BAD News: Good bye to other All Artist! Nice working with you! Mp3.com was sold 11-14-2003 to CNET and will be shutting down for good 12-2-2003! I am going to: www.Napster.com, www.cdbaby.com, and Soundclick. This was a lot of FUN (sad face)! CLICK HERE to meet my fine DANCERS --- Earn $50 by registering NOW. My Refferral code is: mcfunklord Putting YOUR Music on Television NOW --- Free AUTO-RESPONDER All NEW Artist need FUNK in their VIDEOS!! The WHOLE world is our LOLIPOP! ONE of my friends is in the ISLEY BROTHERS "Contagious 2001" Video filmed in Winter Park, Florida. Florida Lottery Results 407872-7200x4000 - FREE LOTTERY PICKS GENERATOR. --- Just like BOXING RANKING, your MP3.com daily Chart Status can be used as verification of YOUR RANK & Charting in the music business. YOU should be e-mailing YOUR STATUS with your PR Releases to radio stations, newspapers, and friends from NBC/GE/Vivendi Universal mp3.com stations. It will help YOU to e-mail complete Mp3.com Radio Stations also! My GOD Nephew just fought ROY JONES on 11-8-2003 because Mike Tyson was not aviable! He lost, but he RANKED first (info below)! SPORTS RESULTS & to mp3.com SPORTS TEAM STATIONS --- WEATHER --- TIME --- Sports Bets. You'll get one-third of your sales NO matter what you do? For every 100 appointments you make, you'll get 33 sales! Make an appointment to talk with me before I add you to our 600 mp3 stations? LAPS=Leads=Appointments=Prospects=SALES! Freelead and appointments. --- More traffic! --- Ad Tracker --- I'm the NEXT MLK, Jr of the NEW Millennium. ALL whom work together WILL GET FAMOUS! Contact: Sherman Latimer, PO Box 3614, Orlando, FL 32802 (make an appointment to promote your music by APPOINTMENT to OWN 2 FREE STORES)? - - - CLICK the color red/green LINKS? READ! If your are serious, JOIN ONE link? Do YOU want your songs to climb the CHARTS? Contact: (Civil Rights Leader/Black Activist/Recording Artist/Music Producer) Sherman Latimer MultiMedia Group - (order CDs direct wholesale for $2.50 each/YOURS duplicated for $1.50 each {includes printing on CD}, or $2.00 each to add 2 songs to our 15 song bi-monthly VARIETY CDs)? Every Artist I support on mp3 stations by CHARTING their songs with MINE MUST pledge to add one of my (dated) choosen groups to your mp3.com stations? Or, Join the $5.50 program below, or buy a CD of any SLMG (dated) groups? If NOT, Your songs will fall off the CHARTS shortly (a date is next to each choosen artist)? For 6 month fee we promote, chart your songs to radio, TV, and newspapers. Call Customer Service with any questions & claim $100 Worth of GROCERY COUPONS of YOUR choice 1-800-520-0818x1460? Bring the Message of HEAVEN to the HIPHOP Nation! We shouldn't shun being the first born children of HEAVEN to lead our jealuos ignorant brothers and sisters of ALL races back to the Promiseland! THE APPARITION CLAIMS PROGRAM IS HERE...(Claim your 40 acres and a Mule, benefits and more. Join the "NEW" Civil Rights Movement/BUO below): Moses...said, "Let My People GO" to black Pharoh whom sold us into slavery to the spanish, like our evil dope selling ghetto brothers try to do us today! It is not the WHITE MAN to blame! Our OWN evil brothers try to dominate the good people to do evil! Let's go on to the Promiseland/prosperity UNBIND by 300 man-made religions! TRUE Faith is practice as KARATE (if you fail an excersie against YOUR SIN). Don't quit! Practice putting SINS behind you to prosper more! ALL Blacks joining ONE program like Blacks United Organization/FREE (then donate 5%/10% weekly like tithing which will become a habit to giving back to your culture)? I AM your background, your shadow, your past! I AM from BLACK BOTTOM/Callahan Park/Jefferson & Garden Street, Orlando, FL (born across from Jr's Jook Joint/Slim's BAR/from IVEY LANE {Big B's}/Mercy Drive {Palms/Murder Drive}/Pine Hills {Crime Hills})! The NEXT Martin Luther King Jrs are YOU NOW standing up NOW as YOU are! Many that are learning to promote HIS style are speaking OUT with ACTION what is on your minds it's ALL about coming up together to help put MONEY in YOUR pockets legally as Mentors. Join, Charge $5.50 by credit card ONCE for CASH to invest in BLACK cash-flow programs? This is NOT a religion, it's ALL about putting MONEY in YOUR pockets! I AM doing this for ALL BLACK PEOPLE to come together at ONE POINT - ME as the next Martain Luther King Jr/Moses! In 15 Minutes BE FAMOUS (like OZ with ZON POWER: a 2,300 year old Greek SECRET method of learning by reading the TRUTH that brings you everything in LIFE that you ever dreamt of sub-liminaly AFTER YOU READ the full INFO (it sub-conciously brings you PROSPERITY by giving YOU a view of REALITY, it helps bring RELIGION DOWN to EARTH) - call 1-888-364-0127 with any course questions)? Ask and YOU SHALL Receive? Tupac said, "I Can make YOU famous"! YOUR Recording career is ONLY a call away. ALL SERIOUS RAPPERS, HIPHOP, CRUNK/POP/DANCE ARTISTS that want to record a ONE song demo should call? Your record/CD/Press kit will then be marketed and shopped to over 150 different record labels including major labels such as SONY, BMG, VIRGIN, UNIVERSAL, etc. This is YOUR chance to put the spin YOU need on the career YOU have always visioned. PRODUCTION PACKAGE INCLUDES: *One song written and arranged to fit your voice *Training with an in house vocal coach to help master your voice and lock down your harmonies *Professional press kit including professional photos *A chance to be signed and produced by Major Record Labels *use of our State of the art recording studios. Our ONLY requirement of memebership is that you MUST purchase a CONTACT phone number through our toll-free PHONE SYSTEM 1-888-364-0127x8? MEMBERSHIP is like having year-round Recording INSURANCE to record whenever you wish! If YOU have a finished album or single? SELL it/SELL more! This is a DISTRIBUTION/ PROMOTION Marketplace where Bands, Artists and DJs SELL and PROMOTE their music. We're ALL about PROMOTING music and Artist! For COPYRIGHT PROTECTION, help with copyrighting YOUR SONGS, or any copyright questions, call 1-888-364-0127? To Register your SONGS with Nielsen SOUNDSCAN for Charting! If YOU have SONGS YOU wish to be PUBLISHED for Radio/Television Airplay/Royalty payments TRACKING world-wide/promotion within our Afro Syndicate Music Publishing Network, call 1-888-364-0127 lets discuss it? I came to reach the WORLD by SOUND as FUNK (the next Major Record Producer of the DIRTY SOUTH/ owner of AFRO SYNDICATE Music Publishing/BMI a Broadcast Music Inc. publisher) with TRACKS of ALL artist I deal with listed below. YOU CAN BUY, release, re-make, or use these TRACKS by AGREEMENT with SLMG/Afro Syndicate Music BMI, or HARRY FOX AGENCY music licensing of NEW YORK , for details call 1-888-364-0127 (the producer with the blackest tracks for record deals)! FOR BOOKING contact: William Morris Agency , or Horizon Management Inc. YOUR College tuition is whatever YOU INVEST towards YOUR career GOALS! Would you like to take your MUSIC to the AWARDS? The BET Awards - The GRAMMY AWARDS? - The SOURCE Hiphop Awards - The MTV Awards! I got the world in suspense like (ben-yah)... "Cash Money Millioniare's Birdman TV" Channel 98 Orlando every Sunday 11pm with Dawgman! Meet the Dirty South Fast Money Billioniares! - "AS SEEN ON TV" Let National TV do your advertising for you...SLMG is looking for