where we are by the default of LEADERSHIP? The Drug industry with it's wars for turf. The fantasy about going to school and doing what you are told will lead to the good life is no better. The vast majority will end up as wage laborers. The youth will have to master the tools that will allow them to earn a living. These same tools can be put to a much more important use...the fight against oppression. There is an alternative. Think socially and act politically. What does this mean? Those that make it should use their fame and fortune to defend their generation. Forget about the charity, what youth need is a way to fight back. Learn to read and study, become thinkers, writers, speakers, organizers and administrators but above all become fighters for freedom even as you pursure your chosen filed of earning a living. These youth should be told about the history of the fight for Black rights. They should be shown how we the masses overthrew jim crow! Organize Afro American Unity...our economic power is derived from our capacity as consumers of commodities. I Have Choosen YOU to be the leaders of tommorrow to help me develope other individuals, leaders, and Instructors whom would like to change the state of our SPIRITUALITY to become Free Agents of THE Truth, the Way, and the Life! If you want more TRUTH...Be it? Use it, don't abruse IT! When you get something...give something back from the heart to help open doors for those whom really want to know the truth KNOW true freedom! Bear fruit (John 15:1-17)! Be Finders of the CHILDREN, help them find the true WAY...Blend in, Divide, Conquer, and Profit from THE WAY you know (Luke 12:49-53)! Develope more KIDS in industries to be ALL-STARS! Christianity is a Mother's example of mind settings to teach kids up-to 18yrs, ends when you have taught a child NOT to be a criminal, and begins when a man becomes his own MONEY MAKER in a world where ALL are egual to prosper 2gather (which is not a religion, but a way of life leading back to yourself)? You want to WIN! PLAY THE GAMES! Your MOTHER can't Win for you? But, By the BIBLE she made you a WINNER to LEARN OF "The Way". When you know "the Way", you are your own FREE AGENT and use your own Abilities to win. Come on out into the world with the adults now to work 2gather to win for yourself! Personally, I want to take the world to a whole different place! Here on Earth! With the "Dons" of the South (the "NEW" Moses). Don meaning: DON DEAL the deal maker for thousands of "New" recording artists, models, and actors/the last word before claiming to be the people...the "Don King(s) of the Music Industry trained by Mcfunklord! TRUSTED by ALL, respected by ALL/BLACK of the BOTTOM: As Magis (like turning sticks into snakes Exodus 4:1-17)! The lowest as buyers on the Money Making Market ladder now coming to the top! - - -! I believe in the Christ (As a reflection) whom SAVES US ALL sinners to use our talents & abilities to reflect what we do best for him. I Do not believe in group dictatorship with over 300 categories "the WAY" of the Yoga (s) is to Christianity like a snake is to a wiseman? Ones want to be, while the ohter one is? But, Which is the truth among all 3? Only if you follow the 10 Commandments and the Sabbath Day, do I trust YOUR Judgement (7th Day Advent is the closest of those Truths to "the WAY" of all thoses ways (you can tell when the MAN is lying to YOU after reading the bible completely for yourself? Learn the ART of Self-Defense of your FAITH like Karate...ONE WAY (either you learn to live for yourself, or die unhappy listening to the Bullsh*t of someone else)! Believe in the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE which sets all FREE to be themselves (which is the STATE OF MIND of Magis/first BE! Recognize BEING who you are, KNOW THYSELF, FIRST! Accepting yourself the way you are! Then add on more prosperity. Take a chance in life, BE SOMEBODY! The NEW Way of FAITH design by MAN is the COLOR of FAITH within the heart and mind to understand whom you are, and what your mission is! Each individual has the WAY for themselves! Our Spiritual & Cultural Awareness brings representatives from all mind sets to show that concentration of beliefs of Tai Chi, Kung Fu Demonstrations, Mayan Mysticism, Jewish, Christians (a copy of the Body of