An ambivalent love song. It seems that "no account man," is still in love with his woman... no matter how many times he strays. All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and music by Sam Redman, performance by the No Account Man Band |
In spite of what people think about that no account man's Camel non-filters and his six-pack on the front seat, he knows what he knows, and he hopes that even cowboys can be forgiven. All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and music by Sam Redman, performance by No Account Man Band |
Livin' that life of the no account man has its penalties, and now he's left to relive those good times when she thought he was somethin' else. All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and Music by Sam Redman, performance by No Account Man Band |
That no account man is realizin' he's the one who done her wrong, and now he's havin' to work out those sad, sad memories in his head. Makes you feel all sorry for him, don't it? All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and Music by Sam Redman, performance by No Account Man Band |
That no account man messed around one too many times. Now, he's all alone and that's no fun. A party of one just isn't a party. All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and Music Sam Redman, performance by the No Account Man Band |
The no account man himself is a Daddy singin to his daughter, who has taken up with a guy just like the ole man himself,and Daddy No Account Man is worried about his little girl. All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and music by Sam Redman, performance by No Account Man band |
That no account man not gonna make any committments, except maybe he'll love her for today. Hey, he's bad, you knew that. Those one night stands are gettin' a little bit old, but he doesn't want anyone stakin' any claims. Its a rockin' song, but still country blues. All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and music by Sam Redman, performance by No Account Man Band |
Well, the no account man is just rememberin' some of the advice his ole granny gave him, and he's tryin' to blame his mistakes on the influence of "bad company." All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and music by Sam Redman, performance by No Account Man Band |
That No Account Man is left to look at the picture of that gal who left him, but he's alright he's learned to deal with it just by losin' his mind. All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and Music by Sam Redman, Performance by No Account Man Band |
Well, that No Account Man is tryin' to make it up to his ole lady, he knows he done wrong, he ain't ahidin' that, and he's gonna try his darndest not to ever stray agin. Well... at least til next time. All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and Music by Sam Redman, performance by No Account Man Band |
It's a song about forgettin' about that little gal.You know the one.But forgettin's just not somethin'that no account man can bring himself to do just yet. All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and Music by Sam Redman, performance by the No Account Man Band |
He's borrowed, and stolen. He's cheated and lied.That No Account Man has paid a steep price to learn that the good things are free. Maybe it'll be a lesson to you unless you are already a no account man yourself. All 12 songs are on a CD for only $7.98. |
MP3.com CD: No Account Man - buy it!
CD: No Account Man
Label: unsigned
Credits: Words and Music, Sam Redman. Performance by No Account Man Band |