distributors in your area for it's HOW-TO-VIDEOS? A GOOD education is an essential part to success. However, One MUST have a certain respect and admiration for those who have made their marks without the benefit of the traditional University education. The Culture that we call STREET/HIPHOP/CRUNK has given birth to some of the most successful and insightful people in the world. Many of us would not be here today were it not for the skills and knowledge we acquired and the dues we paid on the STREETS? There is no replacement for the STREET SENSE and instinct! There is no school tougher than the STREETS of STONE COLD UNIVERSITY, or the School of Crunk in OZ-HOODS! BLACK BOTTOM is the starting point of blacks in every city. Try our 12-step program for taking back our culture: Each day, millions of Americans engage in discussions about how our country has gone off course and how ultraconservatives have taken over our black culture. As we put our hearts and souls into figuring out how to achieve regime change at home in November 2004, these conversations are growing in volume. To help us chart our course, what follows is a 12-step program to achieve regime change. As in all such efforts for change, we need to take an inventory of our strengths and weaknesses, confront our BAD habits and addictions, reach out to others, and recover OUR POWER! Step 1: Recognize OUR strengths! MLK's work evolved from his initial civil-rights struggles into protecting poor people of ALL colors! Step 2: Acknowledge what we are powerless to change. Thinking that politics is about negotiation and listening to constituencies. Now it's about raw power, and we need to exercise our OWN POWER in the campaign to defeat! We will use plain old people power to rise up and regain balance in our society. We have the numbers, we have the truth and we have the vision for a better world for ALL! Use confidence, discipline, and smarts to pull this off! Step 3: Communicate our vision. Step 4: Confront our weaknesses. Step 5: Be realistic. Step 6: Stop squabbling. Let us join our competitors and our former enemies in new collaborations toward victory. Step 7: Think strategically. Step 8: Deal with FEAR. Step 9: Examine our privileges and embrace diversity. Diversity is a fundamental progressive value, like fairness and protection of families. Mix of skills, talents, experiences, histories, colors makes more than the sum of one race. Step 10: Create an independent power, not reliant on parties or candidates. Step 11: Use and trust independent media. We don't have time to wait. We need to use our own independent media systems. Step 12: Make a Commitment. The 5% plan - If you are really serious (commit 5% percent of your income and time to the cause if you can affort it? And start NOW! NOW is the time to draw the line. We need to dedicate ourselves to the task ahead FULLY! The future of our families is in OUR HANDS! I am from the OLD SCHOOL which has to match with the Hip-hop Generation for BLACK IMPROVEMENT (I have no choose)! To INVITE a person like me to Minister to YOUTH is a BLESSING! Other RACES are copying black culture? Our Rightful STANDARD of HUMAN Work Rights is to create "New" policies to be discussed for legislation at our weekly meeting like "NO HAZING ON THE JOB" and doing away with the "DEATH TAX"! FIGHT for INTERGITY! ALL People rather BAD/GOOD choose SIDES sub-consciously as our minds automatically divides good from bad as we sleep! Between bad and good being myself! Weclome to My World in the Middle, my FAITH (is Balckman's Redemption/Black United Organization and FREEDOM)...I AM the Sub-conscious of BLACK Nation! Hail, McFunklord (like Hitler...ALL Black people can earn $135,000 per year with a toll-free phone number? This is ALL about the POWER of REAL BLACK MEN/Women leading himself/herself, and training our brothers/sisters whom learn to prosper as ONE BIG Family unit as a TOTAL BLACK NATION with ALL other people whom want to see PROGRESS! Getting our people ELECTED in community/state offices as Mayors, Govenors, and City Commissioners,etc - (Study begins at my INFO): EARN $50 per sign-up, and $25 BONUS after three months per sign-up, and $5 per month residual income by registering NOW TOLL FREE at 1-888-364-0127x8 or 321-281-5019x8 for details (only $1.00 first month Trial Membership, and 2 cent per minute calling anywhere in the USA, Puerto Rico, Alaska, and Hawaii on any pay phone/home phone TOLL FREE {can be used to do RADIO COMMERCIAL recorded or "LIVE" Drop Calls for "NEW" Release CDs}). UNIVERSAL OFFICE combines ALL your phone numbers and business into one computer system with 275 functions, and (includes your very own secretary name GENIE)? COMMUNICATION is the KEY to PROSPERITY and MUSIC PROMOTION? NEVER MISS ANOTHER PHONE CALL? Get 2 phone numbers for the price of ONE? NEED a phone number? Pick a city/state, pick a phone number? Earn up to $135,000 per year with us by joining SOUTH COAST RAP CONNECTION ORGANIZATION or any of our affliates (membership includes FREE CD and t-shirt, or cap or McFunklord's Naughty Dance Girls Videos...like PLAYBOY & GIRLS GONE WILD style - when the ladies see FUNK, they just start jumping up and down and pullin' up their tops, and the cameras start flashing...it is AWESOME to see)! The "Kingdom of ALL Music/ like OZ" along with the "KING of the Dirty South Coast" are BACK organizing our ROYAL POSSES with ALL from ALL over the nation & world who JOIN with US TOLL FREE, by calling 1-888-364-0127x8. Meeting McFunk is like meeting the WIZARD of OZ/CASANOVA...just ask for anything YOU want to happen in your LIFE from the WIZARD? Need More MONEY, get with the EMPIRE like OZ? Two more Toll-free numbers coming soon for only $9.95 per month, two with 7.5 cent per minute calling USA (one includes commissions for ALL sign-ups, one is $19.95 to start...the other $44.95 to start... the fourth $49.95 a month with UNLIMITED flat-rate long distance, internet, paging, FREE calling cards, flat-rate international service, and local connection service (flat-rate and includes phone number) for a total of four SLMG phone services. Call 1-888-364-0127x8 for more details and application by mail)? We support BLACKS UNITED ORGANIZATION! The last time we checked BLACKS UNITED ORGANIZATION we saw 13,347 members signed-up, please sign-up (Volunteers are needed to help pass-out BUO & black Men's Redemption Flyers, call toll-free)? GET in the GAME that the MAN does not want you to be IN about your OWN cultural background being BLACK and playing in the Game of Life for prosperity! It's about your INDEPENDENCE as LEADERS in UNITY to prosper "2 Gather" by monthly meetings, and COMMUNICATING with one another as a DOMINATING LEADING RACE. As WE develope ourselves with KEEN examples of ourselves, our Trust helps develope our culture and skills to dominate and does teach OWNSELVES to learn EXAMPLE! In the BIBLE it is said, "You must BLESS the BRIDE (black people, or you will be Cursed)"! By setting EXAMPLES of YOURSELF with ALL people, you progress as EXAMPLES! Most BLACKS are Jealous Player Haters as OUR GOD is of US when WE DON'T DO AS WE ARE TAUGHT over take in rightouesness! We ALL need to come 2Gather to figure a WAY to participate with US as ONE UNIVERSAL FAMILY of BLACKS not killing our own kind because of DOPE MONEY and jealousy. THIS is about Communicating for total BLACK