A new version of one of the classic Life By Death song Fear. Originally written in 1998, the band has taken on many changes, one of those changes being that they now tune to B instead of E. Another of the many other changes that is apparent in this song, is that the band has become much tighter and they sound one heck of alot better as far as presentation is concerned. |
Credits: Music by Sheldon Cooper & Aaron Peer |
Speedy guitar riffs and classical influenced harmonies pour out from behind the pounding double bass. The adrenaline backs off but only long enough for the people in the mosh pit to catch their breath. This song has that Killing Culture soung to it. With some killer double bass patterns, some awesome vocals, and some crunchy guitar riffs, you come up with one of the heaviest LBD songs ever. |
Credits: Arranged by Sheldon Cooper & Aaron Peer |
Immediately takes off roaring with a thrash inspired intro complete with Gene Hoglan style drum and cymbal patterns. While the drums keep a more Machine Head and Sepultura style beat in the verse and chorus, the guitars blaze away with death metal style riffing. Through out the song the vocals remain heavy and brutal. The Slayer-ish sounding guitar fills only add to the atmosphere of this song. |
Credits: Music by Aaron Peer |