When the walls come tumbling down will we rise to sweet paradise |
Label: Blue Collar Records
Credits: Words and Music by Mike Stout |
Special Guest star B.E. Taylor |
CD: Full Circle
Label: American Collar
Credits: Mike Stout - Words & Music |
Help Us Stop the Wars |
Label: Blue Collar Records
When will the tidal wave of humanity arise to become the new Super Power |
Label: Blue Collar Records
Credits: Words and Mike by Mike Stout |
CD: Full Cirlce
Label: American Blue Collar
Credits: Mike Stout -Words and Music |
CD: Full Circle
Label: American Blue Collar
Credits: Mike Stout - Words and Music |
CD: Full Circle
Label: American Blue Collar
Credits: Mike Stout - Words and Music |
Did you 401K and pension disappear with Worldcom, Enron, and the Dot Bombs...then You got the Big Time Corporate Blues. |
CD: The Human Spirit Will Prevail
Label: American Blue Collar
Credits: Mike Stout - Words and Music |
A hopeful hook filled alternative country song urging us to work in solidarity when the powers to be take away our rights and jobs.
CD: The Human Spirit Will Prevail
Label: American Blue Collar
Credits: Mike Stout - Words and Music |
I'll not be party to their murderous game.
Stand up with me and claim -
Not in our Name, Not in America's Name. Not in God's Name
CD: Not In Our Name
Label: American Blue Collar
Credits: Mike Stout - Lyrics and Music |
When it's an 'eye for an eye,' both sides are blind...There are no real winners in war. |
CD: The Human Spirit Will Prevail
Label: American Blue Collar
Credits: Mike Stout - Words and Music |
Socially conscious rock warning -about modern economic terrorists: The profits are his; it’s our world he pollutes. He’ll never pay for his crimes he’s got a golden parachute; He’s the white corporate man in a business suit. Why aren't those Enron crooks in jail?
CD: The Human Spirit Will Prevail
Label: American Blue Collar
Credits: Mike Stout - Words and Music |