Artist description
i record my music using a midi keyboard and midi software. i play the music on the keyboard and use the different patches from the soundcard for the different instrumental sounds. i then play the music through the computer's sound card and record it as a wav file. finally, i convert it to mp3 format. |
Music Style
melodic, instrumental, "new-age", but more like folk or pop w/out lyrics. i say this because my songs all have definite melodies, unlike a lot of "new-age" music. also, my songs don't really run longer than 4 or 5 minutes, just like a song you'd hear on the radio. a lot of my songs could have lyrics put to them, i just don't consider myself a great lyricist. i can write music to lyrics though, so if you have a good one, e-mail it to me. some of my songs have been compared to a video game soundtrack. some sound like songs from plays or musicals, some are kind of like classical, and some are just hard to classify. but i had to choose something, so i guess "new-age" is as close as i could get |
Musical Influences
cusco, elton john, enya, natalie merchant |
Similar Artists
robert miles, yanni, enya |
Artist History
i finished enough songs to make a cd about 3 years ago. i made the cds myself with a computer cd writer and gave copies to friends and family. i've composed more songs since then, but haven't really done much to complete them in recorded format. |
Group Members
just me, my keyboard, sound card, and software! |
any instruments, lots of piano, orchestral and synthesized sounds, and i also use percussion in many of my songs. but the midi keyboard is the only actual intrument that i physically play on. |
Anywhere--coming soon!! |
Athens, GA - USA |
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