Artist description
minusQ is - Straight up melodic power-chorded rock. |
Music Style
Somewhat - Heavy - Alternative Rock |
Musical Influences
Tool, APC, Incubus, Smashing Pumpkins, Led Zepplin, Jimmie's chicken shack, Sublime, and many other Various things the band enjoys listening to. |
Similar Artists
Our Musical Influences. |
Artist History
No history yet. QUITS FOR NOW Formed in early September of 2001, and are hoping to be the New, talked-about-band, of 2002. The group suddenly disbanded on August 18th 2002 for the Singer to start a project with his brother's band. Currently, Bill and Herb have joined with another local guitar player named Steve to form "minusQ". |
Group Members
Steve "steve" Waters-
Wilhem "bill" Koontz.-
Kenneth "herb" Weaver jr.-
Alan Haley |
guitars, bass, drums, Vocals, synth?, Various Effects. |
N/A (the Demo) |
Press Reviews
None as of yet.
Please Contact the band (currently VHyperTensionV@aol.com &/Or createdfrompain@tmail.com) if you wish to Review the Band. |
Glen Burnie, Maryland - USA |
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