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    Artist description
    Mike Stout is a socially conscious singer/songwriter and community leader. Over a thirty-year period Stout has lead crusades against local and global economic injustice by rallying people with his music and by organizing them to take action. His songs illustrate social inequalities and call on people to act against them. He plays a variety of rock styles from alternative country, blues, folk rock, country, and rock. Stout’s fifth and latest CD, expresses his call for human solidarity. Written in shadow of 9/11, this collection of 12 original songs and one adapted song reverberates the hope of its title song “the Human Spirit Will Prevail”. Mike asks us to join in human solidarity across borders, religions, race, and social class to overcome bigotry, hatred, and corporate greed. A better world is possible if we recognize that we are all brothers and sisters who come from the same mother earth and that we can unite to stop oppression and war.
    Music Style
    Socially Conscious Rock, Alternative Country, and Blues
    Musical Influences
    Woodie Guthry, Bob Dylan, Billy Bragg, Bruce Springsteen, Phil Ochs, Tim Harden, Country Joe McDonald, Jackson Brown, Matt Callahan , and Fred Smith of MC5. “They all rocked about the truth and experiences of the daily lives of working people.”
    Similar Artists
    Steve Earl, Billy Bragg, Phil Ochs
    Artist History
    Mike Stout began his musical career in New York City playing his issue-oriented protest songs at Caf Wa, the Bitter End, and the Gaslight. In 1977 he came to Pittsburgh and found a living as steelworker at the late great Homestead Works. Joining the union he quickly rose to become its head grievance man and he fought for the rights of the thousands Homestead steelworkers. Using his guitar, voice, music, and rhythmic verses he rallied his co-workers at union meetings. Together they challenged the corporate attorneys and won more than $10 millions in lost wages, severance pay, pensions, unemployment benefits and trade adjustment settlements for about 3,000 displaced workers. With the devastating closings of dozens of Western Pennsylvanian mills in the 1980’s, Mike led the way in seeking aid for the thousands of displaced and disenfranchised steelworker families. His group’s activist protests against home foreclosures and the investments of Western Pennsylvania financial institutions and corporations in foreign manufacturing plants were controversial and resulted in arrests. But these acts drew international attention to the plight the steelworkers and led to the granting of community and government aid. He raised funds and formed several ongoing organizations that help the poor including: the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food-bank, Just Harvest, and the Steel Valley Authority. He now serves on their boards. After the mill closings and his disillusionment with corporate America, Mike picked up his guitar and started writing songs. He has recorded five CDs in the last 5 years and has performed across the United States and Europe. Mike’s class-conscious anger has broadened to concerns for global spirituality and compassion. Human rights abuses and a resurgence of child labor help a privileged few reap unparalleled fortunes while millions of children go hungry. The daily wage for half the world’s population is less than two dollars Oil dependency drives us into dangerous crusades and pollutes the earth. We face serious dangers. Our government leaders worsen the global situation by dividing us into warring factions.
    Group Members
    Mike Stout Lead Vocals, Vocal Harmonies, Acoustic Guitar, Song Writer Fred Nelson Vocal harmonies, Rhythm and Lead guitars Robbie Klein -Alto & Tenor Sax, Flute, Harmonica, Matt Harringtion- Keyboards & Strings, Steve Landay -Bass Guitar, Chris Procopio-Drums, David Throckmorton-Drums, Garth Amssusssen-Pedal Steel Guitar, Hermie Granati-Keyboards, vocal harmonies,
    The Human Spirit Will Prevail
    Homestead, Pa - USA

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