An introduction to the futuristic sounds of ballads ala Shock Chroic. With a srong vocal presenttion of yet another set of lyrics formt the stories of R. Stapleton. This slow moving song moves accross with a creeping tempo and a balladering solo from I. Gold with his strong masquline voice he draws you into his vocal pit. |
CD: Not yet released. Expected date is Winter 2000
Label: Not yet released
Credits: R.Stapleton&I.Gold |
Up tempo, hip hop beat, Electronic, Sweeping Wah Wah guitars, cool lyrics, excelent groove synth bass line and oh yeh! cool to dance to if you feel like dancing and brought your dancing shoes. |
CD: Soon to be released demonstration recording
Label: just a demo
Credits: R. Stapleton & I. Gold |
Music wise this song has heavy distortion synth's and a wild swirling chuga chuga guitar riff accompanied with a slicing stabbing guitar as well. All this combined with a great set of lyrics derived from The story books or R. Stapleton manipulated by I. Golds voice slicing through the back beats give this song a new cutting edge found no where else but in Brooklyn NY. |
CD: Shopping for a deal( Wana do business?)
Label: Demonstation
Credits: I. Gold & R. Stapleton |