PRIDE of your culture/self of where you came from! This is the WORLD RENOWNED ORGAINIZATION of ALL BLACKS (it has nothing to do with your religions...it is about, DO YOU accept yourself as your are, or do you have to front and hide because others want to use your culture against you as if they created IT)? When YOU hear that rythm on time BEAT, you know that rythm on time comes from HEAVEN, and NO other NATIONS have the HEAVEN rthym but blacks! Others try to duplicate YOU. This is the ALL "New" Soul Power Black Movement! CRUSH your resistance to reading! BLACK MAN'S REDEMPTION is dedicated to promoting black manhood. We challenge every black man to carry the torch of the "I" Factor. It's about what each of us as black men/women can do to uplift our race, to uplift the black community and to uplift black manhood. We believe the task ahead is a very difficult one indeed, to get blacks to put on a new robe of self-examination. Our task is very difficult because slavery, discrimination and colonialism have clothed us as black men with the victim robes. But give credit to the wisdom of human nature. In order to survive centuries of opperession, it WAS necessary for black men to find a comfort zone indeed, because you see, to take off the victim robes was to leave us naked, naked to show all the scars caused by our oppression. Nakedness can be very frightening to any man when oppression has taken away his self-esteem. WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY? WHO is South Coast Rap Connection Organization (Mcfunklord's Black Hoodsmens are here): President/CEO of SCRCO is Mcfunklord, Vice-President is Dawgman, Treasury is WHITE-DAWG, Secretary is Black Kitty, The DON is ALL Our Uncle LUKE, 1st Lieutenant is Trick Daddy, 2nd Lieutenants are the Killa Gorillas, 3rd Lieutenants are Chubby Relle and Pastor Troy, Members and New Playas: Mz Thang, - Granddaddy Souf (his father and mother are my best friends), - SWOSS, - Keith Rush (Jamacian music), Chris Oliver - Sports Developement and training, - My Greatest Old freind Bobbie Bell from St. Augustine, FL - Thrill Da Playa, - DJ Magic Mike (my sister's and Kamie's friend...stays 2 block from where I used to stay...came to visit everyday), - Da'Vulj (my nieces), - X-Clan/BlackWatch Movement , Wesley Snipes , The McKnight Brothers: Fred McKnight (I was raised in Mt. Sini 7 Day Adventist Church as the McKnight Brothers were: No Indictment Records/Universal Music Group) , Claude McKnight of "Take 6" , and Brian McKnight of MOTOWN RECORDS , A friend of Brian McKnight (We christian a BROTHER by the Wizard of Funkland OZHOOD...like in VH1 Story a brother): Justin Timberlake, Darryl Dawkins "Chocolate Thunder (the first SHAQ of the NBA - One of Funk's best friend throughout life from 3rd grade to now whom helped me start Coaster Clean Records Empire in 1985, Darryl choose me on his 9th grade physical education basketball team)" , Antonio "Magic Man" Tarver IBF and WBC Light Heavyweight Champion of the WORLD (just like a nephew to Funk (at one point we lived in the same house/ I'm like his Uncle...I dedicate "Make Em'Move" to Man), Roy Jones, Jr is afraid of ANTONIO TARVER) Thier Father BOSS is one of my best friends - Nate Newton formerly of NFL Dallas Cowboys , Tim Newton formerly of NFL Minnesota Vikings/Tampa Bay , JailBird and Dennis Scott (formerly of the Orlando Magic/ JailBird is Funk's best freind's brother Bobby White/Barry White's DJ) , Coming Soon: A Rap project with Tracy McGrady/ Keir Fielder and Funk , and J DOG and 1 Blount (ALL members better known as the {Black} Hoodsmen) . Bringing SOON to Orlando an ENTERTIANMENT facility like "Live at the Apollo" to provide 800 jobs and training, 100 concerts per year, choreographers, songwriters, etc working ALL together to bring the ORLANDO music scene on VIDEO to the WORLD by television licensing and programming deals! SCRCO meets every last SUNDAY of each month at Orlando Public Library, and every last MONDAY at the CITY of ORLANDO Recreation Departments to discuss developement of our proposed private facility, jobs, and entertainmnet training programings. To CONTRIBUTE to the cause for ALL Blacks...send donations to: Sherman Latimer, PO Box 3614, Orlando, Florida 32818? Or, Join Programs 1 to help raise cash: Program # 1 is only $5.50 ...NOTE: We ALL MUST come up with ways to TITHE the Black United Organization and Black Man's Redemption Inc with FUNK? - Help US bring more HITS to your web-site? - Get Swarm with NEW LISTENERS - FREE LIFETIME CLASSIFIED ad on 1 million websites! - Don't forget, YOU can use mailing list! - MLM Development Training for your Membership Team Leaders and Personal Development Training, Free sign-up? - Teach YOUR TEAM to Duplicate your membership growth with women? - - - Sell your Music at YOUR OWN MALL/SHOPPING CLUB, JOIN TODAY Free? It's the WORLD's BEST Mail-Order Music & Surplus/Wholesale Merchandise Broker/Export & Domestic! Stake your claim in the BILLION DOLLAR CATALOG MARKET by featuring 18,315 quality name products at below wholesale prices in YOUR mail-order package and catalog! WHOLESALE all Merchandise from your TOLL-FREE number STORE Shopping Club catalog or web-site, call 1-888-364-0127 for our Free Wholesale Catalog (request a wholesale price list for any item you can think of/get the BEST wholesale prices by mail-order catalog request)? - - - Enter our ID # 1351 to sign-up NOW, and view the SPORTS products in The Extreme SPORTS part of OUR StoreClub - - - For SLMG Promotional Products and Advertising Specialties (like pens, t-shirts, cups etc. with your COMPANY (Record Label) message printed on them). - - - WIN Mega Millions in US States Lottery Pool. Join the POOL? Increase the winning chances and share the winnings? THEY JOINED, THEY WON! They Shared! For YOUR SHARE, JOIN TODAY? Tickets are only $2.00 per ticket (includes return postage). If you TRUST me to purchase your LOTTERY ticket with my money, I TRUST you to pay for the tickets by mail before I'll buy another ticket for you, (call toll-free to place your numbers, and leave your address...pay later)? COMMUNICATION is the MOST important FACTOR in coming 2-Gather (and can earn you profits to do SO)? Reduce your phone bill with our new FREE CELLPHONE & communication technology at 1 penny per minute for all calls anywhere (USA, Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico) with NO monthly charge - NO dead zones - NO long distance charges - NO roaming - NO credit check - NO credit turndowns - NO contracts (order minutes only month to month)? Just a PENNY per minute and a ONE-TIME FEE of $99 (and you can earn $700.00 commission on your downlines that sign-up 14 people as YOU DO/everytime you sign up 14 people - YOU earn $700.00)! This is the MOST ADVANCED CELL-PHONE in HISTORY!!! Buy McFunklord's Naughty Dance Girls Vedio (pick one), order the videos/DVDs or contact INFO from Mcfunklord for (only s&h of $5.00 each)...these VIDEOS AND DVDS are FREE, we reserve the right to substitute comparable titles (you can call FUNK toll-free about any thing you wish to know about these females)? Meet females whom love to take PICTURES! Request Naughty Girls Pen-pal Magazanie now ($12.00)? Available Naughty Dance Girls: Tigerboo2001 - 1Hotrack - - - Mesha and get $50 for you bank account ...