A plea to battered women to reach out for help. |
A plea to raise money to assist the legal battle being waged to honor Ted Williams' Last Will & Testament. |
reminder of old Indian proverb not to judge a man unless you've walked a mile in his mocasins. Supported by Jesus and his brother James, among others. |
CD: Thoughts
Song comparing the manna in the desert to now faith. |
CD: Geezers 4 Jesus
Credits: technical assistance- Richard Bifulco |
A prayer for another chance |
CD: Geezers 4 Jesus
Credits: technical assistance: Richard Bifulco |
A call to the Church to take action to avoid future Sept. 11's. |
CD: The Cup & Geezers4Jesus
Label: NA
Credits: Technical assistance: Al Chisare |
It is impossible to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and harbor unforgiveness in your heart. This song is meant to impress us with the plain truth of the gospel. Forgiveness is not an option to the Christian walk. |
CD: Geezers4Jesus
Label: NA
Credits: Technical assistance: Al Chisare |
Extols the virtue of belonging to a house church in the tradition of the new testament early church. |
CD: Geezers 4 Jesus
Credits: technical: Mike Tamer |
Song emphasizes need to count the cost before telling God you want to serve Him. |
CD: Geezers4Jesus
Label: NA
Credits: Technical assistance: Al Chisare |
Encourages older christians to continue steadfast in the Lord. |
CD: Geezers 4 Jesus
Credits: Technical: Mike Tamer |
A bright cheerful song about the spirit of Christmas, Santa and Jesus |
Credits: Brother Jim Schultz |