The lyrical theme of "watch your back" in a modern-day chamber music setting scored for percussion, amplified strings and various members of the clavichord family. Mellifulous melodies abound. |
CD: Smirk
Label: Grab Bag
Credits: Stanley ©2000 Irascible Music BMI |
This song is just what it is, a happy silly pop song. No thematic subterfuge on this one (Really!). |
CD: Smirk
Label: Grab Bag
Credits: Stanley ©2000 Irascible Music BMI |
My token "alternative rock" song. Note the angst-y title. |
CD: "Smirk"
Label: Grab Bag Records
Credits: Written by Peter Stanley and Jeff DeWester. Copyright 2000, Irascible Music, BMI and See Dick Write Music, BMI |