Christ for the Western world - not the Bride of Christ which is the 12 Tibes of Isreal and all other true believers the world are in search of bonified MAGI(s) indeed teaching the ONE WAY! Visit to find out info on how to bring your organization to this MOVEMENT understanding of the ONE WAY? Call your WAY what you WANT? This is Kung FU style! The Less you can do is spell (backwards)...LIVE/Be/Survive (Ez. 16:6) ration is MORE than just MUSIC!! We are of the EAST Crytal Ballin' like the Wizard of OZ. Link on to the KINGDOM OF ALL MUSIC, and it shall be linked to YOU! They Crown their KING "PURE COASTER"...I can MAKE YOU DANCE...Make Em' PLAN for COMPLETE Freedom of each individual to be them SELF! Everything you SEE, is seen both sides...Forward and Reverse to them Magi (s) that are versed in the lore contained in the books of the "Double House of Life" the future is well known as the past, as neither time nor distance limits the operation of this Power; mysteries of life and death laid before them, by drawing "the Veil" aside which hids the secrets of fate and destiny from the knowledge of ordinary mortal minds whom do not ask, or wish to know (Lk. 13:30)? Don't EVER use personal religious beliefs to make an example of wrongs others DO to make yourself LOOK better (Ro. 3:23; 2:1; 3:9-31; Matthew 7:1-6; Luke 6:37-49)! All are entitled to believe in any religion they wish (you may not understand their religion...but that is their WAY, "the WAY" they're entitled to thier won opinion...all humans are)? Use your FAITH in the ONLY one whom set the first example (as the MASTER) repesenting the gift to believe HE DID away with all our SINS in the flesh for US! FOLLOW Him...Don't TRY to be HIM (you can't)...BE YOURSELF! Have FAITH that he did away with all your sins for you (once)! WHEN you get with others be peaceful AND relate, REPRESENT (1 Cor. 14:20, 26-29, 32-33; Heb. 3:13; Ro. 14:19-23)! LISTEN TO yourself, be your own individual! Practice prosperity carrying-out the Journey to the Promiseland avoiding the Jim Crow MOVEMENT era dictators using Christianity with over 300 denominations (1 Cor. 8:5-7; Mat. 7:13-15) as a front to check to see if you are still brainwashed to serve them, and not using your FREEDOM of the truth, "the Way", and the life..."the Way" you choose to live your life YOURSELF...FREE! It is our duties as Magis to bring our Tribes back together as ONE! The Truth shall set you FREE! We will be having FREE Weekly BarBQs...more details at: Don't play for the MAN, be the MAN! Help build the next Manly CLASS mind-frame of Money Makers on earth The Magi(s). Leave your name, address, & phone# for more info to be sent by US Mail? Learn HOW TO SOLVE your own problems without being brainwashed by the man (the Gentiles rules the eathly law, the Isrealites rules the spirit Law which is over all Laws and all things)? TRAIN YOURSELF in the F.u.n.k Community Underground FM Radio 91.3 FM Orlando & West Palm Beach, War 95 FM "Live" Winter Park, 91.7 FM Sandford, Florida. Bare the CROSS. My people should not continue to be decievied by the Man's WAY...the Way is of Jah. Join, Reality from top to bottom like straight-up from ZERO! We are in individual HEAVENS, and each person must help better themselves as they defend their FAITHS. The Power touch fist/Todah...$$$hi-Cling...Get Crunked Up! ALL having walked threw the VALLEY OF DEATH...fearing NO EVIL while knowing (100% below 0%=SIN + 0=normal + 100% above 0%=truth/words=#s=Symbols) shall set you FREE! The Truth sets you FREE! The Future of the TRIBE of Economic Capitalist as MAGIs/ MAGIC AT IT's BEST on earth's 7 planes even in words we prosper by knowledge of the whole truth. 