Thanks to everyone who listens, or has listened to our music here at MP3.com. You have helped us to buy a new gigging van! We may shortly have to cancel our premium artist status, as we are not a wealthy band, and it would appear we are going to make a loss each month. BUT ! We refuse to be bitter !! We've had a good run here at MP3.com, and made a lot of friends! This change should make no difference to you the listener. Our music will still be here for you to listen to. For that, we are still gratefull to MP3.com, as we are to all the OMD's that allow us to place our music for you to hear!
If you like our music, please buy our Dam CD here @ MP3.com. We realise it appears to be the more expensive option, we don't believe at this time that the net CD is a good option unless you have a "VERY" fast internet connection. We have priced the Dam CD as low as we can, as we want you to own one of our CD's!!
"When you've listened to our music, click on the Friends of Music link below, and meet our musician, and non musician friends"
 BURBs - The Webs' Best Kept Secret