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    Artist description
    We revived the music scene in Gander, Nfld for almost two full weeks.
    Music Style
    hip-hop/punk/industral/rock/death metal/you name it, we sell it
    Musical Influences
    Artists from the Romantic era, early 17th centuary composers
    Similar Artists
    We are ashamed to admitt that we've taken a lot from Bach over the years. His time signatues, his tempo measures, his use of accents and flams.
    Artist History
    Like the tortured Van Gough, we were well aware of the significance of our work but at the same time, fully aware that it was so ahead of it's time to be recognized within our lifetime. This lead tensions and animosity to grow until we imploded. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What Mofo Inc managed to achieve in a hand full of band practises and recording sessions is utterly amazing. One band managed to not only lift music to new levels, but art itself. To advanced human kind. To make life and this planet better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is left behind is a musical legacy and a love story to touch many. Many people haved dubbed a possible Mofo Inc reunion as the most anticipated event next to J.C's second coming and some thought that his return my coincide with mofo finally releasing an album. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And lets be optimistic folks, as any first year physics student will tell you, energy is never lost only transformed. With that in mind Mofo Inc are not really gone. Their "music" right now is probably transformed into heat for freezing russians, causing tiny vibrations that rock little boys to sleep, and mostly transformed into love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mofo Inc: Buying Your First Gunn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mofo (MOFO INTRO) is a boy in a small town that many of you may have heard of called Gander. He has always been a social deviant and finds his town to be very narrowminded,boring, and conforming(ROCK N ROLL). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His attempts to fit in are laughable and needless to say, unsuccesful. He try's to escape within drugs or music but realizes after listening to the number 1 pop song (DOIN ACID BY MYSELF) that music is a ball of shit and meaningless. The song is so bad, it turns him off drugs too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is then Mofo see's a reason to go on, A beautiful young gal named Jazzel who he has always fancied. Jazzel is everything Mofo is not and everything he aspires to be. After much tortured time spent thinking about her he asks her out one night (GOOD LOVING IN THE HAY). But alas, it is not meant to be for jazzel is a product of the town and too concerned with self image to be associated with lowly Mofo. Are tragic hero becomes even more depressed than before (MATT'S SADNESS). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mofo now realizes that Gander is a terrible place. Jazzel is a snob and his affection towards her has turned sour. He wants to kill (The Killing Song). but in the end he blames himself and kills himself (M.S.T.-THE SUICIDE SONG). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mofo is now turned into a spirit. He looks down at gander and laughs at the shithole. Over time gander turns into a crime haven (Rap Song). Mofo now at piece with himself and the the town looks down a see's what is wrong with the town and decides to save it by haunting the evil do-er's. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mofo is now a hero of the town. He is loved by the town and thusby Jazzel. But since Mofo is a spirit and jazzel a mortal they can never "be together". Mofo then frighten' her one night (IM GOING BAD) and she falls to her death. This violates a rule of some sort about killing the one you love for your own benefit. Mofo is transformed into a being with mortal quality's but cant be seen, almost like he was in the begining of the story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mofo digs up jazzels dead body and fucks her (A PIECE OF YOU). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End.
    Group Members
    Panty-Face, Pick 'n' Choose, Steady Beat
    Guitars,Bass,Drums,Keyboards,Sampler,Drum Box,Body
    Buying Your First Gunn
    Press Reviews
    We have had a couple of Reviews for some shows we've donehere is out favorite:The Cronic(Jan. 14 2000) By Mike Trainor"Well folks here it is the new thing in this town and it is called Mofo Inc.These are a group of amazing musicians here but thats not what sells them. Its thier show.As good as the music is, its hard to remember it when you see the things I seen when they preformed a sold out concert at "The Lodge".........."Men and Women,Children of all ages I have seen the saviour of this towns music scene.and they call themselfs Mofo Inc." "It's shit like this that make me wish the Macerena were back." "Having a new home page doesn't make this shitty band any more better, or bearable"-Jason Kirby "MOFO Inc. are an alright band. Not as good as U2 or The Beatles"-Andrew Butt "kudos to mofoinc for half living up to the hype"-CurlyBall(you know, the guy from the terry suleys) "sorry to break it to you fella but you suck!!!!!you know you suck when the only lyrics you can come up with are just listing every fruit you can think of and you guitar sounds like shit by the way too"-Blazer88 "Have you ever heard of the butthole surfers? well, you sound like them"-French dude named Guy. "If you guys got your shit together, you'd sound like a good rip off of Andrew WK at best."-Andrew Daley.I'll admit i haven't actually listened to your stuff, but you guys suck"
    Additional Info
    Walking With an Erection ep, Acid Test(Single), Lay Land Demo
    Gander, Newfoundland - Canada

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