7 Planes to the TOP, and 7 planes to the BOTTOM! Complete freedom is: 1. Truthfulness, 2. Compassion, 3. Tolerance...the highest experience in life is to be YOURSELF! Dedicated to healing minds, spirits, and bodies to help others reach full potential complete life to it's fullest without living Wholeness with Integrity, Courage, Pride, Excellence, Quality, and the best Leadership! The Science of Spirituality (All Certified by Credentials of the MASTER within 12 months of participation)! By Wisdom of the "Truth, the WAY, and the LIFE"! We DON'T point any fingers at ANYONE FOR Being THEMSELVES (Matthew 7:1-6, Luke 6:37-49)! The Truth Shall Set all FREE! Open to public initiation world-wide (like Karate/meditation/defense instructors/fitness trainers: ROYAL HOODSMEN by initiation. FREE FALUN Instructions at: The INVISIBLE KINGDOM, the Indestructable Industry, the "Crew of Surpremecy", The One and Only Street Lab Orchestra...our Motto is: "Everything We TOUCH turns to GOLD!" One DJ/MC Universal Funklord x Female Dance Freaks + 2 Guitars, 3 Keyboardists/3 CD/DJ Battle Systems, and a Bass Player. Findings of the key to musical success by (the WORD and 24 chord sound waves equal HOLY GHOST turns everything WE communicated with to GOLD/Platninum/Proseperity/FREEDOM...the Whole TRUTH: SAVES the lives of many to conversion by FAITH in this you bow down on your knees NOW as you read! Get Crunked up! E-mail the Minister Mcfunklord to Pray WITH YOU! Learn the secrets to HEAVEN, don't be deceived! The Way to the Promiseland: BLACK BOTTOM ECONOMICS...The Secrets to Wealth, Wisdom, & Prosperity reflections of the Bible! The Straight and Narrow Way. "The Way" which when learnt brings life, not death, they ARE the 6th and 7th Senses for ALL whom ask...Shall receive the ability/to create things from what you don't see by FAITH to use the Foundation of The Universe (Pslams 119/the Hebrew Alaphbets) to help others learn how to use thier powers of sound & music (rythm/colors/perfurmes) to help in our MISSION to...Awaken all sleeping soldiers of the lost tribes by power of Machiventa Melchizedek "the Way" (Hebrews 7,8; Genesis 22:17, 14:17-24). The 6th & 7th Senses are (The 6th sense: Normal Clarvoyance and the 7th sense "The Philosophy of Accumulation" are parts of the 7 Planes that prove 95% of the people on earth are asleep {don't really understand what they really believe/because they are asleep/ don't know who they are (2 Cor. 4:4; James 2:26; Heb. 9:15-21, 24; Col. 1:18; Ro. 7:7-12; 6:7-10; Acts 24:14-15)? Most people only think they have 5 Senses, and don't know anything of the other 2 Senses}, and only 5% are AWOKE whom are trained to understand Holy Ghost power (an amazing secret to know is that most people only live on 1 plane when there are 7 planes of thought): 1. To Clear all MINDS by Sound. F.U.N.K has it's own rewards! There is no SIN to spirits...only sin as an illusion while in the flesh. 2.Jesus was trained by the Order of Melchezedek Zoroaster-Judahism Magi (yogis) whom visited him at birth and 1 year after his ministry begin. 3. Holy Spirit is 52 sounds that clear spirits of sin by Masters. Once you are trained to hear these sounds and go to heaven before you die once, you become a Master (yogi). 4. There is NO RELIGION only ONE way "the WAY" to be YOURSELF first! Only the Truth, the Way, and the Life (no other priest on earth...only one in heaven)!!! There is only one direct pathway to heaven with many mansions and rooms for ALL whom know the WAY (you be the scientest for yourself/try it/DO IT) - (John 15:1-17; 16:4-15; Genesis 28:12)! 5. Jehovah does not create opposition outside himself (all angels are called {named/Genesis 32:1-2} demons), all of GOD's Sons have duties even Satan! 6. Satan has NO power, his power is a myth...the war in heaven was over when Jesus said, "Get thee behind me Satan" on the day of Pentecost (Luke 10:17-20; Job 1:6-12). 7. Never Give up your FAITH...(f.u.n.k) trip. SPIRITUALITY & religion Ain't the same things. 8. They ask Jesus, "Master where is the kingdom of heaven"...he replied, "The kingdom of heaven is inside you" (Luke 17:20-21). How is this do you get there? It's ALL in Individual Concentration, Jesus comes inside us when we be OURSELVES AS WE ARE in the RACE of life NOW accepting our own selves as we are? By concentration it is into the middle of your head to climb the letter to Heaven by meditation and concentration to SOUNDs which lift the SPIRIT out of the body from the chains of the 5 Senses: See, Touch, Smell, Hear, and Feel (1 Cor. 12:15-20; Deut. 4:28). The Mind is so Powerful like a scrached record...once you put any of those 5 Senses in charge of the Scratch (bad habits)...they automatically come back to the scratch and become your enemies aboard your Vessel, until you wrestle with them and regain control of your ship as MASTER by the spirit of SELF CONTROL/self dicipline/spirit over matter (Genesis 32:22-32)! The Mind and Brian are material mechnisms without the spirit (but wish to over rule the spirit. Like a Car without a driver, just put the mechnisms in drive, and it will automatically go to the scratch it likes (Romans 2:1-16; 3:9-28; 7:14-25; 8:1-30)? Sound holds everything together in hormony. 