1977 direct-to-disk recording of one of the CB's most favorite arrangements. -- One might approach a brass quintet arrangement of the Toccata and Fugue in D minor with some skepticism. Yet a mere 5 brass players cope with the endless (and breathless) running passages and the keyboard figurations of the piece in an outstanding demonstration of the brilliance of the Canadian Brass. |
MP3.com CD: Canadian Brass - Almost Live - buy it!
CD: Canadian Brass
Label: Umbrella
Credits: Fred Mills, arranger |
1977 direct-to-disk recording. -- This arrangement was commissioned by the Canadian Brass from the Montreal-born arranger Lee Norris, who lived in New York where he wrote for programs such as Sesame Street. The Canadian Brass had had considerable success with the music of Joplin and other ragtime composers and asked Norris to provide them with "something beyond ragtime but not modern jazz". The music of Jelly Roll Morton fills the bill perfectly. |
MP3.com CD: Canadian Brass - Almost Live - buy it!
CD: Canadian Brass
Label: Umbrella
Credits: Lee Norris - arranger |
The Dreydl is used for a children's game of chance. This is definitely the most famous of all Hanukkah tunes. In this arrangement the tune goes through many variations from cool jazz to hot jazz with a plaintive Klezmerian piccolo trumpet cadenza thrown in. |
CD: Holidays with Canadian Brass
Credits: arranged by Hanjian/Romm |