(to become a naughty DANCERS, call 1-800-520-0818x1460)? WHAT is SCRCO? South Coast Rap Connection Organization is a CD/Music Charting Service provided FREE to the General public/all Artist who send in CDs to be charted by Mcfunklord's TOP 25 Song Charts of 525 NBC/Vivendi Universal Mp3.com Radio Stations (something like Jack-the-Rapper's charting service). We send our Top 25 mp3.com song picks list with Mcfunklord's TOP 100 SONG PICKS to AM/FM radio stations, music publications, and record pools world-wide along with compliation CDs of "NEW" Artist)? WHERE: We provided this service to ALL our members in the WORLD who joined SCRCO (by mail, or by calling toll-free 1-888-364-0127x8). WHEN: Once-a-month we will organize our COME 2-GATHER DAY with our membership at parks USA-wide with our designated KEY LEADERSHIP PERSONS in all areas of the USA and WORLD on the last SATURDAY of each month (look up ANNUAL date USA and worldwide at mp3.com/black_kitty, or call TOLL FREE 1-888-364-0127x8)? At 9pm the night of "COME 2-GATHER DAYS monthly"...we have our ALL membership CONFERENCE CALL for 1 hour for ALL members to chat, or at 10pm use CHAT for 1 hour during monthly "Come 2-Gather Day" at: http://www.blackplanet.com CHATROOM/30 Somethings! DAILY MESSAGE/NOTES and up-dates until ANNUAL COME 2-GATHER DAY/Annual "COME 2-Gather Day" is held in Orlando, Florida yearly date to be annouced: [Note: At monthly Come 2-Gather we have VOTER REGISITRATION, BLACKS UNITED ORGANIZATION volunteer applications, and we urge all our SCRCO to request info from Black Man's Redemption, Inc; P.O. Box 120976, Clermont, FL 34712]. Remember, YOUR FREEDOM IS ABOUT MONEY!!! WHY?: FREEDOM! Our TOLL-FREE numbers are provided to ALL membership whom are preparing to be FREE to help others prosper and be FREE within our organized independent PROMOTIONS for ALL our membership in ALL USA cities and world-wide! SCRCO positions our membership Artist to BE TOP RANKING CHARTED ARTIST in the music business World-wide! THINK of YOUR toll-free number as a DIRECT Hot-line (RED Batphone like on Batman) to MUSIC PROMOTION teams world-wide! We will INVEST in your CDs and pressing, because you WILL be buying WHOLESALE from US as an over-all DISTRIBUTION NETWORK? This is the 1st PROTOTYPE RECORD PROMOTION/DISTRIBUTION NETWORK of the FUTURE/4-15-2003 (selling CDs with 1 to 4 songs only for $4.99 each)? Before I begin my political campaign with MUSIC and my thoughts for ALL people. Let me explain FREEDOM/ like in FREEDOM TRAIN passageway - the MOVEMENT, - Moses of the Bible - MLK, - Minister Louis Farrakhan ...(coming soon from a black man's prospective)? If you already have your own toll-free number, register to cordinate your promotions with us by e-mailing: mcfunklord@yahoo.com with your toll-free number? My Main Objective is to use any type of music to reach my people, and to break their minds away from traditional man taught religions of following examples set by religious organizations with many denominations! FREEDOM requires that YOU be and SET YOURSELF to be FREE by FAITH in the FATHER as you are as yourselves! The TRUTH shall set you FREE! Give Christianity back to the white people that created it for themselves (it is a tool created from the hands of slave masters to control the minds of black people! We need black solidarity and allegiance to FREEDOM to prosper, to restore and resurrect our lost and found people! We MUST contuine to FIGHT and keep our FREEDOM like our ancestors, and learn the "profound secret wisdom of the reality of our GOD which tutors us, promotes self-reliance! Do YOU, be YOU, as YOU are NOW? There are many man-made religions, and when you go your own "WAY", everybody else seems to get mad! I DO NOT believe in Christianity...I believe in INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM as individuals to believe in your own FAITH..."the WAY" you are! We ALL receive FORGIVENESS at the moment of our conversion. Yet I know I did not find victory over certain sinful habits I have until years after I made Jesus the Lord of my life. Sanctification is complete at the moment we find Christ, yet we must also walk it out ourselves with Christ. It's a process followed by doing it yourself! That means that a person may realize that they need deliverance years after their initial encounter with Jesus. This is the ALL "NEW" Improved CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT for the prosperity of ALL! If YOU knew who the SLAVES were in the past Civil Rights Movement...You'll know who the SLAVES were in the Bible! YOU got FREEDOM through the Old Movement, and YOU ALL will GET PROSPERITY through our "NEW" Civil Rights Movement! I urge you to join in the creation of your own FAITH! This Message is about how you can team-up with other individuals from ALL nations whom wish to see YOU succeed as an individual to prosper with them, and them with you? ONE FAITH, indivisible, undividable...under FUNK (Kings of Salem)! The "NEW IMAGE" of thugging (whom are being transformed by wisdom Angelically as the next Moses/Martin Luther King, Jrs for FREEDOM of ALL to prosper! Returning the ARK to its origanal place with the tribe of JUDAH/ like returning RAP to whom it was meant for to extend a message from the creators of delivering our FAITHS! I am down with NAS and Wu-Tang Clan to bring RAP and Hiphop back to its orginal birth place! After 30 years it is time to go on to the Promised Land (prosprity/freedom/self-faith)... the "WAY" you are by FAITH! Request information on females that provide intimate services? Dancers earn $75 per OUT CALL and $12.50 per hour, plus about $15.00 TIPS per hour for dancing at our hotel room PARTIES when WE rent rooms (Females can Book your OWN self to dance...or come to the PARTY/drivers earn $20, call 1-888-364-0127x8 Toll Free or 321-281-5019x8)? ANY PLAYAS, ANYWHERE can BOOK parties with US by calling Toll-Free 1-888-364-0127x8? As advertised in Weekly World News Tabloids, Secret Word/Mystery Word (in every Super-Market world-wide), Adventure with Max (distributed throughout Florida and Georgia), Urban American News (Miami), and Orlando Weekly. ALL former members of the "Kingdom of ALL Music/like OZ - Coaster Clean Records Empire" Dirty South Coast Rap Connection Organization are encouraged to re-join by application request FREE by mail, or call TOLL FREE 1-888-364-0127x8)? Join our CLICKS, Today! The KING of THE SOUTH is back to help ALL hustlers profit! If you got Items you wish to be sold at FLEA MARKETS, RECORD POOLS, Mail-order, etc? Request OUR WHOLESALE Freestore Club CATALOG by e-mail/ or U.S.A mail? Requesting our information by Mail does not represent a commitment by yourself or us, but only a demonstration of your interest and a need to have your questions answered? Upon receipt of your request, an SLMG Area Manager will be assigned to you for further discussions. Order my CD for $6 on release date 4-1-2003 direct from: SLMG, P.O. Box 3614, Orlando, Florida 32802-3614. The United Ultra Funk Organization is back and open to ALL former and new members. This web-site is property of Universal Music Group and is managed by Sherman Latimer MultiMedia...any Questions call, 1-888-329-6403? Listen to MY MUSIC (below/bottom before you buy my CD from me DIRECT with more songs than on mp3.com)? If you would like to order WHOLESALE CDs of any other Dirty South Coast Connection member Artists, call TOLL FREE 1-888-364-0127 for wholesale