Pay No Mind is a Wayward Angels homage to their Bluegrass influences. The band is clearly letting off steam after weeks of intense studio work.You can almost taste the Jack Daniels as Brennans hollers out for his band to cut loose with individual spotlights. The adrenaline and camaraderie makes Pay No Mind a blast to listen to.When the bands kicks into this ditty live the dance swells with a whack of greenhorn two-steppers looking like a mess of hillbillies straight outta the Kentucy hills Pay No Mind is enjoyed best with an ounce or two Sour Mash over ice or straight up. |
CD: Wayward Angels
Label: Red Rows Music
Credits: Brennan, Davis, Naccarato and Randazzo |
In From The Country Michael Brennan spins a tale of backwoods simplicity clashing with big city slickerness in this solid country rocker. In typical picturesque fashion Brennan weaves his tale to the backdrop of a 70's era country rocker. Cowbell and all. |
CD: The Wayward Angels
Label: Red Rows Music
Credits: Words and Music by Michael Brennan copywrite 1999 |
A fast 12-bar rocker You've Been On My Mind is a live favorite of Wayward Angel fans. On Cd they've managed to keep the spirit with hard edged playing. Obviously a fun song to record. |
CD: Wayward Angels
Label: Red Rows Music
Credits: copywrite words and music by Michael Brennan 1998 |