9. The Coaster Clean Movement is on...SPIRITUALITY & music. If you would like to join may either be apart of our promotion staff/camp/roadies/band members/fan club/radio stations, newspaper, television staff/or by becoming a "Master". 10. Study begins at: - - - - (the Five Percenter) - - - - - - - {UZN/Universal Zulu Nation} - children' boo.html - - - - - - - - - ; Books: "The Golden Dawn, Secret Doctrine (1 and 2), The Path of The Masters, Egyptian Magic by Sir Wallis Budge, Gods & Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology by David O'Connor, Egyptian Heaven & Hell & Tutankhamen by E.A. Wallis Budge, God's of Ancient Egypt by Barbara Watterson, and A Course in Maricles, The Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt, The New World Order and The New Millennium by Pat Robertson, A Compact Guide to the Christian Life by K.C. Hinckley, AS IS by Tupac's Mother, Dead Simple by Jon Land, The Holy Tabletcles (of Alabama), The Double-bind...{call 407-210-2001x9906 with any questions}? Spirit: redefined Soul, gospel (word) and traditional (sound) R&B into F.U.N.K. AN ILLUMINATED BOOK from me only: Buy My favorite book from me, for only $30. It reads, As we draw closer to the end of the church age period, this is the book that Jah the Father/Yahweh, His Son Christ/Yahshua Messiah and the Divine Spirit want ALL to read? Why? Because this book traces the Father, who is the source of all; He is the beginning of all life and objects. This book gives you the answers to: Why Jah created the solar systems? Why the Lord made human beings and why humans are isolated from the rest of the universe? Why the Maker created Angels and the other unknown beings that are living in the universe, and who are these beings? Why the Father created billions of galaxies and placed them within the universe? Why the Master created eight other planets, such as Mars, Venus, Pluto, Jupiter, Mercry, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and placed them along with Earth within our solar system? Where Satan, Lucifer and all the evil demons come from, and where these evil beings are? Where is Jah's Throne and the location of the heavens? Who will be the crowned sons and daughters, and kings and priests of Jah? What are the difference between the 70th weeks of Daniel, the last days, the end times and the last generation? The difference between the Anti-Christ, the beast of Revelation and the False Prophet, the 7 years TRIBULATION PERIOD, the rapture of the church, Jah's vaste empire, the highest heaven and the lower heavens and the Second Coming of Christ? This book shows you what will happen in the near future in chronological order, and what is in store for all of the beings and objects that He created. This book contains and explains all of these events and much,much more! This book is only $30 directly from Mcfunklord! Experience unprecedented expansion, guaranteed! Now follow these Instructions, begin your new life filled with miracles! MY QUALITY Students WILL receive a White Stone (Revelations 2:17 - 2Chronicles 20:20-21 - Revelation 22:7). GUARANTEED FAME to all whom receive a White Stone from Minister Mcfunklord, or just ask directly for FAME? What is the mysterious white stone and what miraculous power does it possess? Jah's mysterious white stone is steeped in a trinity of miracle power. The amazing powers of Jah's mysterious white stone were revealed by Christ, are empowered by Jah Almighty and bestowed by the Spirit! Miracles of love, prosperity and good fortune are guaranteed to quality believers if only they are able to access Jah's unlimited source of abundance (Matthew 7:7). For Many true believers to receive the miracles guaranteed them through scriptures, a miraculous gift from heaven is required. The miraculous white stone is that gift (Revelations 2:17). Jah's mysterious white stone literally acts as a contact point between the blessed received child of Jah who has been awared the mysterious white stone and Jah Himself. It is