price list, or send a list of songs along with a Money Order? You can use FREE POSTAGE 1-888-847-7524/free postage program? Learn how to use a COMPUTER now (convert someone to the WHOLE TRUTH...INTERNET for only $9.99 a month)? *****Help Wanted Taking Pictures of females (easy $$$$$ weekly)? Includes YOUR OWN HOME VIDEO Recording Business (request KIT or make an appointment for the FREE photo shoot 321-281-5019)? FREE 15 POSSE Models/Actors PORTFOLIO Photo Shoot and Video (1 minute video shoot when avaliable by appointments only). Need Models, got Models, Wanna Model, Wanna DANCE? Start Immediately! Get paid $2.00 or more per person whom returns OUR POSTCARD with your ID # on it? Life's better with a female? Create your first FREE AD now for our new publications entitled: "Help Wanted/taking pictures of females...Work/ Play/ Jobs and Introduction Services...where we turn YOUR Fantasy into Reality. Love parties, making$$ & being your own boss? Become a Reseller of our unique NEW Pen-Pal Magazine publications which is only $10 per Issue every 3 months. Call 321-281-5019 for an invite to our INTRODUCTION DINNER parties (Impress, Unwind, Dance & Dine...pick dates of your choice from our membership)? The INTERNET has taken the networking industry to higher levels where YOU CAN now develope YOUR OWN Publishing and Communications Empire with your own affiliate agents when you can provide the largest ISP with more local acess numbers for internet connections? Communications Empire Includes "BECOME A PUBLISHER INSTANTLY" operate YOUR OWN Publishing Empire: Reguest 750 How-to-Books, Reports and manuals you can reprint and sale? Get ALL 750 on CD-Rom, by request? Be on the LOOK OUT for the ALL NEW "Magnum FUNK/Coaster Clean Records Naughty Beach GIRLS" of "College Reunion Girls Flashing yearly video promotion (you would'nt believe the BOOTYS)" (during each SPRING BREAK) in T-shirts at Concerts, Clubs, and Events NEAR YOU {rent them out to DANCE at your next event...request our member's PHOTO catalog (FREE T-shirt given for flashing females of age that sign our photo release)? All PHOTOS we take are available on our Artist web-sites and mp3.com radio stations to be reviewed by www.cinemedia.org/ STUDIOS for CASTING...if you are under 18 years old, request your photo release form for our reqular photo shoots}? My "MAGNUM FUNK/Coaster Clean GIRLS" (including AMY) simply kick butt when it comes to promotions and throwing parties! RAPPERS, DANCERS, MODELS, and DJs NEEDED for Album/CD Covers? To get your CD in call 321-281-5019? OUT CALLS provided by our Dancers! Register NOW - No Experience necessary - Transportation provided - Dancers 18+ (now hiring)? Are YOU ready to be the next BIGGER THAN LIFE DANCER? *****PROMOTERS WANTED? The #1 Public Relations Firm needs help? Up to $$$$ Daily! Request YOUR Membership by mail or phone 1-888-364-0127x8? GROUPS WANTED for CD Compliation releases? The "Kingdom of ALL MUSIC" will PRESS and PAY YOU $1.00 each song/CD sold. Are YOU ready to take the next step? Then You're ready to join SLMG by submiting ONE song on CD to be mailed to 5,000 radio stations for ALL MEMBERS at the SAME time each time we PROMOTE ALL MEMBERS as ONE Organization with our COACHING MENTORS! Did You know that you can earn EXTRA INCOME weekly STAPLING our Mail-Order Music & Promotion Distributor's Wholesale Freestore Club Manuals/catalogs as distributors? Request your MANUAL/Photo kit, Today? It's the HOTTEST "NEW" Mail-Order Information MANUAL on the MARKET (includes 6 FREE Postage programs comes with Phase II Membership is only $7.00 and 40 1st Class Postage Stamps (one-time payment for life, or join as many times as you wish/for more MONEY). FREE POSTAGE 24-hr Announcement...Toll FREE 1-888-847-7524). STRESS-FREE MARKETING: We've developed a Simpe Low Cost, Extemely Powerful Recruiting System for people who want to make SERIOUS MONEY with us in the Mail-Order Wholesale Music Catalog Business, but don't like to sell...We provide FREE Company Leads/ mailing list and prospects for YOU! We Mail your code # packages FREE! Take ACTION, enroll now? * NO Inventory required (NEW products added monthly) * Complete HANDS ON Training * UNLIMITED Trainer Support/Personal training with our MENTORS/BUSINESS DEVELOPEMENT COACHES that can come to YOU when you call them * CLIENTS Provided. Sign any of the groups through our web-site, and you can get them all on one COMPLIATION Distribution DEAL by-your-choice of SONGS? Any "NEW" Recording Artist needing a producer can contact us 321-281-5019 personally for recording or promotion advice? After I sent this E-MAIL, I got $$$$$$$$ in just two hours! Now YOU can send the same E-MAIL too, and I'll show you HOW to DO IT, even if you don't have a computer when you request for more information by mail? If you need an mp3.com WEB-MASTER for your BUSINESS? Let SLMG build a Web-site for your business, create COMMERCIALS on CD which will AIR on mp3.com 24/7 days a week around the world with our organization artists you choose to help your business grow by using their music! Found Money. The KINGDOM OF ALL MUSIC, says...STUDY TO SHOW yourself a believer (practice makes perfect)! Self Defense: Body Guards & Personal Trainers needed to sell WHOLESALE stun guns/peper sprays/hidden cameras/knives/auto taser/voice changers/MACE, NEW
ALL Security Products? MENTORS NEEDED? JOIN SLMG, return $7.00 Phase 1 Membership? Like Oz Join SLMG - "Quality Film & Video Production" (Don't sacrifice quality for price)! FREE Quotes: *Listings * Music * Music Reviews * 1 SONG CD Compliation Distribution/Promotionong * FREE 15 Posse Models/Actors Portfolio photo * Pre-Production * Jingles * TV/Radio Commercials * Castings * Music Videos (samples upon request) * Movies * Directing * Planning * Screen Play Writing * Documentarys * Weddings * Bookings * Promotions * Head-shots * Video Reviews/PR Placement * Advertisements/Speacialties * printing: Album Covers/Posters/Postcards/Logos/Flats/Stickers/Bumper Stickers/Brochures * Reviews * Parades/Fairs * Events. Come to our WEEKLY Membership MEETINGS at locations NEAR YOU world-wide in your area? Learn "How to Make Meetings Work" using the "Interaction Meeting Method"? COMPLETE YOUR Membership Application Today?
Phase I will automatically follow you. "How to Receive 10,000 FREE POSTAGE STAMPS" Mailing List Join Candy Sales, call 1-800-585-5873x3/mention ID#41629 ? More ListenersFREE Site PromotionMy Pay Pal Store More HitsAS SEEN ON NATIONAL TV your Sponsor is ID#20174 - Listen to our TOLL FREE annoucements about our exclusive CD/Dealership...we SELL your music directly to the public for you on CDs/3 CDs for DA $20 with our Nation-wide STREET TEAM/Record Pools! Listen before YOU buy on mp3.com! Models Use our 800#/Fax line FREE with your card code # _________ from 1-888-364-0127x8? GET "Grocery Coupons of YOUR choice for up 90% OFF YOUR Grocery BILL for only $1.00 p&h per $10.00 certificate using our POST CARDS, STICKERS, BUSINESS CARDS by call 1-888-364-0127"? No selling! Just placing ADS and mailing post cards (be in thousands of places at the same time by placing Advertisement)? If you're ready to start living the MUSIC BUSINESS, then don't hesitate? All We ask is that you be serious about building a secure future for yourself, family and friends with music, and are ready to make this positive change in your life?
