This is a song with a catchy hook line for the chorus. The song is would have to be described as rock with a punk groove. It is about not knowing what to do with your life and listening to the people who influence you. The point of the song is what will you do when you look back at you life and realize you never did what you really wanted to, you just listened to what everybody told you and never took a chance. And before you know it, your time is up, hence the name "Reach for the Sky" |
CD: The Dominion
This song is your basic rock ballad about getting dumped and sitting on your ass pining about you lost love. The words are pretty descriptive about what you feel and go through when you get dogged by a chick. The name of the song really has no particular meaning other than the fact that we wrote it in the summer of 97, and it was raining the day we wrote it. |
CD: The Dominion
Another dramatic song with a clean tone guitar mixed with a heavy chorus. The song is about someone who was always there but when you needed them the most they were no where to be found. And kind of tells the story about just when everything seems to be perfect the world crashes down on you. It sucks when that happens so we wrote about it. |
CD: The Dominion