this contact between heaven and earth that provides the focal point for the faith miracles. This specific contact is that which Jesus refers to in His assurance of miracles of love, prosperity and good fortune in Matthew 6:33. There are no limits placed upon either the size or number of miracles to be received in this manner. As such, the miraculous powers of Jah's mysterious white stone are infinite without limit or restrictions. That is because the miraculous powers of Jah's mysterious white stone are synonymous with Jah's omnipotent powers to bestow any miracle desired regardless of size or difficulty. The Magi/Yoga/'Master of Himself' is a humbled and unassuming person of Jah who has been blessed with the amazing gift of the Spirit known as prophecy (1Corinthians 12). Prophecy is the power to receive messages from Jah by being aware into NOW as YOU ARE NOW...BEING YOURSELF...LOVING YOURSELF AS YOU ARE. These messages both reveal the future and provide direction for those the prophecies are intended to reach. The Magi is not a psychic. Psychics use powers that are not direct gifts of Jah as supported by scripture. Psychics attempt to predict future events by supernatural means. The accuracy of a psychic is unreliable. The revelations received by the Magi are the words of Jah! Therefore, accuracy and effectiveness is not of concern. Jah/Yahweh/God makes no mistakes! Where the psychic attempts to predict the future, the Magi simply directs the believer to the amazing miracles that Jah has placed in the believers path. Here lies the reason for the amazing accuracy and profound life changing benefits experienced while working with the Magi. Jah is sole creator of the miraculous events that the Magi leads the believer to. The power, the glory and the miraculous feats would be humanly impossible to accomplish. These are miracle blessings created entirely by Jah! The believer will be led to miracles of love that create harmony among families, reunites estranged lovers and brings soul mates together. The believer will be lead to prosperity miracles that can forever unburden them of the weight of responsiblility that they suffer under now and in many instances, all of their lives. The believer will be lead to miracles of good furtune that can have instant and permanent life changing effects! Also unlike a psychic reading, a personal "Book of Life" will be sent with your white stone that reveals your 1 year duties, prayers, rituals that specific fit each Quality student. These can be used so that the student can be completely protected form evil and misfortune, and can be used to fill the believer's life with exactly that which they desire...ALL this for $40. Though, You may encounter resistance to your beautiful blooming (Job 1:6-10)? Read: An excerpt from Richard Wilhelm and James Legge traslations of the oldest book in the world, the Chinese I CHING. "The struggle with evil must not be carried on directly by force. If we do it the favor of fighting against it blow by blow, we lose in the end because thus we ourselves get entangled in hatred. For the same reason, we should not combat our own faults directly. As long as we wrestle with them, they continue victorious. The best way to fight EVIL is to make ENERGETIC progress in GOOD! ALL trained Masters (over their OWN spirit) are EQUAL to the MASTER! YOU are not obligated to act as a clearing house for everyone else's karma or as a dumping ground for toxic psychic wastes. Nor should you agree to be a guinea pig, scapegoat or golden calf. Be the hardworking beneficiary of a Potent Legacy. Don't let people USE YOU unless, they let YOU USE THEM? If you would like to hear me tell more of the WHOLE TRUTH? Send some money (Mal. 1:6, 14; 2:2, 8-12; 3:1-3,6-12, 14-18; Pro. 26:10; 3:9-10, 13-16; 8:11; 28:27; 10:4; Gen. 14:17-20; Mat. 25:29; 10:40-42; 13:8, 23; Heb. 7:1-4; 1 Tim. 6:10; Eccl. 10:19; James 4:10; Heb. 11:6; 1K. 8:46-49; Mat. 6:3-4,6; Ro. 13:6; 1 Cor. 9:9-20; 1 Sam. 2:7; Gen. 2:2; Is. 58:13-14) PAY your Tithes to increase your prosperity Malachi 3:10/Genesis 28:22. Send to: Sherman Latimer, 1826 Windmill Drive, Orlando, Florida 32818. LIFE is so uncertain, every community has to look out for it's own best interests, Stay focused on that NORTH STAR! Respect Fully...Minister Mcfunklord Sherman.
