As in KISS' Dr. Love. As in Gene Simmons Dr. Love.
All Pygmie fans know that the band has great respect for the best show band of all time and wanted put one of thier favorties on their 2nd album.d |
CD: 3?
Label: BFE Records USA
Credits: Gene Simmons |
That's right.... It's The Partridge Family Song. |
Label: BFE USA
Credits: David Cassidy |
This song received a ton of radio play throughout the south, and actually went to number one in a lot of cities. It's hooky, and it's cheesy just like rock n roll is supposed to be. Check out the lyrics so that you can sing along, but be careful its one of those aongs that's hard to get out of your head.p |
MP3.com CD: Pyg Tracks Vol. 1 - buy it!
CD: 3?
Label: BFE Records USA
Credits: Written by:Scott Baggett |
Fast paced guitar rock song. Very hooky. You'll be singing this one.. |
MP3.com CD: Pygmie Compilation - buy it! MP3.com CD: Pyg Tracks Vol. 1 - buy it!
CD: 3?
Label: BFE
It's A Love Song |
CD: Pygmies LIVE
Label: BFE USA
So you wanna hear something from the first record? Well here you go. |
MP3.com CD: Pygmie Compilation - buy it!
CD: We Ain't From Athens
Label: BFE
A local DJ/Engineer remixed this song to make it more appropriate for the dance clubs„ |
CD: Dice
Label: BFE USA
Credits: Rusell Carver and Studio 550 |
CD: Dice
Label: BFE USA
Credits: Scott Bagget/ Randy Moore |
Very cool harmonies, |
MP3.com CD: Pyg Tracks Vol. 1 - buy it!
CD: 3?
Label: BFE USA
CD: 3?
Label: BFE USA
Credits: Scott Baggett/ Randy Moore |
CD: Dice
Label: BFE USA
Credits: Scott Bagget/ Randy Moore |
This is a phone conversation between ,ead singer Cameron and George Clinton. You know the Atomic Dog!!V |
CD: Dice
Label: BFE USA
CD: Dice
Label: BFE USA
Credits: Scott Baggett/ Randy Moore |
Credits: Blake Baumeier |
Not every band is from Athens GA you know. |
CD: 3?
Label: BFE USA
CD: Dice
Label: BFE USA
Credits: Blake Baumeier |
Often called the "Nah Nah Hey Hey" song by our fans. Great song to jump up and down to. |
MP3.com CD: Pygmie Compilation - buy it!
CD: Dice
Label: BFE
Credits: Written by Scott Bagget |
CD: We Ain't From Athens
Label: BFE Records
Arena Rocker.fl |
CD: Dice
Label: BFE USA
Credits: TT Bussey |
CD: 3?
Label: BFE Records
Three Chord rock and hooky. Sure it's simple but that's what rock is!!! |
CD: We Ain't From Athens
Label: BFE Records USA
Credits: Pygtone Music |
Very roots rock, and hooky as hell. This is a song that you will be singing later. Great for blasting in a convertable. |
MP3.com CD: Pygmie Compilation - buy it! MP3.com CD: Pyg Tracks Vol. 1 - buy it!
CD: We Ain't From Athens
Label: BFE Records
Credits: Blake Baumeier |
This is our first hit. This is the song that made us the bar stars we are today. It basically sucks but we still get plenty of requests for it. We haven't played it live in years. |
CD: We Ain't From Athens
Label: BFE Records USA
This is supposed to be a bit Punk Rockish but I think we blew it. |
CD: We Ain't From Athens
Label: BFE Records
CD: We Ain't From Athens
Label: BFE Records
Rip off of 19th nervous break down. Can you hear it? |
CD: We Ain't From Athens
Label: BFE Records
Credits: Pygtone Music |
Fairly alternative sounding tune for the Pygmies. Got some airplay on radio stations in the south. |
CD: Dice
Label: BFE Records USA
Credits: Scott Baggett |
The first song off of our 3? disk. A great song to get you going. |
MP3.com CD: Pygmie Compilation - buy it!
CD: 3?
Label: BFE Records
Rock song which appears in the major motion picture, The Babysitter, starring Alicia Silverstone |
CD: 3?
Label: BFE Records
Power ballad that will make you cry |
CD: We Ain't From Athens
Label: BFE Records
Credits: Blake Baumeier |