Same as the other, wee. |
CD: unreleased/unfinished demo
Label: moo
Credits: moo |
No bass, no Vocals. Looking for both :) August 18th 2003, Steve Waters (lost cause), Bill Koontz (lost cause, QFN), Ken Weaver (jtc, qfn, BBC) |
CD: minusQ unreleased
Label: not finished? duh?
Credits: Steve, Bill, Herb |
New Version of this song. It sounds ten times better, so check it out!
Lyrics Finally up |
CD: QFN Demo
Label: N/A (Please sign us, We won't suck!)
Credits: James Orem & Quits For Now |
Heavy Stuff, Telephone Booth-like-vocals.
Lyrics are finally up. |
CD: QFN Demo
Credits: James Orem & Quits For Now |
Kinda dreamy sounding.. Funky little drum beat... this was the first song to be recorded in the studio process. |
Credits: Jay Orem, Ken Weaver, Tim Lawerence, Bill Koontz (Quits For Now) |
Power Emotion Rock song.
Lyrics Comming soon. |
CD: QFN Demo
Label: No Label
Credits: James Orem and QUITS FOR NOW |
A Song about Change. This song is MOST people's ABSOLUTE FAVORITE. So give it a listen, peeps! |
CD: QFN Demo
Label: No Label
Credits: James Orem & QUITS FOR NOW (w/ Emphatic!) |
This one's great. It's in 4/4, but the way the beat goes, it's 1..2...3..rest and that's pretty neato. |
CD: Su Madrae
Label: Not yet.
Credits: Jay Orem, Bill Koontz, Tim Lawerence, Ken Weaver, as QUITS FOR NOW |
The first song that came out of the ever-young QuitsForNow's Practice room. |
CD: Demo
Label: A Small Garage
Credits: Jay Orem & Quits For Now |
This is the last recording "QFN" ever did. Like CATCH22, the bassdrum is real in this one, and not a roland trigger sound. |
CD: Stuff
Label: None yet.
Credits: Jay Orem, Ken Weaver, Tim Lawerence, Bill Koontz |