    Music Style
    F.U.N.K unto the kingdom of heaven inside you!
    Musical Influences
    Uncle Luke, Minister, Trick Daddy, Nelly, Snoop Dogg, Master P, Eve, Jay-z, Jimi Hendrix, The Gap Band, Rick James, Bootsy Rubberband, X-Clan, Ice Cube, Outkast, Sly & the Family Stone, Public Enemy, Eazy E, Midnight Starr.
    Similar Artists
    Uncle Luke, Rick James, Trick Daddy, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Easy E, X-Clan, Minister, Public Enemy, Ice Cube, MC Hammer, Juvinelle, Nelly, Snoop Dog, Master P, Jay-z, Eve, and Rev. Ike!
    Artist History
    Newest Album released May 3, 2001 entitled "Theory of The Circle"...(includes Darryl "Chocolate Thunder" Dawkins formerly of the NBA Philadelphia 76ers. Jesus was a Master (Yogi): Could you recognize the 'Philosopher's Stone' if you saw it? It's the goal of alchemists - a fabled substance that could transmute metals into gold, banish all illness and bestow long and vigorous life! The Substance that men had sought for so long? Greedily and begging for just a small piece (not cociane)? Like a "White Stone"! Viewers of this web-site await the SEEING, half believing a mysterious VIEW coming soon? 'A small parcel of the greatest treasure of the world, which truly few kings or princes have ever known or seen'. Like Helvetuis? Shining like unto powdered glass! Like the sceptical chymist? Philosopher's Stone, the concept is a very ancient one, which seems to answer all deep human motivations. The Art of the land of Khem: Al-kimiya! "Prime Matter" could be impressed by 4 'qualities' wetness, dryness, heat and cold = water, earth, fire and air...every substance is composed of all 4 elements? To Change one substance into another is only necessary to change the amount of all elements in them by adding or subtracting! As "the Way" was altered in many bibles to bring some prosperity, and others failures by use of being changed, covered-up as is happening to Pslams 119 the formulas of the "Foundation of the Universe". Mankind recognized that GOLD, virtually indestructible, non-rusting, was an ideal medium of exchange...MONEY! Using an extraordinary mixture and formula of invented words transforming GOLD by 'the Elixir of Life'...As above, so below...(the substance that would confer eternal life). All things can be changed to survive beyond their natural span. Like all things are derived from Mercury/spirit, Sulphur/soul, and Salt/, air, earth and water! Both principals by "process of purification" and meditation purging all that is nebulous of any darkness will yeild by Mercurial "Water of the Sun" it's pleasant penetrating smell, name, and force as GOLD does! Rumoured by aquired knowledge at various times that Magi(s) to have gained immortality. Some must purchase "ILLUMINATED BOOKS" of other Masters to learn more? Books like "the Book of Abraham the Jew", the Great Work, Rosicrucianist, Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), the beliefs of Pythagoras: who regrarded the Universe as a combination of musical harmonies; the Emerald Tablet, the 'operation of Sol', etc. The final result of the Philosopher's Stone guest is to have acheived eternal life! As the careful commingling of YIN and YANG believed to be a means of prolonging life, the lowest level TAOIST practice. Basically put it as SU TUNG P'o put it: When the ching-ch'i-shen was rising and descending like a briskly bubbling still, it progressively purified until it was one with the energies of the cosmos. Then a special ambrosial fluid flowed like saliva in the mouth. Two lights, gold and silver, slowly descended into the body furnace; the body's breathing ceased, to be replaced by the breathing of a foetus formed from the impregnation of the ambrosia by the gold and silver lights. Slowly, the foetus formed grew into a homunculus, a 'crystal child'; it rose slowly to the crown of the head, and was there born as an "Immortal Spirit"! Similar to the 12 month process taking in the "Order of Melchizedek" (an ILLUMINATED BOOK): The dragon is mercury (the semen and the blood). He issues from the kidneys and is stored in the liver. The Tiger is Lead (breath and bodily strength). He issues from the mind and the lungs bear him. When the mind is moved (breath and strength act with it). When the kidneys are flushed (semen and blood flow)? Back to the ching-ch'i-shen? The reason for life is to SURVIVE! The Purpose of life is TO LIVE FOREVER! 