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    Artist description
    A classical composer using a computer and high-grade MIDI realizations to produce the sound of a full orchestra, often with double choir. In a few cases a cathedral organ is simulated, with all the authentic stops and combinations - very realistic! The virtual orchestra and choir have been named The Invisible Philharmonic Orchestra & Choir, and likewise the organ is that of the Invisible Cathedral.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Vaughan Williams, Sibelius, Nielsen, Holmboe, Holst, Jehan Alain...
    Similar Artists
    Artist History
    Born in 1942, he is an English composer who writes visionary symphonic, choral and organ works inspired by mountains, wilderness, nature and the spiritual dimension. He is largely self-taught, his work being influenced particularly by the English and Scandinavian music of the first half of the 20th century in addition to the visionary work of the French composers Alain and Messiaen. His interests range far wider, however - from pre-Baroque Church music through to recent visionaries and experimenters such as Iannis Xenakis and Harry Partch, and he has learnt from all these different styles and types of musical content without his individual voice being compromised. His works include six Symphonies, several large scale works for Chorus, works for Organ, and Chamber music. His more recent works are influenced by Eastern mystical traditions and use the rhythms and repetition of ancient Sanskrit Mantras. His works have been performed in the United States and Europe by such noted performers as Carson Cooman, Organist and Paul Wehage, Saxophonist. One of the first generation of composers to use the resources of the internet to promote their works, Philip Goddard has produced MIDI realizations of his orchestral works which are widely acclaimed as being some of the most realistic and effective uses of this medium.
    Group Members
    The composer (only)
    MIDI sampler and modules simulating orchestra, choir & cathedral organ
    Audio CDs 1 - 9, and CD-ROM of MP3s of all the works. They can be purchased from the Composer - see his website.
    Press Reviews
    "Washes of sound are studded with bell clusters, ecstatic drive, plentiful incident. Essentially music of spiritual contemplation but busy and active..." -- Summary of full review by Jonathan Woolf of 6 of my CDs at MusicWeb(
    Exeter, Devon - United Kingdom

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