Talents in the Music Industry "Comes 2gather"...WE accomplish MORE! The LEADER of men PROMOTES them with ABILITY, INSTRUCT those who have it NOT, and they are willing to be LED! *PHASE I: This Program cost each member participant $7 per One-time ENTRY. You may pay by phone now at 1-888-364-0127x8? **PHASE II: A MAIL-ORDER METHOD OTHER PROGRAMS DON'T WANT YOU TO USE: If you recognize being apart of ONE Promotion Team which SUPPORTS many idea sure ways to profit in Direct-Marketing. If you work alone, you have the power of ONE! To have the power of thousands working with YOU, join with them? Promote others/they will promote YOU? OUR Directors are PAID commissions only! Four $1 bills out of the $7 will be sent $1 to each participant along with 10 - 34c US Postage Stamps to each participant by the MONITOR/Facilitator. PHONE Numbers, E-mail addresses, and Card Code#s are provided for your verification. Can YOU imagine the results YOU can achieve by making this your Primary Mail-Order Program? Receive up to 10,000 FREE POSTAGE STAMPS and Phase I, II, III/$4,096, Level 2/$69,912, or Level 3/$5,594,731 in CASH to buy paper, envelopes, and printing! Those are just figures! HERE IS HOW IT WORKS: YOU fill out the Form below, place it into an envelope with 40 1st Class 37c stamps and Seven one dollar bills. Return to the MONITOR/Facilitator: Sherman Latimer, PO BOX 3614, Orlando, Florida 32802. Upon receiving Your Membership Application to join the PROMOTION TEAM...the Monitor will send to YOU a Master Copy of this flyer with YOUR NAME & Card Code ID NUMBER in the #4 Position. $7 goes to the persons in the 4 thru 1 positions. The MEMBERS LIST: 2. Nelson "El Gato" Moreno#0002/407-563-5352. 3. Adman#0003/www.mp3.com/adman. 4. Robert(NJ)/akadoe2000@yahoo.com. 5. For YOU? (Check here) _____"COUNT ME IN Coaster Clean Records USA Empire (CCRE/CRUSA/SLMG) membership _____ *PHASE I for ONLY $7 per ENTRY to (receive commissions)? _____ **PHASE II for $7 plus 40 - 1st Class postage stamps to (receive commissions, business cards, kit & FREE STAMPS)...and Add MY Name to the MEMBERS LIST"? My Name is _______________________; Address _________________________________; City, State & Zip _________________________________; Your Sponsor Card Code ID# (if unknown/leave blank) ______________ or Clique you would like as your sponsor _________________; Type of music you wish recorded with our PRODUCERS ________________; E-mail____________________; Phone Number _______________(all participants must have a phone number or e-mail to join). The MONITOR/Facilitator will from time-to-time mail letters for you! ALL person's names and addresses you forward to the MONITOR/Facilitator will be MAILED this Program with YOUR NAME in the #4 position! UP-DATES by e-mail? Check Daily Statistics at: MESSAGE BOARDS. or at: http://artists.mp3.com/artists/280/chris_oliver_8-pack_entert.html. If YOU are an Mp3.com Artist...we CHART your music with ours. Only one ENTRY activates LIFE-TIME commissions. TO GENERATE MORE INCOME START THE WHOLE ENTRY PROCESS AGAIN! There is NO LIMIT to the income you can generate from these low-cost ENTRIES? _____***PHASE III: Just ONE Order of CD/VITAMINS activates LIFE-TIME commissions, call 1-800-585-5873/id#41629 for details? After *PHASE I, **PHASE II, or ***PHASE III completion. YOU are then eligible for LEVEL 2 which is $10.00 plus 60 - 1st Class stamps, or LEVEL 3 which is $12.00 plus 70 - 1st Class stamps. The Initial investment is so little that there is just NO way YOU wouldn't get enough orders from to at least get YOUR MONEY BACK? To be in compliance with Federal Postal Laws (Title 18, Section 1302/1341). Programs MUST have a viable product/service to sell and someone to oversee the operation. If YOU have any questions of the legality of this program, contact the Office of Associate Director for Marketing Practices, U.S Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Washington, D.C. FOR a FREE CD Review...please send CD demos to: SLMG, P.O. Box 3614, Orlando, FL 32802-3614. QUALIFICATIONS: To qualify, all you have to do is send your demo CD for FREE CD review? FORMAT: CD only. Number of songs: 2 to 3 songs. If you have a finished CD/send the full product, please specify the strongest 3 songs? PRODUCTION: We are not looking for the best production, we are looking for good songs? Home recordings are accepted of BANDS, SOLO ARTIST, Etc! We accept all styles of music from all styles of artist. BIOGRAHPYS AND PHOTOS: If you have them please include them in your submission package? If your material passes you will be on your way to success! POSITIONS AVAILABLE - CHOOSE FROM THESE AVAILABLE Membership Positions: _____ 1. CRUSA/President (USA). _____ 2. CRUSA/President (YOUR City or State). ***This is the ORDER of Participation in our OVER-ALL ORDER of membership (any order/cash sent qaulifies you as a member): Program joining order: 1. ABC. 2. Freenetleads. 3. UNIVERSAL OFFICE (toll-free phone number). 4. Free Store Club. 4. Ultimate Traffic System. 5. Smallbizffa. 6. Order Mailing list. 8. Join 1 FREE Postage programs! 8. Wait until told to join other Programs? *****More positions coming soon (a STAR* by any position means it is taken). Rapsheet/Magazine (the SCRCO/DME Story coming soon late 2003/order the Video documentary of "How WE do it Dirty South Style/Daytona 2003 for $10 from SLMG girls gone wild): News Release Satellite Radio News Release: Direct Sattellite broadcast : We are "NOW FORMING" Kingdom of All Music SAFE HAVENS for USA Community YOUTH CENTERS, Libraries and YOUTH CENTERS world-wide! I need Directors, Volunteers, Dancers, Talents, other DJs, and Sponsors to help form and promote "Coaster Clean Records Empire Kingdom of All Music SAFE HAVENS" for our "NEW" TIME-WARNER Cable TVChannel 98 TV Shows (407) 295-9119x0 {Birdman TV every Sunday 11pm, G-TV} & The African TV Network (now forming for July 2002) as a proposed "New" Central Florida Television Show on AOL/Time Warner show entitled: "Coaster Clean Records Empire Kingdom of All Music/SAFE HAVENS Television Show/Mcfunklord SAFE HAVENS TV" - "On The Corner Block" or "NEW TV" - (directed by SLMG, Co-Producers Charles Postell, Victor T. West, and Forest "Wonder" Taylor (Stevie Wonder's newphew my little brother's best friend) of Constant Productions are Full Sail Recording Studio graduates of 2/2001, Preston Latimer (directors of the Shows). The TV Show is coming in 2004, and can be seen world-wide on CABLE TV). I only need 100 people to join 1-888-364-0127 to cover the cost of each TV Show to Start whom would like to help as Directors of the Show (which is an opportunity to have your Videos played on Television with your ENDORSEMENT, and promotion of any ideas YOU may have prepared for "LIVE" Television {1 minute commercial on our shows as a member of SLMG})? We keep Africa informed from the USA! Ask your Youth Director at a Community Center in your home town to provide this program to your area with YOU as one of 4 Directors needed at each Chartered Branch? It is all about being a community and in communities there are all different ages, different groups and different neighborhoods, subdivisions and schools to come together under one umbrella: "Coaster Clean Records Empire", "Dawgman Entertainment", "Mo Muzik Entertainment", and "POLLUTED RECORDS" to form our Community SAFE HAVENS all over the world! Great