1st Priorities are: a. Jah, b. Family, c. Business, 4. Friends, 5. Community, City, State, and then world! Alchemy of Tantra: by visualising the inner central column of your spine, the sushumna (the axis of the comos). Up the sushumna are strung a series of 'wheels', or chakras; usualy 6, but a 7th is in the top of the skull (all 7 match and control 7 planes/7 Universes/7 Universal Angel Virtures which flow to aware open minds that receive them threw the light rays absorbed normally). The lowest chakra at the base of the pelvis is where the serpent guarding the "Tree of Life" sleeps, coiled around (inner phallus-lingam-kundalini) with its tip in her mouth. By means of various YOGA excercises and sounds is awakened, straightens herself, and enters the bottom of the sushumna. The ultimate intention is that it shall ascend permanently to the top of the skull, where a transecendental sexual union with the mind and spirit takes place to produce the "crystal child" = Normal Clarvoyance into aether = the Third Eye = (ONE with the cosmos accepting all great ideals in the Universe as ONE understanding)! Religion should be thought of then as the recoginition by human beings of a superhuman power that controls the universes and everything that is, was or shall be in it! The Desire to Successed is not a GHOST: Ghost or spirts of the dead are "but our mind's fantasy"! A phantom, most alleged unsubstantiated phenomena theories are given: the 'cystal child' the soul leaves the body at bodily death. The spirit may tarry on earth instead of proceeding to the Other Side (through the Sea of Glass awaiting judgement for fear of Hell), and be observed as ghost! Apparitions are not the souls of the dead, but are telepathic messages from lingering bodiless minds left in the Air (aether)! Some apparitions may emerge from walls where they have been stored as traces of ENERGY! Absorbed impressions then broadcast themselves back to people who enter vicinity which depends on the emotional plane force of the original imprint on in one of 7 planes or more. The Aether (thought Air) exist between "minds and matter" in one of 7 plane dimensions. It is the Aether that records impressions and plays them back to sensitive minded wise people...the mind of the percipient creates the very apparition it perceives a trace from the past evoked apparition of thoughts left in Aether! This completed idea is to be ONE with all, and in your faith of true self to receive the GIFT without any false teachers leading you? Now there is a form of yoga on one familiar would likely dispute, or know. The Way and its Bower (author waley). Learn: (a) How to read and see your aura? (b) Using a PENDULUM (called Jacob's rod) to find out everything you need to know. (c) CHARKRAS: Your body's metabolic energy systems. (d) How ALL these can prepare you for Heaven? Braggadocio is not in him, so you'll never hear him acknowledge just how good it is! I LOVE ALL people, places, and things! No matter how humble this posture, this stature now SINGULAR (in music), that the media and public countdown to the CHAMPION of FUNK! Is this OK? Can I bear it? "I'm Fine with it"...""I realized after my 2nd song "Star Dreamin'" that there are lots of responsibilities, commitments, obligations that come with WINNING reflections in music. "You can either fight them, or join them! I decided early on to JOIN! Love, respect! I love being a WINNER! I represent this industy the best way I know how as FUNKLORD..."King of FUNK" (with many rivals)!
