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    the second you wake up every day you are being sold and told what you like and why it used to be that it was just ads or commercials that would be marketing towards you but now tv shows, internet sites, movies and worst of all music is created to find a market and suck it dry, tell it what it likes and shows it why maybe you hate 'pop music' maybe you hate britney spears and you love avril lavigene, or nofx either way you are grouped into marketing plan and what you buy ends with you being bought. everyone hates corporate rock music, we think that this means manufactured bands like backstreet boys or johnny ray but its everything, it starts with genere, oh this band has distortion in its music so its rock or hard rock and they wear black so its death metal, not me or you, but 'they' group it all together and sell it, nofx is the 'non sell out band' of all time, but its still punk music that markets to punk music listeners, so yeah they dont have music on radio, or on video but isnt that 'punk'? would that be just what a punk fan would look for in a music band? if Spear's didnt realease music videos or songs to radio, her fans would think thats weird and not buy her music, even this message you're reading is marketing, maybe you'll agree with what im saying and deside to check out the music, but dont, its shit. being shitty is another music marketing device, like my band Mofo Inc. we suck and thats our thing, people listen to it, think its 'their' kind of humour and that they 'get it'. way to go. so they download it matt says something 'wacky' or 'off the cuff' people think he's crazy or some kind comic genius when in reality its all marketing, matt knows what you will think is offensive, anyone can too! heres a hint! be sexual, mention shit, boys, children, dicks, homosexuality is still the most offensive thing going today and you got yourself a marketing point, an audience, a chance to be something to someone, or you can be like me, the real brains of this operation saying fuck this pety music crap, this rape on my ears, fuck matt, fuck me, fuck you for coming here and most of all fuck music.
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    "Doin' Acid By Myself"genre: Pop
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    A catchy pop tune listing fruit and vegetables. Peaked at #38. Do we get any credit? no. CD: Buying Your First Gunn - buy it!buy it! CD: Acid Test(Single) - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Buying Your First Gunn   Label: Nadda Records
    Credits: Butt,Condon,Thomson
    "Rock n Roll(live demo)"genre: Leftfield
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    This is a rough take of our heavy like song thing. This is where Craigs contribution shines through. Great Song! This song is also climbing the charts as we speak. at last count its number 19. Possible the greatest song ever. CD: Buying Your First Gunn - buy it!buy it! CD: Acid Test(Single) - buy it!buy it!
    CD: BOTB Rehersal tape   Label: Nadda Records
    Credits: Ansty,Condon,Malone,Willis
    "Fresh Sign"genre: Industrial Electronic
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    First Ever Mofo Inc. Song. (back then we just called ourselfs mofo)
    CD: Buying Your First Gunn   Label: Nadda Records
    Credits: Sargent/Condon/Malone/Drover
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