Talent is not isolated solely to the churches and schools. Many times, the individuals that are on the street corners are very talented but simply need someone like Coaster Clean Records Empire & Dawgman Entertainment to reach out to them to bring them into Community Centers (to help them practice properly, write (songs and novels), develope their talents, and record songs to be up-loaded into our MP3 COMPETITION Charted by Vivendi Univeral Studio/UNIVERSAL Music Group's Mp3.com to create WINNERS from our World-Wide Programs to be awarded Entertainment Equitette Trophies to the general public like Grammy Awards by SLMG that verify our participants talents with Trophies distributed at Community Centers world-wide Annually with quarterly WINNERS of CCRE/DME). *****ALL ARTIST MUST SUBMIT ONE SONG TO BE UP-LOADED ON CCRE, 8-PACK ENTERTAINMENT, MO MUZIK ENTERTAINMENT, POLLUTED RECORDS, or DME for distribution world-wide by CD Baby! I feel it is my duty to get our staff to those areas, to help those young guys and gals, and bring them into our SAFE HAVENS to help develope their talents, and bring their talents, songs and videos to our Radio & TV SHOWS? I'll even throw in my expert songwriting talent to write them some songs like mine. Community Centers are SAFE HAVENS so that no person will be turned away! You will learn how to network, promote and build recognition of your music and/or career with refreshments and entertainment preparing for a future of entertainment and Acting (includes 1 FREE Acting Lesson)! Our Vision is to also build a VACATION ENTERTIANMENT Facility with ALL, in exchange of room and board for any persons moving to the CENTRAL FLORIDA area, and wish to PERFORM and RECORD in our FREE to MEMBERSHIP studios as a member (which provide Body Guards, Private Investagators, Process Servers to protect our STUDENTS and "New" Artist). YOU automatically become a member of our world-wide CHOIR: the SAFE HAVENS CHOIR, there are several other programs aimed at encouraging and inspiring youth in all our communities that this program exist to get on and stay on the right path with "the Kingdom of ALL Music"! All Athletes looking to SCOUT themselves for scholarships, or Professional SPORTS TEAMS should direct themselves to: Contact Mcfunklord with ALL Questions about our Athletical/Entertainment Celebrity Endorsement Agents & Representativies (positions are availbe for NEW AGENTS, MENTORS, our Sports/Entertainment Endorsement Cleints), or let CCRE Agents be your AGENT for only 5% to 10% (for ALL Our SPORTS Free-agents and MENTORS contracts we provide sports talents from professional SPORTS TEAMS)? Basketball Basketball Basketball Players Recruiting Service ALL Cities League Basketball Teams should submit their team's yearly game statistics to be eligible for nomination for our 4 ANNUAL {8-Pack/Mcfunklord's/DME} Hood Basketball Association (HBA) dedicated in HONOR of Chris Oliver efforts to form City League Basketball Teams in our Hood Basketball Association owned by CCRE with 4 Regional Trophies (north, east, south, and west divisions)... will be sending teams to the ALL "NEW" American Basketball Exchange held at the University of Central Florida/UCF Arena ? Each of the 4 Teams must also send 1 video recording of 1 minute from one of their "BEST" games to be eligible to receive one of 4 SECOND Runner-up Trophies! Our Communities have many success stories awaiting to be told that fathers and mothers will have to get out of bed to participate, and help, and hear? Numerous Guys and gals start right here on the inside of the INVISIBLE KINGDOM (like OZ, or in "Quest for the Holy Grail"/Nantaus Cup/Fame/Glustton Bury/Avalon/Rosslyn Chapel) with "The King of Funk...FUNK has it's own REWARDS" in many neighborhoods and develope scholarships to major colleges and universities! This Program offered through most Community Centers world-wide is the starting point for what will grow to become GREAT CAREERS and experiences for a lot of kids and adults (fathers and mothers). It is OUTSTANDING! We are very happy, and we know that there is going to be some challenges, but when the communites and sponsors get behind their personel (kids, volunteers, mothers, fathers, families, and friends) to support them - these guys and gals - if they can believe that they can reach the SKY, that is what we are really trying to help them to DO (with ALL our total support)! Our Ceremonies are not just events for TROPHY DISPENSING? The Coaster Clean Records Empire/Dawgman Entertainment name in communities world-wide carry the rewards that this was their community's way of giving back to kids, adults, and families alike! It is our way of letting them know that their efforts and commitment to do positive and constructive things are notice and appreciated by Coporate America, Professional SPORTS TEAMS, ALL Cities League Sports Teams, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends and nieghbors, and world by radio and TV, etc! Our AWARDS Ceremonies are an investment in the FUTURE of communities/HOODS that bear the CCRE/DME SAFE HAVENS emblems (to be placed by stickers on windows of our supporters WORLD-WIDE)! Hopefully, Todays trophy receipitants will be the coaches, staff and directors that will inspire and encourage tommorrow's youth? This program started by Sherman Latimer in 1996 at Parramore Heritage Foundation (Merecedes Clark) with City of Orlando Recreation Center with Director Anthony C. Williams at the John H. Jackson Community Center 407-246-2327 (was supported by Governor of Florida Lawton Chiles (deceased) - Crime Prevention Programs, and Orlando Fights Back with Devulge formerly 2xHiphop Slang and Harry R. Winslow, Jr), and now is world-wide for all communities! So often, Our Communities get caught up in focusing on the negative and the problems that our youth are facing and sometimes causing? Thanks to the many parents and communities adopting our "Clean Records/DME SAFE HAVENS Program" sharing their gratitude and appreciation for this program, to coaches, trainers, and to Community Center's staff for helping providing the communities adults and youth with a "SAFE HAVEN" opportunity they may never otherwise have had? Directors, Volunteers, and Branch applications can be sent by request? Call 321-281-5019x8 for more information about our SAFE HAVEN TV Shows, advertisement, and sponsoring commercials on the TV Show. Write: Sherman Latimer Media Group, P.O. Box 3614, Orlando, Florida 32802-3614 for a complete info package? If you are sensitive about the dangers in the world, you can make your senators and elected officials sensitive, too! Most of them are harried, pressured, and completely unable to grasp the details of the hundreds of pieces of legistation that come before them. As a result some hide behind a sage party vote selling to the public like MUSIC! However, If they are sure that a VOTE will cost them their jobs, then they will listen to people like US establsihing SAFE HAVENS ON every CORNER BLOCK! At the same time VOTER REGISTERATION gives our members an opportunity to seek out new LEADS and PROSPECTS for our organization. Join us for the NEW On-line talk show: Religious or Relevant? at: http://online.charismamag.com. Also, GET READY for Sherman Latimer Multimedia Group Digital Television Network (coming 2004) to provide 24-Hour Interactive Digital Broadcast