Imagine a man. Now imagine this person screaming. Now imagine this person unable to speak a word of English, blathering over 'Rock 1' and mashing the keys in cacaphony. Then you might be close to 'Doo! Doo!' |
CD: 'swm (single white male)'
Label: Asstaco Records
Credits: Solomon: Vocals, Casio ; Frank: mythology |
Back when the members of main~stream were young, budding conformists, they used to sing to the sounds of the Casio Chords from their dinky keyboard, pretending to be rock stars. Inspired from those humble beginnings comes "Perfectly Fine", a viciously absurd meditation on the melting away of adolescent rebellion. |
CD: '87'
Label: Asstaco Records
Credits: E. Robert Frank - Casio; Solomon: vocals |
There is always one man who stands at the party, the master of his domain. How long will his reign last? A bitterly sarcastic look at the popular guy from the corner. |
CD: '87'
Label: Asstaco Records
Credits: Solomon: Vocals, Guit/Bass; E. Robert Frank: Keys |