    Group Members
    Minister Mcfunklord Sherman (Sherman Latimer aka Shrimp (Spyderman as in Spiderman (because I AM the webspawner) can get a FREE WEB-SITE in my web at:, Shrimp the Pimp, Lollipop, Bird, Chabasco, Pimp, Mcfunklord, Spyderman, King Tramp, Master of the Tramps, King of Isreal), Mr. RST (Harry R. Winslow, Jr), Chavon Winslow & Ketisha Winslow, Niecy Kidd, Purnell Tookes a.k.a (Verses, or Re-Verse(s), Ruben Knots, Jomorg Myers. The Lolipops: Branzo (deceased), Bobby White, Angelo Ricardo King, Sandy Weaver, and Barry White, and Indio. We want you to be a member: but we want you to re-member that you already are a member? A Member of ONE UNIVERSAL MIND! ONE MIND, ONE RECORD of Coaster Clean Records Empire, Fast Money, Off The Chain, Snuddy Fox, and Stick Wit It Records!
    Sherman Latimer; 1826 Windmill Drive; Orlando, FL 32818 - 407-887-3579 If you are successful? REMEMBER that somewhere, someday, someone gave you a few lifting words or REFLECTED a truthful IDEA that started YOU on the RIGHT Path WAY! REMEMBER, also, that YOU owe Jesus until you help someone else see success for themselves, just as you were trained by your master to SEE! There are many ROOMS awaiting the MASTERS?
    Press Reviews
    Our GOALS at: (search: mcfunklord) "MAKE MONEY from home. For more information e-mail:! Orlando Business Magazine, Channel 9 Dailing for Dollars, Central Florida Adocate, Orlando Calander, Orlando Senteniel, Florida-wide now in Florida JAM Entertainment Magazine:, OrlandoWeekly, Groove magazine, and Ink19 Magazine.
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    912 Freaks gaining the whole wide-world by 2024! Beware of Armedon=the Demon controling the Music and Entertainment Industries who's duty it is to destroy all participants by drugs, drinks, Homo sex (punks), pill takers, etc (look what happen to Jimi Hendrix and others?)! You can't have LOVE for yourself or anybody else until you can keep yourself PURE! As you walk threw the MIRROR into others MINDS...recognize what they are seeing is from the other side...where drunks, drug addicts are there you seen INSANE...without their 1st IMPRESSION your perfection was creat them of your brains? A Bump can bring you HEAVEN what you relly WANT TO be! If a Proffessional can't see that they are SINNERs! On the side of the world...WE ARE never FREE! If We can't see the way Home, we all is like the tree, throw the first stone in the MIRROR and see who just came down from looking right at Me! I AM an 18 years trained 7 Day Adventist whom has read the BIBLE 12 times from front page to the last page, and I advises you to read: A Shocking Glipse Behind the Scenes...National Sunday Law by A. Jan Marcussen. To get to the Promiseland you are going to have to see both ways for your ownself. Then, decide the ONE WAY to go for youself. (John 3:1-18) - ( - (search: Surat Shabd Yoga). Pur-Met Sound = a cosmic radiation blend by the earth itself in sound between the pyramidal structure to produce a beat frequency Iin the same way in which two piano keys, when struck simultaneously produce a 3rd beat freuency involving the hearers! Creating an enery radiation gathering ALL as ONE! THEOSOPHY: http// When YOU learn to do with LOVE what most human beings whom claim to be CHRISTIANS can't do with reality in the BIBLE! A genuine first-hand religious bound to become hetertodoxy to its witnesses, the PROPHET appears as a mere lonely MADMAN! His Doctrine proves contagious enough to spread to ANY (like a sicknessness), it becomes definite and labeled HERESY! IF IT STILL PROVES contagious ENOUGH TO TRIUMPH over persecution, it becomes itself an orthodoxy! When his faith becomes and orthodoxy, it becomes a religion of the Human beings on earth! Being YOURSELF is the only next true FAITH of ALL! LISTENing to bull*hit is design by the WHITE MAN!
    Orlando, Florida - USA

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