video programs VIA the Internet for cable television and all viewers and fans. For the On-line viewer its like "24 Hour Cable TV on the Net". For other TV Networks its like a monthly subscription fee for "New" Community based programming, TV Shows, and Music videos. The SLMG Digital Television Network provides opportunites for program sponsors and broadcast partnerships to develope and grow at a fraction of the cost of traditional broadcasting media. SLMG Digital Television Network offers its programing sponsors & partners monthly rates they can afford for our any type video broadcast Daily - Weekly - Monthly (1 hour or half hour) 24/7 days a week! Send Videos to get quotos to get your video going On-the-Air! Let SLMG prepare the Documentary for shows like Jenny Jones 1-800-203-2799, or www.bet.com? Call the LIVE MUSIC TV TRUCK? If you CAN sell 25 tapes per day/night at your "LIVE" recorded event, then "WE FUNK TV" can video your next event at NO COST TO YOU. *Multi-Camera broadcast quaity production (3-JVC 27 cameras put through a JVC 1600 Y/C switcher all at 750 lines of resolution). *Mastered on DVC PRO all digital recorder with SVHS back-up masters. *25 raw "LIVE" recorded video tapes ready to sell IMMEDIATELY following each of your events. The "LIVE MUSIC TV TRUCK" will come-out and video your next conference event, etc at NO COST TO YOU! Send one copy of your video to SLMG Digital Television Network for "On-the-Air" quotos for broadcasting on our next Television Production, or let us license your video productions from our computer clients for Radio & Television broadcast world-wide? Any location within 1,000 miles of Virginia Beach. Call: Charles at 1-800-846-9074, in ORLANDO at 321-217-6011 (Cellular). Our WRITERS, stories, articles, books and magazine are viewed by the media critics! Our Total Media focuses on our Communities and membership world-wide (HOLLYHOOD SOUTH/EAST is happening for the WORLD). The Minds of the world are awaiting YOUR MEDIA input? Let's Do this THING 2Gather! PUBLISH YOUR OWN BOOK WITH SLMG! We print bookstore quality, we offer low minimum quanitities - only 200 books! Why not let SLMG help YOU write and/or publish YOUR BOOK? We offer FREE library, home visits, and Community Center sessions world-wide (don't be shy)! Our FREE Step-by-Step guide to Self-Publishing gives YOU all features and prices UP-FRONT. You're ensured quality with in-house printing and bindery services. We even help you complete writing YOUR BOOK at NO EXTRA COST TO YOU? Reguest more information from: SLMG, P.O. Box 3614, Orlando, Florida 32802-3614, or come to our next WEEKLY MEETING? Request a FREE copy of our Favorite Magazine (we'll mail it to you once FREE, and include a list of females in your area)? Sherman Latimer MultiMedia Group: * Orlando * Atlanta * NY * L.A * Miami, "We Want the WHOLE Story"? NEW LEADERSHIP is taking place in the MUSIC INDUSTRY! Are you ready to take the NEXT step with us? Music is advancing into the "NEW MILLENNIUM", but it takes more LEADERS to DEVELOPE, train, and EQUIPPE our "New Brotherhood"? Monthly MEETING SESSIONS at libraries and Community Centers world-wide! Register as a member and become one of our MENTORS by checking all programs you wish to participate in? You will be notified of your program/meeting dates, locations, and times by mail. One of our MENTORS will be sent to you). PICK FROM THESE PROGRAMS BELOW: _____ a. HOW TO MAKE MEETINGS WORK (FREE Training with membership/$7.00 non-members). _____ b. VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVES personel training, ACTIVISTS wanted...INTERESTED in POLITICAL Careers? TAKE BACK THE HOUSE! Mobilize for victory on high profile campaigns with music? Learn Campaigning/grassroots from Professionals. Gain organizing experience on high-profile key Congressional Campaigns thru Democratic Campaign Management Program. Housing/expense allowance. Minorities/women encourage to apply. (ad#8001229888/2223935377 for more details)? Let's GO PLATINUM ? I believe in DEMOCRACY not COMMUNISM! I believe in "The WAY", the truth, and the life that leads to FREEDOM, not SLAVERY and being brain washed with what I have to believe. I have the FREEDOM to believe what I really do! Which is not Christianity or Islam. Only true FREEDOM to be MYSELF as I AM! I do support Traditional Values. I believe in the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE (Jesus spoke of)! - I don't believe in White Surpremecy!!! bringing "new" Legislation Confess YOUR Sins? Coffee goes MLM. GET added to our 500 mp3/stations: E-mail:mcfunklord@yahoo.com. If FUNK can't make you laugh, don't do it? My WHOLE life is a MOVIE about "HOW I became the NEXT Martin Luther King, Jr to SAVE MY people" with YOUR help!
STUDY Black - Register to VOTE ? or Vote: Election.com - - -
It is NOT hard to judge where the next MOVEMENT in muisc will come from! Artist are bringing traditional instruments back on the scene. If YOUR Soul is yearning for sounds that UNITE us/music is the Universal language that will always bring us together! The Hiphop generation represents a NEW AGE in Black America's political activism! The Ways we control the marketplace and dominate popular culture...if we turn that energy to community and political activism, then its all over for other races. The 1st generation to come of age in legally ended racial segregation in America! In asmuch as we are indebted to CIVIL RIGHTS/BLACK POWER activism, our generation lack mass political MOVEMENT! The previous generation of 1945 to 1964 had the luxury of Civil-Rights MOVEMENT! Now we must connect ourselves with community groups/political organizations to begin our ACTIVISIM for the long-haul? YOUTH EMPOWERED BY YOUTH with Old School Mentors! We must make the political establishment understand that this is a generati
Song about how O-Town is coming up with Mcfunklord on the domination pimp seen 407-321-281-5019x8 for female dancers that love to talk? | MP3.com CD: Theory of The Circle - buy it!
CD: Theory of The Circle
Label: Coaster Clean/Fast Money
Credits: Executive Producer: Sherman |
Rap | MP3.com CD: Theory of The Circle - buy it!
CD: Theory of The Circle
Label: Coaster Clean/Fast Moeny
Credits: Executive Producer: Sherman "Mcfunklord" Latimer for Coaster Clean Records Empire - PROMO Reflections: www.mp3.com/whitedawg & www.webspawner.com/users/slmg (View all LINKS). Web-site Management by SLMG Internet Music Promotion/Casting & Charles Postell Video Productions at: www.mp3.com/www.collegeclub.com. |
What happens to pirates, and bootleggers! | MP3.com CD: Theory of The Circle - buy it!
CD: Theory of The Cirlce
Label: Coaster Clean/Fast Money
Credits: Executive Producer: Sherman "Mcfunklord" Latimer for Coaster Clean Records Empire - PROMO Reflections: www.mp3.com/heavymann & www.webspawner.com/users/slmg (View all LINKS). Web-site Management by SLMG Internet Music Promotion/Casting & Charles Postell M.o.b Video Productions at: 407-210-2001x9530. |
Copyright notice. All material on MP3.com is protected by copyright law and by international treaties. You may download this material and make reasonable number of copies of this material only for your own personal use. You may not otherwise reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, or create derivative works of this material, unless authorized by the appropriate copyright owner(s).